CCW and Alchohol

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OT, sorry Bumnote, no offense to you, but I am trying to picture someone unloading their range bag and such, and walking up to the range, all the while balancing a teaspoon of beer in their other hand... :):)
My wife and I went out for lunch today at our favorite local Mexican restaurant ... my rule is, I don't drink when carrying, and I had my faithful PM9 on my hip ... I broke my rule to have a beer, probably the first time in two or three years that I've had any alcohol while armed. I don't recommend it, I'll try not to do it again, and I have to say I think it's a bad idea. One beer with a full lunch (including excellent refried beans) isn't going to cause me any problems, but it's a slipperly slope I don't like sitting at the top of.
My point was having beer at the range. I thought that was pretty clear. The amount is inconsequential, I purposely used a ridiculously small amount as a demonstration.

My point is that no one is ever at 100% to begin with. You're always impaired to some extent. If you're talking to someone, distracted, not feeling well, tired, or taking Benadryl, you're already impaired to some extent. Your range says no alcohol whatsoever, because they have to draw the line somewhere, not because having a beer or two makes you unsafe.

There are plenty of reasons to abstain from drinking any amount of alcohol while carrying. Liability would be one. Maybe you're one of those people who just can't stop when you've had one beer. It could be illegal in your state. But I don't see it as inherently unsafe to have a small level of alcohol in your system.
wayneinFL said: But I don't see it as inherently unsafe to have a small level of alcohol in your system.

If we agree that alcohol impairs judgement (good luck trying to say it doesn't) ... you don't need that when carrying a weapon. We carry a weapon for protection and a jury will strongly consider that your judgement was flawed in the event you have to protect yourself with any level of alcohol in your system. If you want to go down that dangerous path then good luck to you ... your fantasy just might become a nightmare.
My self-imposed limit when I'm carrying is 1 beer. (that doesn't mean I'll drink one, it just means I'm allowed one) For the whole evening.

I've read somewhere that MN defines the BAC limit for carrying as 0.04% -- half the limit for driving, but I haven't looked that up in the statutes myself.
Gave up drinking many decades ago. Even if I did drink, I would never mix the two. Just like anything else, driving/operating machinery is something you should never do while intoxicated. :)
I'm kind of riding the fence with this one , and this is a situation that I've often thought about .

There was a story of some Einstein that was carrying one night while was was drinking heavily . While he didn't have to pull his weapon that night , he DID , however , leave his weapon on the toilet tank after he took a dump , zipped up , and walked out of the stall . By the time El Dumb-Ass knew what was up , and he went back to retreave his weapon , it was gone , as well as the dude that stole it . :eek:

If you can't limit yourself , you've got no business carrying .

I think Dirty Harry said it best when he said " A man's got to know his limitations " . :cool:
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