Carry a sidearm during a hunt?

No poisonous snakes to worry about in this local. Rifle or shotgun I carry afield is enough weight. As far as a back up weapon to give a big game animal the coup de grâce with. I'll burn another 270 or 32 Special for that purpose no problem what so ever. As far as encounters with small game while deer hunting. When I'm deer hunting >I am deer hunting< not bird rabbit or squirrel hunting. I have a 410 & a 22 for that purpose. As far as bumping into a bad guy back in the woods. I wouldn't fair any better with or without a hand gun along. I'm too old. Too slow and at the time of such encounter probably too tired. I've been hunting almost 60 years. I haven't encountered a dangerous/bad person while hunting nor do I anticipate bumping into one in the short time I have left to hunt either. Those that have encounter that scenario. I'm glad your well and able to read my comment this day.
When hunting at the ranch I'm always armed. During deer season I usually carry either a 1911 in a thigh holster or a smith 586 in a leather rig stoked with 125 grain remington hollowpoints. I carry them for protection from predators, I've seen a mountain lion twice as well as 2 legged predators since I'm right on the Rio grande.
Oregon like Washington allows concealed carry without a permit when going to and from hunting and fishing.

I always carry one of my handguns when hunting. It used to always be my Model 28 S&W but lately I'm more likely to carry my Super blackhawk .44 mag.

In NJ you can hardly say pistol much less carry one. I can carry in PA whenever there is a open season.There I carry a 30-06 on a sling as a backup for my 460xvr.
Yes, some people do consider it bad protocol to carry a handgun while hunting. They say things like. If you can't get your deer with your 30-06, what good do you think that .357 on your hip will do you. Are you just trying to look macho? Their deeper meaning is usually this: if we would just give up our handgun rights, the antis would leave us alone to enjoy our rifles and shotguns. They promised didn't they?

If you enjoy carrying a handgun while you're hunting, I say wear it and use it. The only justification you need is that you like it. It's poorer protocol and worse judgment to question why an armed man chooses to be armed.
I sometimes do. Going squirrel hunting this weekend in an area fairly thick with black bears. I'm sure I would never need it but I'll have my .44 mag with me.

When rifle hunting deer, no. When shotgun hunting deer, no. When muzzleloader hunting, yes, for a quick put-down shot if necessary. (Only legal during the regular season, when you can opt to hunt with a muzzleloader -- illegal to carry during the muzzleloader season).

I'm usually carrying a backpack stuffed with gear, and I don't mind the added weight.
Always do !!!

For a number of years, I carried a .357-SA. These days I just carry a .22. Both in shoulder holsters. The main reason is because of confrontations with a pack of wild dogs. I observed one, actually tracking me and when he found me, would not back down and just growled at me. I did not shoot him and eventually he just walked off. Also seeing more and more Coyotes. .... ;)

Yes, some people do consider it bad protocol to carry a handgun while hunting.
I mostly do not care what others think as long as I am legal and follow my code of ethics. ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Pahoo, I hope you didn't let that aggressive dog walk only to jump on a small child or another innocent victim. I would have sent him to doggie Heaven. I would feel so bad if I had the perfect scenario like that to end it and chose to not only to get a phone call later in the day to hear it attacked one of my loved ones and had to get stitches everywhere or even worse. I would hate to hear even if it was an abolute stranger who got attacked. I guess you can feel happy that you were safe though. :o
Yes I do. Most of my hunting guns are not set-up as great defensive guns when I take them into the field. Birdshot, blackpowder, rimfires, etc. I have known more than one person who managed to get into a dicey situation while hunting. usually involving someone not having permission or disagreement over a property line.
I always carry my side arm when hunting. Its legal in WI to open carry while out and about in a non-park location without a permit. With a CCW permit you can carry concealed anywhere aside from places that are posted as restricted and/or government buildings, schools (hopefully to change) and hospitals.

My side arm however is not for hunting purposes but it is purely in for self defense. A bolt action rifle is hardly a suitable weapon for self defense nor is a shotgun with bird shot. Neither is a bow. If I were to run into a pack of wolves (which is a possibility where I hunt deer) or worse yet some two legged aggressors I'd want something that can and will fire more quickly than a hunting rifle, shotgun or bow.
In Ohio you can only carry a side arm while hunting if you have your concealed carry permit. You are not permitted to shoot game with your side arm either.
If I am hunting or just out working on the farm, I am carrying a pistol.

The MO Dept of Cons recently changed the regs to allow those with a CCW to carry a pistol during bow season and I was pleased with the ruling.:D
Thanks for all the replies everyone. Come to think of it it's kind of ironic that the guys who looked at me funny and asked why I had a pistol has been known to shoot into squirrel nests, shoot over limit, and a few other questionable hunting practices too. My answer was, "Because I like to."
My state allows me to carry concealed during the hunts, even muzzleloader and archery, so I do. I carry my pistol everywhere else, so it goes hunting too.

It gets used for protection from two and four-legged beasties, taking grouse or rabbits, signaling other hunters in the group, or finishing shots if needed. The extra weight while out hiking the hills isn't a factor for me as I am used to packing one around all day, everyday, anyway.
I generally carry my 4 in S&W 629....I have used it on pigs....It sits up on my belt while driving truck..Jeep..4 wheeler....Im just used to it....


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man... having to either carry concealed or have a carry permit while out in the woods?

statements like that make me happy that I live in an open carry state. I would hate to have to find a way to wear my supertuck while layering. then there's the constant worry that I might be printing and one of the squirrels will start alerting the rest of the animals until the game warden shows up and tells me I have to leave...

that would ruin my hunting trip. glad I can just slap on a paddle holster and call it a day.