CCW 1911


This has not moved to a reholstering debate, but it is still a commentary on holsters. Some of us just strongly believe that you must be able to reholster one handed to do it safely and that is a very important part of holster selection. How do you do a two handed reholster into a floppy holster without sweeping your other hand? Do you put the holster on with a loaded pistol in the holster?

I have a number of very good and fairly expensive holsters, but if cost is a problem, the hard plastic (kydex) holsters from Uncle Mike, Blade Tech and Forbus are excellent. My daily carry holster in the USA is an OWB Galco, strong side between 3:00 and 4:00, but I just came back from 2 months in Afghanistan and there I wore a Blade Tech. The sand over there will get into the leather, but plastic is easy to wipe off.
I am new to this forum but not to CCW.

This has been a good read and wanted to just give my .02 cents worth.

I purchased my Para Ordnance P14-45 back in 2001 looking for a full sized 1911 to carry concealed.
I purchased different ammo and worked on the gun and to make a long story short, came up with a extremely reliable self defence gun to carry.

That took about a year of testing and tinkering to get what I have now.
A high capacity .45 that will go bang everytime I pull the trigger.

Next was a concealed carry rig.

When it comes to self defense, money is a moot point.

Hell, I paid $600. for that pistol in 2001.

So I purchase a Milt Sparks VM II and their 1.5" belt.
The VM II is horse hide with the shark skin trimmings.

I have been carrying this outfit for 8 years.

I carry at 2:00 to 2:30, can drive, walk do anything and sometimes I forget it is there.

I practice drawing and reholstering one handed of coarse.
I do not draw with 2 hands and also do not reholster with 2 hands(would seem a little odd dont you think ?)

Bottom line is a reliable pistol with a good holster followed with a good belt.
The belt is for retention of the comfortable holstered handgun.

It has worked for me and your mileage may vary...

I have a stiff belt...a 5.11 thats actually plastic with a black "laminate" coveron it. Works well, but the laminate is thin and peels easily. May have to take a magic marker to it. About $30 or so. Works reasonable well, just not well constructed.
You have just hit upon the "cost" of inexspensive low quality gear.

You can spend less multiple times for a grand total that surpasses spending more once.

CCW considerations.

I"ll second the Versa Max 2, my government model 1911 & H&K compact both ride in one while ccwing.

I went to a saddle shop around where i live for a belt, found the one i wanted. Function was first priory.

I can see where Monterey concerns might dictate what holster and belt combos are used. But as another poster pointed out "cheap" ain't the way to go in this endeavor.

Thanks & good luck.


CCW 1911
I have a Taurus PT1911 (no bashing please)-and let me first start off that I love the gun as it is the most accurate handgun I have shot.
Secondly I finally got a CCW holster for it (Uncle Mikes IWB LH holster) and decided to carry lastnight. Let me tell you, a 1911 is so much more comfortable to carry due to it's slim profile-compared to my SAXD .357.

Also, I am curious which draw position is the best in general?

I am a thin muscular build so I don't have much meat on my torso for a cushion to compress the gun against me.
[some of OP deleted]

My response is focused on the question of which position is best.

I have personally carried my concealed 1911 in a IWB holster at the 3 o'clock position for about 25 years. I carry the same weapon, in the same holster, at the same position so I will always have the same response if needed to draw the weapon.
An illustration of just how concealable a full sized 1911 is in a IWB under a shirt:

That is a photo of me carrying this stuff:

Uploaded with
The belt is now about 30 years old and is vitally important to carrying the weight of the handgun and magazine pouch.
Idahoser said:
in case anybody's interested in another point of view on the reholstering issue...
Nonsense. All Suarez is commenting on is re-holstering without looking. He is not challenging the need to be able to re-holster one handed. And AFAIK, Suarez is the only instructor of any note promoting that view.

really? That's what you call my posting a link? I think maybe you're a little charged up over this. You might want to back off a little, nobody's questioning your manhood. I posted a link. Get over yourself.
Idahoser said:

really? That's what you call my posting a link?...
Well, that's what I call your posting that link in the context of the discussion we were having. The focus of that discussion was re-holstering one handed (with a subtext of doing so without looking). What does Suarez' comment on re-holstering without looking have to do with re-holstering one handed?