Care to see what 70000 rounds on a Glock looks like?

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Our factory loaner Glock 21’s rusted in Afghanistan. Not any worse than any other firearm but they did rust. Do not oil them, add moisture...and the metal oxidizes.

Must have just had a bad batch sent by the factory for us to test.
Could be, but it does sound strange.

Just curious, but what exactly on the gun rusted?
davidsog said:
Is your point firearms do not rust?
JohnKSa said:
So, no, steel treated with ferritic nitrocarburizing doesn't "rust like any other piece of metal"--it will rust less than untreated steel. It may still rust (as can stainless steel or steel protected by other means) when exposed to extreme conditions (e.g. 2 days in a salt spray cabinet) but it tends to be quite corrosion resistant in practical environments.
1. If you don't have the time to read what I've posted, I submit that it makes little sense to spend time to posting responses to it.

2. If you read it, but genuinely didn't understand it, please point out the specific sections that are confusing and I will try to explain them.

3. If you read it and understood it, but thought it would be a good idea to try to put words in my mouth instead of just responding to what I posted, I hope you realize that you are wasting not only your time and mine, but also the time of others who are participating in the thread.
. If you don't have the time to read what I've posted, I submit that it makes little sense to spend time to posting responses to it.

2. If you read it, but genuinely didn't understand it, please point out the specific sections that are confusing and I will try to explain them.

3. If you read it and understood it, but thought it would be a good idea to try to put words in my mouth instead of just responding to what I posted, I hope you realize that you are wasting not only your time and mine, but also the time of others who are participating in the thread.

None of that. Your reply seemed very condescending so I asked a question to confirm.

Slides. Not any worse than any other firearm but they did rust. Do not oil them, add moisture...and the metal oxidizes.
Not to fan a fire that should probably die, but I'm curious too.

It seems to me that slides on Glocks, especially the exterior surfaces, are treated to inhibit rust. So one more step, beyond "add moisture" is required to explain this. You're "equation," as it stands, does not equal a rusting Glock, at least not an unaltered Glock.

Between my dad and me, we've owned a fair few Glocks. Some have been exposed to, or even temporarily stored in pretty moist environments. Environments that I imagine are damper than Afghanistan.

I am also wondering... Was it the exterior surface of the slide, was it internal surfaces, the surfaces of other parts making up the mechanics of the slide?
I've got a Glock 30.3SF, of fairly recent manufacture (last 5 years or so), with most of the finish worn off the slide. This gun has been exposed to moisture many times and has not rusted.

Whatever the metal treatment below the finish is, it stands up to moisture.
Not to fan a fire that should probably die, but I'm curious too.

It seems to me that slides on Glocks, especially the exterior surfaces, are treated to inhibit rust. So one more step, beyond "add moisture" is required to explain this. You're "equation," as it stands, does not equal a rusting Glock, at least not an unaltered Glock.

Between my dad and me, we've owned a fair few Glocks. Some have been exposed to, or even temporarily stored in pretty moist environments. Environments that I imagine are damper than Afghanistan.

I am also wondering... Was it the exterior surface of the slide, was it internal surfaces, the surfaces of other parts making up the mechanics of the slide?
Yea, not to keep it up, but the answers do seem vague, and not in line with what Ive seen over the years.

As I said earlier, Ive seen a gun that was dropped in the snow while snowmobiling, and "lost" on the mountain, for over a year, and the Glock itself didnt rust a bit.

Ive also carried them in sweat-soaked leather holsters for weeks on end, and never had anything other than the slide stop rust.

Now all of a sudden, they rust just because they dont have oil on them, which is something I dont do to the outside finsih of the gun anyway.

Not saying it didnt happen, but I am skeptical.
Rust on a new Glock 19? I've never seen this before on a new Glock..

Just got off the phone with Glock regarding some surface rust on my very newish Gen 4 Glock 19. I am a little lost at the moment and wonder what I should do. After speaking with the very hostile customer service rep who essentially blamed me for storing and carrying the firearm incorrectly, Im starting to think maybe it is me. Wanted your opinion on whether to proceed with sending this slide back to Glock or to try and fix the issue locally.

