CCW and Alchohol

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Virginia fits into a nice little loophole I suppose if you want to call it that. You can carry concealed into a "bar" (we don't technically have bars in this state) and not drink. We also cannot carry a firearm in public and be "intoxicated." That law cites three other laws: drunk in public, DUI, and I believe felony maiming. This means that if you get busted for one of those three laws, you will have a "possession of firearm while intoxicated" tacked on top if you're carrying.

Solution: Leave firearm in car while at the bar, and don't drive drunk. Pretty simple. You could also carry unconcealed and drink, but expect to be asked to leave in most places.

Here's another thing to consider: You can get a DUI without being over the legal limit. If you act like you're driving drunk and the officer can articulate that sufficiently in court, and say he smells alcohol on you when he pulls you over, you have a decent chance of getting a DUI without the breathalyzer even coming out.
If I'm having dinner out with friends & family I'll carry but may (or may not) have one drink. I did the LE thing too long to be able to enjoy myself in bars. I don't go there, wouldn't go armed if I did. It's illegal in TX and probably a bad idea (at least) in other CCW states. A shooting that would be justified in any other circumstances would be very questionable in a bar. There's nothing in a bar worth jeopardizing my future over. Nothing.
There's nothing in a bar worth jeopardizing my future over. Nothing.
If it is worth someones future over then they might as well get rid of their guns and hand over their CC license. Because they are headed down that path.
Some things are really quite simple.

running around the seamy parts of town
Don't go there.

Yup--weapons and alcohol do not mix

9 people got shot at a nightclub on Christmas day here.
If that club is in the seamy part of town, then see first comment.

Here in the south bar hopping/dinner restaurants is a very social thing
Have lived in the South for 55+ years and haven't been bar hopping, yet I do many social things and Lord knows I've hit the eateries.

the opportunities to mix with women
Are you really interested in meeting women found in the seamy parts of town?

in a non-drinking environment
I thought the opening post was asking what others did in a drinking environment.

Anyhow, when you cross the Mississippi River into Arkansas, your question becomes moot as it's not legal to carry in a bar. As an additional thought, our state powers-which-be did not want to appear prejudiced against drunks so we can’t carry in church either.
It is unfortunate that most high end clubs and bars are either right in the middle of or just outside very seedy/dangerous areas, especially if you live near a major city. I have two vehicles, one rather expensive and one very average. I no longer take the expensive one to clubs or downtown much at all just because it draws all kinds of unwanted attention, both from would-be carjackers and police. I also drink very little these days. Better to be aware of the world around you at all times.

Regarding packing heat, from a common sense standpoint (and more importantly, the law) guns and heavy alcohol usage do not mix. The song "10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof" is based on fact.
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Two options...

don't carry or be the designated driver.

Reality its' just a catch for CPLers, given that on local TV after the "shall issue" passed in Michigan and the local station for the Tigers was showing the game and clown off the right rear corner of batters box. went to grab a foul.
On TV shows his semi-suto droppong out on the ground, he fumbles its with left hand as the right hand keep the beer bottle from leaking.

Was wildly criticized asn why gin owner s could not be trusted.

two days later is was revealed the person of deridement, was a Detroit cop, on-duty and undercover. :eek:

No further comments from the embarrassed news reader!
Jroth--drinking while posting to a forum is illegal too :D

And for those of you who disdain drinking at all and/or going out clubbing--I finally figured out the REAL reasons for that too: 1) you stopped drinking because all that money going down the drain is needed to buy ammo to hurl money down-range instead; and 2) you don't go out on Friday or Saturday nights because you are either visiting the local GS or cleaning weapons.

Am I right? :D
Some good posts so far and I agree with a lot of what has been said. My personal choice is to not imbibe alcohol, I just don't see the point of intentionally impairing myself. I also see it a big waste of money among other things.
Some additional information. In Louisiana, DUI is .08. Your LA CCW is considered 'suspended' if you are .05 BAC.

So, for me, no drinking and guns. If I want to drink, I stay home, or find a safe place to drink.

"A permittee may not carry and conceal a handgun while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) as defined in R.S. 40:961 and 964. For purposes of the concealed handgun law, a permittee is considered under the influence of alcohol when a blood alcohol reading of .05% or greater by weight of alcohol in the blood is obtained, or a blood or urine test shows any confirmed presence of a CDS.

The permit to carry a concealed handgun shall be revoked by the deputy secretary when the permittee is carrying and concealing a handgun under any of the following circumstances:

The blood alcohol reading of the permittee is .05% or greater by weight of alcohol in the blood;

The permittee's blood test or urine test shows the confirmed presence of a CDS as defined in R.S. 40:961 and 964;

The permittee refuses to submit to a department certified chemical test when requested to do so by a law enforcement officer.

R.S. 40:1379.3(L) provides that anyone who carries and conceals a handgun in violation of any provision of this Section, unless authorized to do so by another provision of the law, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for not more than six months, or both."
In Rhode Island, it has been determined to be illegal to be intoxicated and armed, even in the privacy of your own home. With 0.08 BAC being the legal limit.

If I go out with my gun, I do not drink. It's unfortunate but all the cops know this judicial ruling.

