CCW and Alchohol

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Since getting my CCW--whenever my friends ask me out for an evening of bar hopping, I routinely leave the firearm behind. Even if I do drink without carrying, I now restrict myself to 2 beers at most--I don't want to get nailed for DUI.

The irony of it is that running around the sometimes seamy parts of town means the chances of a bad event are probably somewhat elevated. But I believe the mere possession of a loaded weapon with alcohol present or imbibed of any volume is a crime itself--permit or not (may vary from state to state).

I know that one solution is to have a "designated CCW non-drinker" in your group--but that's not always possible in my situation. How do others deal with this situation? (I'm not lurking or trolling to get someone in trouble).
i just leave mine in the truck, but i can't "bar hop". i'm 18... been in the situation though. regardless of age or where i'm at mine is always at least in the truck
It's legal to drink and carry in Utah unless one is impaired (the impairment standard is the same as that for driving a vehicle). If I choose to have a glass of wine with dinner, I feel just as safe and responsible to carry as I do to drive home...and it would be just as legal.
i dont know your states disposition but i woulnt count on it that the law anywhere wouldnt stretch the word "impairment" in Texas it has become .08 which pretty much means any alcohol at all or anything they want it to. i ve been in a few ordeals in some seedy bars here where i live and id have to say im far more afraid of the cops and prosecutors than i am of the criminals and id have to take my chances there instead.
Whether you drink or not, in many states it's illegal to carry into a bar (defined as an establishment where >51% of income comes from alcohol).

Of course, we have no way of knowing if that applies since you don't have your state listed in your profile.
I'm in the same situation as the OP. Leave the EDC in the car (glove compartment or locked case) when going out to the bars or your typical watering holes. Its mostly illegal to carry in a bar/club anyway.

The only event you could carry and drink would be a house party, and even then I would be very careful depending on the people there and how much alchohol is consumed.
Danger Will Robinson!

If you get into a situation where you must put holes in some jerks lungs the last thing you want is booze in your system.

There is a saying about how every bullet must have a lawyer attached to it. If you have been drinking (and therefore you judgement could be in question) you had best not be shooting unless it is a truly dire situation (and you have sober witnesses)
If I know I'll take even one sip of alcohol, my guns stays at home. Try explaining that to a jury ... drinking and guns don't mix; it's a disaster waiting to happen.
I pretty much outgrew drinking once I got married and started a family. I'll have a beer every now and then, but don't carry when I do.
Yup--weapons and alcohol do not mix--though in TN it is in fact legal to carry in a bar (but not drink at the same time). 9 people got shot at a nightclub on Christmas day here.
If you want to go out drinking with your buddies but you want your gun for protection so your night of drinking is not ruined by a bad guy, you take your chances with fate and law. CCL laws are not designed around your desire to party. You are expected as a CCL holder to be level headed and responsible and NOT under the INFLUENCE. It is just like any other license, forklift, car, CDL, go down the list. Common sense will tell you it's a trade off. I believe that is a good thing.
First off I only drink at home on my property, and second, why do people go to "seedy" bars in the first place??? Can ya'll not find reputable establishments to do your drinking??? Even during my bar hopping days there were places I wouldn't go because of the clientele or the looks of the place, use some better judgement!!!
Here in the south bar hopping/dinner restaurants is a very social thing that all segments of the city population do. Keep in mind I already said my firearm stays home if I know I'm going to have a drink--and even if I don't drink it still stays home if others with me might be drinking. Although the law here allows it--I personally consider the mix too volatile for me to effectively and knowingly deal with. And what drinking I do has dropped to near zero since getting CCW--but I still get invited to parties and such, and as a single guy the opportunities to mix with women in a non-drinking environment--well, you get the idea.
Legal or smart

Like anything else you have to draw your own line. What is legal may not be smart and what is smart may not be legal. In VT i can take a gun more places than most of you can bars included.

If im headed out to get blitzed (has only happened once in the last 4 years) no gun is coming along. If im stopping with a buddy for a beer after work it stays in the holster. My point here is mindset. You should have your own code of common sense and stick to that.

Thanks, Vermonter
WOW, after reading each post I have come to the following conclusions.

They reflect honor, respect, and loyalty. I only wish the “general” public could read and understand these posts. From what I see in the paper, there appears to be fear or loathing of those who carry. We are viewed as “gun slinging loonies with small brains looking for a fight”. What I see are law abiding citizens, respecting others to protect their families and friends.

I am proud to be a member of this group and not the “general” pubic.
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