Hey guys, just got back from the range and broke in my new Glock 17. When I got home, I just quickly glanced at the slide and saw little specs of rust. at first I didn't know if I was seeing things because I was under the impression that 2 weeks or less of handling wouldn't bring the rust out through the tennifer finish.

The new finish is nothing like the old. Mine rusts around the end of the slide around the barrel area, where the barrel like cost into the slide, and pitting around the barrel. Have contacted glock and all they did was suggest using fireclean instead of Slip EWL or CLP. I wear mine almost daily and clean and wipe it down at least once a week if not more.

Here is my original post with the slide rust on my G17 EDC. I sent the slide into Glock USA with the warranty paperwork. I got an email a few days later saying the pitting was too deep, and there was an obvious manufacturer defect and the pistol would need to be replaced. I called the guy and he told me they would send me a new G17 Gen 3 to replace the rusted one as soon as I sent in the rest of my gun.

I own a G26 Gen 4 and I live in hot and humid TN and I have had some light surface rust appear on the rear serrations of the slide and rear part of the slide where the sight is. I use a brass wire brush to remove the rust and then apply a light coat of oil over the entire outer part of the slide.

I recently received my first assignment in Florida and had to store my 3 Glocks with my military sponsor while I searched for housing. After a about a month, I picked up the guns and believe it or not, all the slides on all 3 Glocks have rust.


Yea, not to keep it up, but the answers do seem vague, and not in line with what Ive seen over the years.

How is rust on the slide vague?

As for your innuendo that my claims of service are not truthful I would remind you that claiming to be a range guru and internet expert is without consequences.....

Stolen Valor is a crime. My service and experience is well documented.
Glock wouldn't be the first company to have bad batches of parts. How indicative of the norm one person's experience is versus another is hard to gauge. All we can do is take each other at face value and choose what to do or not do with the information. Questioning the validity of someone's claims ultimately gets us nowhere. There is a degree of faith required here.

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How is rust on the slide vague?

As for your innuendo that my claims of service are not truthful I would remind you that claiming to be a range guru and internet expert is without consequences.....

Stolen Valor is a crime. My service and experience is well documented.
I said vague, because you seem to be conveniently vague as it suits you, and you never seem to directly answer questions asked. Makes some of what you say a bit suspect. To me anyway.

And what innuendo? I never said one thing about your service, and I couldnt care less about what you do or did (so far Im far from impressed in how you handle yourself here). Why? Should I be suspect of your claims?

And where did the range guru and internet expert thing come from? Im far from either, but I do shoot a lot, and have a pretty broad experience with a lot of things.

All I said was I never saw the rust you said we should expect, and its from personal daily experience with them over a number of decades, and/or from others I know, and I/we havent seen any rusting issues you claim happen, and apparently, overnight.

Not saying things dont happen, just I havent seen the instant rust you claim. Havent seen it long term either.

The more you go on, I just have to ask. You sure sound like someone else from another site I visit. You dont go by Dusty Bones elsewhere, do you? Same flavor of boasts (service related and otherwise), attacks, and diversions to direct questions, and the same lack of comprehension and running off subject, usually trying to deflect things away from you. Hes supposedly some sort of tough guy Army dude too, although he cant keep his number of tours straight, and has all sorts of distractions when questioned by those who do have the credentials.

If not, nevermind, but you sure feel like that guy.

Or is that just something they teach in SOG as a tactical diversion so you can break contact? :D
If not, nevermind, but you sure feel like that guy.

So do you. Especially when one considers you are using your experience at a range to delegitimize anyone else's. That is the ONLY reason I brought up my experience is you seem to rely upon yours in the discussion.

said vague, because you seem to be conveniently vague as it suits you, and you never seem to directly answer questions asked. Makes some of what you say a bit suspect. To me anyway.

What do you think is vague?? The slide is a pretty specific part of the pistol.

Or is that just something they teach in SOG as a tactical diversion so you can break contact?

No requirement to break contract from YOU.