It is what it is. Stop drinking or stop worrying. No other options in my state...
I don't understand the total phobia between alcohol and firearms. In Europe is isn't unusual at all to get together for a glass or two of wine, shoot a match, and then have dinner and a more wine. No one gets shot at these matches.

In Nevada the legal limit for ccw carry (or open carry) is 0.10, higher than driving at 0.08. If you're in your home there is no limit, you can have your firearm. You can carry in any establishment regardless of alcohol being served or not.

Your possible alcohol level isn't the concern -- if it's a good shoot the weapon, ammo, or your alcohol level won't matter, it's a good shoot. If it's a bad one, nothing else matters.

I don't advocate for sloppy fall down drunk carry, but there is nothing wrong with a glass of wine or beer with dinner and carry.
I don't advocate for sloppy fall down drunk carry, but there is nothing wrong with a glass of wine or beer with dinner and carry.

Most state laws say otherwise. Also, if you are involved in a shooting do you want the defense attorney to have that weapon against you? They could simply say that you were impaired and acted irrationally.

Just remember what carrying a firearm entails. You have a deadly weapon in your posession and control. You have a huge responsibility and you represent a large group of individuals that also carry. Respect the permit and just leave the gun at home if you must drink.
Most state laws say otherwise. Also, if you are involved in a shooting do you want the defense attorney to have that weapon against you? They could simply say that you were impaired and acted irrationally.

Just remember what carrying a firearm entails. You have a deadly weapon in your possession and control. You have a huge responsibility and you represent a large group of individuals that also carry. Respect the permit and just leave the gun at home if you must drink.
I agree. I also agree that you should be able to have 1 glass of wine or 1 beer and still be able to carry. But I also know in Oklahoma it is against the to carry under the influence of alcohol or drugs and in the law I have not seen where it gives a definition of what is determined to be under the influence. So it is best not to do it at all here. Stay home and be safe is the way I am going to be.
Fortunately I do live in a state that is very clear on what is acceptable for firearm carry and alcohol consumption.

And in any case, I have offered a real example of mature and responsible adults using firearms and alcohol with no bad outcomes. Why is it necessary to not allow anyone to have the freedom to consume any amount of alcohol when carrying a firearm? Do we select only those freedoms that we want to have because they are important to ourselves?

If you are unable to have a single drink and stop, then don't carry yourself. Don't restrict those among us who are able to do so responsibly.
(alcohol at Swiss ranges)
I dunno--as one other poster already said I would be more worried about response from law community than the relative risk from BG's--though it is a tough choice. Given the general negative public attitudes towards drinking and driving I figure carrying and drinking is a quick path to ending up in serious trouble. Cops are nervous about concealed carries in vehicles as is--now throw in the additional wrinkle of possible impairment (their judgement, not yours) and it seems too risky to me.
Consider that many legislators in the various state legislatures, want their constituents to "feel" safe; not necessarily be safe.

They, therefore, write laws which presume that the individual should give up the choice to determine whether he/she is competent to make the judgment to drink an alcoholic beverage, carry a deadly weapon, and use it in self-defense if the situation is perceived to arise.

I would prefer that all laws were written considering three things:
1) Is there a conflict of rights?
2) If yes, then does the Constitution grant the power to the State to act to resolve the conflict?
3) If yes, is the law written to actually remedy the conflict and in the least intrusive manner possible?

As hard as it is to prove self-defense when no alcohol is involved, adding in to the fact pattern that the shooter/defendant had consumed alcohol . . . . well that makes it tougher for the defense.

How many people on the jury would be ready to condemn the defendant for bad judgement in choosing to both consume alcohol and carry a weapon? Then the next step for the jury is to think that the defendant continued in that bad judgment and that the defendant was not justified to use deadly force.

I accept that when I carry a concealed handgun I am willing to take verbal abuse (and such) and do every reasonable thing to avoid escalating to the use of deadly force. I also accept that I do not consume alcohol when I carry.

I rarely drink more than one alcoholic beverage on any day. A six pack of beer lasts me a couple of months, unless my sons get them first.
When I used to drink and go bar hoping with my friends I'd usually end up blind drunk and belligerent. One of the many reasons I don't touch alcohol any more. When I did drink in the past, I'd make sure the guns were locked up for the night.
kinoons said:
In Europe is isn't unusual at all to get together for a glass or two of wine, shoot a match, and then have dinner and a more wine. No one gets shot at these matches.

Maybe no one gets shot but who gets the better scores, the ones that drink or the ones that don't?

I wouldn't mind passing a bottle around before a highpower match if I could get away with not drinking any myself. :)
95% of all the stupid, costly, embarassing and hurtful things I have done in my life I did while somewhere north of 0.08% BAC. Thankfully none have ever involved firearms. I choose to not drink these days but it's not for some moral hang-up or anything of that nature. Simply put, I'm better sober. Doesn't matter the situation or context, I am better sober.

You want to drink? Have at it. Just don't drive and don't carry.
Your senses and responses get dulled with alcohol--that's a well-proven, scientifically documented fact Jack. I suppose there's a certain logic that practicing that way makes some sense--like practicing in low light. The fighter types (or players on women) experience a loosening of inhibitions.
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