Carry a sidearm during a hunt?

Gp100 6 inch goes with whether I am deer hunting or bird hunting. You never know. There have been some dog taken out by wolves while grouse hunting in my area so i am prepared to defend the dog 20 ga or .357 their choice. When deer hunting just like to have it along for when an ideal pistol shot presents itself or while tracking in the thick stuff. Killed a six point with it a few years ago at about 7 yards glad I had it along. It was a little close for 3x scope and a 7mm-08. I also carry when out scouting or walking with the wife in the woods just like to be able to do it.

I used to.
When muzzle loading hunting, I carried a Ruger Old Army.
When modern rifle hunting, I carried either my Ruger Single Six or My Ruger Redhawk .44 mag.
Finally decided there was no point in carrying either and the weight was a nusiance.
22 pistol while deer hunting

In Texas 22 rimfire is not legal for deer for obvious reasons but what about carrying one and using it for a finishing off shot? Your hunting with your legal caliber rifle the 22 handgun is just a put it out of it's misery from two or three feet away type shot? Would a game warden consider this illegal?
Yes I do

I carry a Glock 29 Gen 4 and a spar mag on my off side. I also keep an extra mag in my fanny pack. VT changed the laws this year to allow us to carry a sidearm while bow hunting so I do that as well. The reasons I can see are the following. Self defense isn't the only reason to do so either. If you have ever dropped a gun and broke your scope you know your day could be over. Or you could simply sling the rifle and hunt with the handgun for the rest of the day.

YMMV, Vermonter
As to the question if it's even legal, it depends on where, and when.

Some states somewhat default to conceal carry permits. Some states allow concealed carry during hunting. Some states prohibit carrying a firearm at all in non-firearm seasons (At least I remember reading that somewhere, but may have misread it. It wasn't one of "my states" so it didn't stick.
In Texas 22 rimfire is not legal for deer for obvious reasons but what about carrying one and using it for a finishing off shot? Your hunting with your legal caliber rifle the 22 handgun is just a put it out of it's misery from two or three feet away type shot? Would a game warden consider this illegal?

In Iowa they would. Big fine, loss of hunting rights, maybe lose your gun and/or truck.

Never fear, just use your knife.
^^^Same in Michigan^^^

Even using a knife to finish a deer is of questionable legality.
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In NY not allowed to use a .22lr as a finishing shot. We have a fair number of black bear around here and those coywolves in droves. I always carry a pistol in the woods. mostly to protect my dog. If you're trying to control a dog it's difficult to use a rifle unless it's an AR type gun
I hunt deer in heavy black bear territory. In the regular rifle season, I just carry my rifle. But in the muzzle loader seasons I carry a side arm.
I used to. I would carry my Ruger Old Army during muzzle loading season and my Ruger Redhawk in .44 mag. during modern gun season. But gave them both up as pointless and unnecessary weight. But, I kept and wore one in camp after the hunt. Needed one once.....but that's another story. :eek:
When hunting, I always carry a Ruger Alaskan 44 Mag. When turkey hunting in the spring, I carry a Thunder Five 45/410 loaded with 410 #8's to shoot snakes. I also carry the Thunder 5- 410 when fishing.
I tend to carry a sidearm when hunting big game because in my part of the country it is common to see rattlesnakes during hunting season. Also, as many have replied already, it's a better option for a close up finishing shot; should that be necessary.

When I hunt waterfowl or birds, I don't carry a sidearm.
As I carry a side arm just about every other day of my life, I see no reason to leave it behind when I'm hunting. State hunting laws say that it should be carried openly, however I corresponded with DOW Officials asking if a state CCW permit allowed me to carry concealed while hunting and was told that it did. I keep a copy of that correspondence with me while I'm hunting.
I am more concerned with the two legged varmints than snakes and such. The idea of being relieved of my rifle and truck keys at the trail head has been done before and I don't care to be caught flat footed there anymore than I do in the city. ;)
I ALWAYS carry when I am in the woods.Never know when you might stumble on a grow site.Then theres the black bears and the cougars.I do worry more about the people than the animals though.
I agree. I am much more worried about the people than the animals and I live in one of the more wild (animal wise) states in the lower 48.
Always have...

I'm from stupid CA, so I will carry WHENEVER this silly state will allow. Amazingly enough, it is STILL legal to open carry when going to, coming from, or in the act of fishing and/or hunting (with the exception on archery season). It used to be my Anaconda 6", but I carry a Redhawk 5.5" these days. If it was up to me I'd be carrying all day every day, but this is the only time I can and I FREAKING love it. Aside from the obvious defensive & utilitarian uses, it's liberating and is as close to the "good ol' days" as I'm going to get.

Yup, as long as it is legal in the state i am hunting, i will carry a sidearm. It's more about economics. I'd rather waste a 45 or 9mm on a snake(hypothetically) than a 7mm RM.
It's legal in NC to use any type of handgun to "finish off" wounded game as long as you wounded it with a legal weapon, other than a bow or muzzleloader

You cannot legally carry any type of firearms while bow huntng or hunting during BP season