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Not saying things dont happen, just I havent seen the instant rust you claim. Havent seen it long term either.

I am sure you haven't done a lot of things in life but that does not mean those things do not happen.

BTW...the "instant" rust is your own creation and fantasy. Got nothing for you on that one.
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So do you. Especially when one considers you are using your experience at a range to delegitimize anyone else's. That is the ONLY reason I brought up my experience is you seem to rely upon yours in the discussion.
I see. And where do you practice when youre not doing your thing out and about? Or do you just download it like the Matrix?

So for those of us who practice on our own dime, and shoot more than most of those in the average military in their careers, in just a few weeks, and probably more than most of you better than types most years, we are somehow less than capable than you?

Im sure you feel that way, but theres only one way to tell, and we know that aint never gonna happen.

Im more than willing to shoot with/against anyone, for fun and profit. Had my ass waxed more than a few times too, but Ive also done OK more often than not. You are only as good as you are in the moment, no matter what you think you are. If you cant do it on paper, on demand, how are you going to do it any other way? ;)

Ive had a good bit of experience over the years with a lot of former military, who told me how expert they are, but must have forgotten everything once they were out, because many of them had trouble trying to hit things, my 10 year old kids were tearing up, and they had a lot of trouble shooting/operating things, they should have had no problems with. Or so they said.

But what do I know, my Glocks dont rust. :rolleyes:

What do you think is vague??
Most of your responses. ;)

No requirement to break contract from YOU.


Nice pics. So what? Are we supposed to be impressed?

I am sure you haven't done a lot of things in life but that does not mean those things do not happen.

BTW...the "instant" rust is your own creation and fantasy. Got nothing for you on that one.
I may not have done a lot of things, and Im sure you havent either, but I HAVE carried Glocks in sweat-soaked holsters, daily, for weeks on end, that quickly rusted all the other guns I carried the same way, so I do have some actual experience there. And those experiences were nothing like you would have us believe. ;)

As far as the instant rust, youre the one who keeps acting like they rust right away if you dont oil them. All of mine must have never got the memo. I guess Ill have to have a talk with them.

Again, Im not saying they cant or dont rust, simply mine, and those of others I personally know, who have had them in conditions that would normally rust other things very quickly, didnt have the problem.

So obviously, we seem to have had different experiences. Youll be the first to know if I do happen to run into it though, OK?
we are somehow less than capable than you?

No I just think you are insecure about the whole thing. Just relax, it will be ok.

You seem to need pics and whatever else to believe folks might be capable too. I simply related my experience and you have worked to delegitimize it because it does not fit your favorite pistol.


Your Glock is still going after 70,000 rounds and replacing parts when they break. That is pretty good, LOL.

Hey, at least Im shooting what you see. And what you see is what you get. It is what it is, and no war stories.

If it bothers you to see someone actually doing things, cant help that. This is the internet too, and if you dont post proof, your FOS, and if you do, your making Army boys mad. Its lose, win. :D

No I just think you are insecure about the whole thing. Just relax, it will be ok.

You seem to need pics and whatever else to believe folks might be capable too. I simply related my experience and you have worked to delegitimize it because it does not fit your favorite pistol.


Your Glock is still going after 70,000 rounds and replacing parts when they break. That is pretty good, LOL.

LOL. You really are Dusty, arent you! If you arent, you had the same reading instructor he did in the Army, and comprehension is a challenge. :D

70,000 rounds was a couple of years ago. The rail broke at right around 147,400 (which is the low count), and in reality, its has over 150,000 on it, as the count was based on 300 rounds a week, and I often shoot more. And, its right back to shooting again.

And thats just "that" gun. Got a 26 that had well over 26,000 rounds through it when I quit counting too.

Im not the least bit insecure either, nice and comfy in who I am, and just enjoying life. And as far as being relaxed, Im chill. ;)

Spent a nice relaxing afternoon just playing around with some "old school" blasters, an old M1 Carbine, and a 38/200 S&W Victory, and just got done cleaning them a little while ago. Whats not to like?

No stress at all. :)
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