carrying the percussion revolver


New member
Just wondering how many folks out there sometimes carry a bp revolver while about in public? My sheriff barrel Pietta Remmy sometimes takes the place of my Uberti Hombre .357.
I think it is very admirable that you folks want to carry a very good pistol, albeit a BP single action pistol with no possibility of a fast reload. Your best bet is to carry a second pistol as a second reload. Are you folks carrying the same as Wild Bill with two Navies in his sash?

Sorry, folks, my carry gun is a 1911 .45 with extra mags.

The idea of carrying a BP Colt or replica these days insofar as of all of the terrorist actions is not fathomable. Maybe as a SP/HP/HD pistol is fine, but we are in the 21st century and facing folks with better firepower.

It is facetious to think one can hold off any more than one attacker with a BP single action revolver, if that.

Let's just relegate that to the past.
Well...sort of depends on the situation that you anticipate. A few more mags might not matter. Seems to me that the majority of attacks are by a single attacker. Not always, usually.

In some situations the black powder pistols might even have an advantage. They make lots of noise, especially on the business end. Some attackers may have never heard them. Heck, if you're close, maybe indoors, you might even momentarily stun your attacker with all that fire, smoke and boom, even if you miss. They might even drop their weapon or run. Might give you a chance to move (you better move) and shoot again if you must. Smoke might confuse him (or her) into shooting at the smoke and not you...if you move.

Anyway if I'm forced into it, and could not get away...... I would want as few shots as possible for lots of reasons. When the LEO gets there, they won't know who attacked who, and whoever is holding a gun is a shooter. I would never want to be in a protracted gun fight.

With BP, I would be more worried about losing a cap than only having six shots. Concealed carry might be hard with a BP cap and ball, and I think I would prefer concealed to open carry for self defense. So yeah, it would probably be a small auto.

But with BP, I'll bet most attackers today would think they were being fired on with a cannon. :)
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Well, if you want to shock and awe with Black Powder you are going to be better off shooting a cartridge gun loaded with Black Powder cartridges. Then you get the best of both worlds, huge amount of smoke and flame, and the ability for reasonably quick reloads.

Although, if I felt the need to be armed, I think I would favor a K frame 357 Mag, like this S&W Model 65-3.


I certainly would not bring a Cap & Ball revolver to a gun fight. I have had C&B revolvers since 1968. In that amount of time I have seen caps fall off the nipples far too many times to risk relying on one in a life or death situation.

I carry a Makarov PM. But, some will say even that isn't enough, and is too dated, and only the newest highest capacity most powerful gun will keep you safe.

I won't be carrying a C&B pistol anytime soon, but it's better than harsh words.
I carry one when I'm out and about around here for snakes and such. When I was a kid I walked the river banks hunting mocassins with one. Killed a lot of them too but I wouldn't carry one for defense against two legged snakes. I have carried a five shot .38 S&W with no reloads and was comfortable with that. I have carried my 73 Uberti in 44-40 with 6 rounds and was comfortable with that but my favorite is my 1911 with eight rounds. No I don't carry extra mags. I'm not a spray and pray kind of guy and if I can't do it with eight rounds 18 prolly not going to do me any good.
Better than a Bow & Arrow or Sling Shot.

I carry a Glock 19 or FN Hi Power, each with a backup magazine. I recently picked up a S&W Shield for pocket carry but am still working on learning the trigger and sights. Not sure it will be a keeper.
I am with HAWG, snakes etc the six shooter is fine. I don't frequent places with crowds, then my '03 Colt Pocket seems good enough to me.
What is the old adage, 2 seconds, 2 shots, 2 feet!
Wonder what Wild Bill would be carrying if he were around today.
Bet it wouldn't be cap and ball any more.
My Remington is fun for the range, but that's all - unless there was no other choice.
Can't imagine what it would do to the house if fired indoors.
Might do a good job in clearing out the ants and cock roaches, though.
I don't open carry and black powder wouldn't be my first choice either.

First, black powder revolvers tend to be a mite bit bigger than their cartridge counterparts.

Second, the cartridge counterparts tend to be a mite bit faster to reload.

Third, in the event you have to discharge it in self-defense, your sidearm is confiscated as evidence and isn't returned until you are cleared of criminal wrongdoing. Guess who doesn't get to clean it until then and I can assure you that the police won't be cleaning it for you.
Track Of The Wolf and Winchester Sutler carries "nipple sleeves" for percussion revolvers. They are small cut pieces of plastic tubing that tightly fit over a capped nipple and still expose the top of the cap. Waterproof and tight enough to guarantee that the cap will not fall off or get wet. A loaded, capped and sleeved Remington 1858 is just as formidable as a 1873 SAA loaded with modern JHP ammo.

If a sober person had been standing at or near the front of Pulse Nightclub, and was armed with a Colt Navy or 1858, and is a calm, level-headed good shot, how much you want to bet he wouldn't be able to give that dirtbag terrorist a brain cavity enema with one shot during one of the pauses when that waste of oxygen actually STOOD STILL and texted on his phone with his AR hanging at his side.

I think I would actually prefer the 1858 to make that shot because of it's accuracy and great sight picture. That or any other single action revolver. One shot difference. And less chance of hitting an innocent because you are not pumping that trigger like a bottle of Windex.

