CCW and Alchohol

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My take is CCW and booze is the same as driving and booze. Neither is a good mix and should be avoided in the combinations above.
Booze impairs judgment and motor skills, bad mix with wheels and even a worse mix with a devise that can send objects at close to 1/4 mile per second (depending on caliber)
In KY, it is illegal to ccw in a place that serves alcohol by the drink. My friends and I have always agreed though, that legal or not, carrying and booze don't mix. We may have a few after a day at the range, but never before or during. In fact if we are going to be drinking, we divest ourselves of knives too.
If I drink at home, technically I'm in possession of a couple of NFA items in addition to handguns, etc.


First, don't drink and drive. Second, don't drink and carry. If you're not drinking and driving, then it doesn't matter whether your gun is on you or in your glove box. If you are going to drink (anywhere other than your own home), leave the car and the gun at home. Third, Going into a bar with a gun is always a bad idea in my opinion - regardless of laws.
In Texas one cannot go to locations where 51% of revenues are made via alcohol sales (there are sepcific signs on those locations, but basically any bar). Additionally there is the default requirement that you cannot be impaired. It is important to tnote that IIRC the alochol standard has not been adjudicated. While .08 is the requirement for driving, any impairment may be sufficient.
Fortunately I do live in a state that is very clear on what is acceptable for firearm carry and alcohol consumption.

And in any case, I have offered a real example of mature and responsible adults using firearms and alcohol with no bad outcomes. Why is it necessary to not allow anyone to have the freedom to consume any amount of alcohol when carrying a firearm? Do we select only those freedoms that we want to have because they are important to ourselves?

If you are unable to have a single drink and stop, then don't carry yourself. Don't restrict those among us who are able to do so responsibly.
(alcohol at Swiss ranges)

You're arguing like we have a choice. most don't. Others don't feel the need to take the risk. Alcohol is not particularly important to them.
I would not even have a sip if I am out and about when I have my gun with me. Seeing how some states don't define what it is to be impaired or under the influence . So they could say one sip and you are UTI. So I don't even want to take the risk. If you want to drink get it from the store and take it home.
CCW and Alcohol

A very experienced and wise person told me many years ago:

#1: Don't do stupid stuff.

#2: Don't go to stupid places.

#3: Don't hang out with stupid people.

It has served me well and I try to pass it along when appropriate.
If I showed up at my range with a tablespoon of beer, my butt's getting tossed out the door...because its not safe. So why should it be any different when I carry? Why can't police have just one single drink while on duty? It's not safe and it impares judgement. Both of us could find ourselves needing to use a firearm in SD in the same exact manner under the same circumstances...and they have more training than 99% of us so why should it be different for Joe Citizen? I can carry in VA at a bar, if I don't drink...which makes perfect sense to me. If I'm not going to enjoy myself or have as much fun, my problem isn't with laws, my problem is with alcohol.
Im 22 years old and I live in Texas and have my CHL I have become more responsible as a young adult do to the fact that I have taken on the responsibility's of being a CHL Holder. I have found that I can still go out and have fun without having a drink. its better to have a sound mind and make good judgments than to be impaired and take the chance of messing up the rest of my life to alcohol and firearms
+1 to everything GlockedNLoded32 said above me^^^^. If I want to get a good buzz or whatever, I choose to stay home or just go to a close friends' house. Even disregarding CC while drinking, I just can't find a good reason to go "out drinking" instead of staying in; too many stupid people out there to be worth it IMHO. I did the whole clubbing thing before I started CC'ing, and don't miss a second of it.

Basic rule is guns and alcohol don't make a good combination. Adding drunk and potentially combative strangers to the thinks not. Also:

95% of all the stupid, costly, embarassing and hurtful things I have done in my life I did while somewhere north of 0.08% BAC.

So true, so true, I would expect for a lot of people; we all live and learn!
I used to tend bar, did it for years. I quit drinking somewhere in that, I saw folks after one drink, or many drinks. I sure dont ever wish to act like they do just cause I was drunk. Saw a guy smash a full bottle of beer on his wifes head.... saw folks pass out and pee all over my floor which I had to clean up. Then lets go over to the bathrooms.... yeck both were bad after a friday or saturday nite of fun.....

drunk people turn me off.
GlockNLoaded32: Im 22 years old and I live in Texas and have my CHL I have become more responsible as a young adult do to the fact that I have taken on the responsibility's of being a CHL Holder. I have found that I can still go out and have fun without having a drink. its better to have a sound mind and make good judgments than to be impaired and take the chance of messing up the rest of my life to alcohol and firearms

I complement you on a mature attitude in my opinion toward concealed carry and alcohol. At that young age, I had neither CHL nor a mature attitude. I too live in Texas. :D
In my state, the standard for CCW is the same as for driving. In Nevada, there aren't many places that don't serve alchohol and have slots, with, typically, the bar and dining room adjoined, or even in the same room.

Your only option would be to travel thru the state utilizing fast food only or bypass all small towns.

It's not recommended that any alcohol be consumed, however, since that can become a club to beat you over the head with---in civil court, if not criminal. Any alcohol on the breath at all, after a shooting, will bring you under strict scrutiny.
In GA, you can lawfully carry in a bar and drink. Half of my social activities used to revolve around bar trivia, and I preferred to slowly work on one or two beers, rather than chug water or soda and explain to everyone that I had a gun. :D
If I showed up at my range with a tablespoon of beer, my butt's getting tossed out the door...because its not safe.

A tablespoon of beer is not safe? Really? I kinda understand if they have to draw the line somewhere but if you think any beer at all is inherently unsafe, you probably shouldn't shoot in the afternoon or evening when you're tired, shouldn't shoot when you have a cold, and shouldn't ever talk to anyone while shooting.
My point was having beer at the range. I thought that was pretty clear. The amount is inconsequential, I purposely used a ridiculously small amount as a demonstration. :rolleyes:
Might want to reconsider carrying and drinking in that GA bar:


O.C.G.A. § 16-11-127 (2011)

§ 16-11-127. Carrying weapons in unauthorized locations; penalty

(1) "Bar" means an establishment that is devoted to the serving of alcoholic beverages for consumption by guests on the premises and in which the serving of food is only incidental to the consumption of those beverages, including, but not limited to, taverns, nightclubs, cocktail lounges, and cabarets. "

Firearms can only be brought in with express permission of the bar owner--but that's a far cry from a blanket "lawfully." The use of firearms is a little vague in reference to where and when with alchohol (except under the general threat to life and under .08)--but considering all the roadblock checkpoints and dragnets I've experienced driving through GA--well, ya take ya chances.
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