CC empty vs live chamber

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Always chambered. They're designed to be carried that way.

Keyword in the word gunfight is "fight".

I recommend you take a force on force class with simunition rounds and attempt to carry in that manner.

Nothing is more eye-opening than a force on force class to dispell all these silly myths.

Knife attacks, unchambered rounds, weird carry positions, etc.
Actually safer than revolvers were at the time they were introduced (or that was the perception), yet it solved the 'cocked and locked' debate. Pull and fire. Triple safety design with the simplicity of a revolver. As much as I like 1911's, I'd never carry one as a personal protection. Not because the design is unsafe, but because I've never developed muscle memory to trust my life to it. Well that, and the weight.

No, a Glock is not safer than a revolver, not a post WWII double action revolver or a Single Action revolver with a transfer bar similar to a New Model Ruger. There have been WAY more ND's with Glocks than there were with revolvers.

Military/LE veteran here with almost 4 decades of service. I carry Glocks or revolvers, same operation, point and click (boom).
I carry one in the chamber, the mag topped off and I carry a BUG so that's 2 with one in the pipe. Foolish to do otherwise.

The only time I support one not in the chamber is a long gun carried in a vehicle, I carry them cruiser ready.
I knew and the "click" DID buy him time to save his life.

I’m sure it has happened more than once. I just don’t think it is a good or balanced solution. Weapons retention training is a better solution that doesn’t slow you down or require a two-handed draw.
Try running a gun with one hand. Been there when injured and in an injured shooter class which I took when I had a broken wrist and ribs. I took it anyway. Why not?

Easy to get a hand injured or tied up in a fight. So drop the low probability hypotheticals and be realistic.
And it would be extremely rare for the extra 1/2 second to really matter

I am, probably to a fault, of the mind that one should not deploy deadly force against another human unless and until no other option is prudently available and all other reasonable options have been attempted. I'm not sure how inconsequential that half second is.
I'm not sure how inconsequential that half second is.

That depends on the situation. I have been carrying a gun into harms way for almost 40 years. I have thus far been able to mitigate a quick draw to save my life, but there have been times when I had one hand occupied and needed to draw.

In the right situation it is life or death. I am unwilling to take that chance and trained and experienced to the point that it is unnecessary.

It was the right answer for the Israelis post WWII with the influx of oddball guns and an untrained populace.
One simple test is to do some realistic FOF for those of us who haven't been in professions that led them into life threatening situations.

See how the unchambered gun works in various problems to be solved. Half a second is pretty long.
Tueller drill aside, irrelevant in SD for the most part. Unless he has presented a weapon it does you no good at all. Your personal space is not 21 feet.

A criminal is going to close to within striking distance before he does anything at all. His body language may or may not broadcast his intent. You will need that off hand to clear your space, to establish distance. That is why it is important that you be able to draw and fire your weapon with one hand.

25 years in corrections teaches you how criminals act.
Allways, when out and about, holstered? Chamber loaded, Glock 19.
Except when babysitting, our two wee ones, who climb all over us! Little boy 5 Young Lady, seven. Track pants, right pocket. Dressed to travel, Kydex holster, chamber never loaded.
Way back in the day when I carried a Titan that didn't have a transfer bar, yea - empty chamber. Nowadays, always with one in the pipe. To me, carrying with an empty chamber is almost as bad as carrying an unloaded gun.
When I started carrying, it was with an empty chamber. For me, it was just a mental thing. I needed to get comfortable with the gun and learn to trust myself and the safety mechanisms. Now I carry with a round in the chamber without a second thought.
Here's a pretty well known set of video explaining the risk of unchambered carry. There is really NO good reason for it if you have a modicum of practice and training. Someone will ask it again and we will get the same set of answers.

It ranks with firing a warning shot, racking the shotgun to scare away an opponent and other silliness.
Runs With Fire asked:
CC empty vs live chamber?

Doesn't matter.

Pick one OR the other. Carry that way consistently. Train that was regularly. The well-trained, well-drilled shooter has the advantage.
hdwhit a well trained, well drilled defender with an empty gun is at a real disadvantage when compared to one with loaded firearm. Your assertion that it makes no difference is foolish. No professional, or anyone with even a little
training would make that claim. On what is your claim based?
I'm going to be just as careful with my CC if it is unloaded as I am if it is loaded and in my holster or purse. I wouldn't feel 'prepared' if I didn't have a bullet in the chamber.

~ Jazz

"Be Prepared." The Boy Scout motto. Or would that now be... the Scout Motto? :rolleyes:
I can't believe this, obviously too many have never suffered a surprise attack. No, you don't see them coming, they are on you in an instant. I can't tell you how many times I have been in that exact situation and didn't even have time, or the hands, to draw my OC.

So if you count on being able to clear enough space and avoid contact long enough to rack a slide then I say go for it, ain't my butt in the fire.

Seriously, if you are afraid of that loaded chamber do yourself a favor and carry a revolver with the hammer down on an empty chamber, cowboy style.

Understand that if you do have distance and that brief moment of time that perp is going to shoot you before you can get a round in the chamber. I guarantee he is not on a dead chamber.
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