I occasionally carry my Pietta 1858 when I am in a seedy place, especially when driving a delivery truck and have to stop at certain cities where it is just not quite serene. Never had a incident. Caps are always sleeved. And all rounds fired fine even after months of being loaded and the gun exposed to rain and snow.
Nope. Defense is not a game and nostalgia has no place here. I look for every advantage I can get and will cheat to win if that's what it takes to go home at the end. A BP revolver is NOT going to provide that advantage no matter how much you want to believe it will. My carry piece is not some sort of talisman I wear to ward off evil with romantic notions of days long gone by but the most advanced and effective weapon I can get my hands on to insure I have the edge in a fight!!
I carried my Uberti 1875 Remington in .45 Colt for a good while and I never felt undergunned. Having said that, it was very much a case of that being what I had. I'd rather carry something that is a bit impractical than nothing at all. And I always figured it would do well enough. .45 Colt is a proven manstopper, and folks have successfully used Single Actions for defense for some time.

Now, I carry a Charter Arms Bulldog Classic in .44 Special, with a speed loader. I still love my Remington and I keep it around the house as a HD gun, but it's just too difficult to conceal, especially in the hot summer months.
Hawgy, you carried a SAA copy with 6 rds? Wouldn't you be better off throwing a snake at an attacker?

I don't see how. Any revolver I carry is going to be cocked first, that's just second nature for me. I do it without thinking. It did me well at midnight one night hooking up a trailer in the 9th ward of New Orleans when four dudes thought they had easy pickings. All I had to do was point it and cock it and they all remembered something they had to do across town yesterday.:D
honestly, how many civilian encounters (i.e., attempted mugging, carjack, home invasion, etc.) have ever been a protracted shootout with magazine changes, and i'm not counting Hollywood. When I was in Iraq, I carried an M-16. I would not have wanted to fight a battle with a 9mm pistol. With the exception of the event that you are someplace where a mass shooting is taking place, you probably will not run into a situation that requires a ton of bullets, unless you are involved in illegal drug trade or something. and if you are the sort that regularly deals in that kind of firefights, do yourself a favor and buy a rifle.
I'm with ya Hawg (and Dave!! Hey Dave! (I'm still a slow typer!!))! My first reaction with any gun in hand is to cock it. It's just a part of my being.

As far as a defense weapon, that's what they are for. Originally for offensive work and always a defensive arm.
In these threads, I always think of those that can't own a firearm (could be all of us if the fools get their way!!!) and as a consequence, bp is the only way to go. Folks step on a lot of folks toes that depend on a bp for personal protection when they say "never", " game", "nostalgia", " romantic notions"! Are you kidding? This is all some folks have!! Some of my customers (I'm sure) are in these type situations and they want a reliable as possible weapon and making "lite" of that is senseless and ignorant !! Dead is dead no matter the vehicle!!!

Had the idiot at the Pulse been stopped by a bp weapon, we'd be hearing how dangerous they are and should be "controlled"!!!

Let's try to be a little bit open to others that may be on these forums and have bp weapons because of antiquated laws. I believe if you're safe enough to be in public (paid your price) you should have your rights. If you're too freekin dangerous to not be trusted with your rights, you shouldn't be out!! It's really pretty simple.

Off the soap box.

Follow me on Instagram @ goonsgunworks
I have carried many different open and concealed weapons in my time.

TODAY I dont mind one bit carrying my BP revolvers in either role... BUT, I live in a VERY small town, in the middle of nowhere, and frankly I only own two sidearms that are really worthy of the concealed role.. Of those two, the colt is the MORE reliable of the two! The other is a Lorcin .380 that I got in a larger trade and wouldnt trust as anything except a short billy club LOL..

Now as far as the Makarov mentioned above... Carried many of em under many circumstance, and never ONCE felt outgunned. I'm fairly certain that people bleed almost as readily today as they did in WWII??? Cant wait to get my hands on another one!

Course... Nothing ever has, or ever will, beat the trusty ol' 1911... As Hawg said, why would I NEED more then 8??? If I do, then its time for an AK or an AR, NOT for a sidearm...
Are we talking about percussion (cap and ball) or also black powder cartridge guns?

Because the main issue with the cap n' balls are the reliability. I've had bad luck getting them to run right, and I've been doing this for several years and am meticulous and very careful in loading and cleaning them. But I've had many failures with all cap and ball revolvers I've owned. Maybe the originals were more reliable, but none of my repops were or are.

Something like a Colt SAA or Remington 1875 are different stories. They tend to be very reliable, that whole "self contained metallic cartridge" thing has a lot of merit. I wouldn't feel unarmed with one of those, even though they have a number of disadvantages.

But for me, I just want something more modern, even if not necessarily cutting edge. My Makarov PM is a 60 year old design pistol. But guess what? I have fired a total of 1117 rounds exactly through it and it has had zero failures. It is incredibly reliable and accurate, and the round is powerful enough. 8+1 with two quick reload at hand. And, I can conceal it well.

I'm a traditionalist by nature, I love these old guns. But, I've never met a cap n' ball that I'd feel remotely comfortable with defending my life, and it has nothing to do with capacity, power, or even reload speed. It's all about reliability (by far the most important thing in a defensive handgun TO ME).

