Care to see what 70000 rounds on a Glock looks like?

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My reloads these days cost me about $0.12-0.13 a round, or $6.00-$6.50 a box, and thats gone up a good bit in just the past couple of years, with all the ammo silliness.

Also, when I do buy factory "by the box", its a 1000 round "box", which usually works out to about half the price of the local shops charge for a 50 round box.

I spend less each week on shooting 9mm, than my wife does on a carton of cigarettes.
That is just amazing, modern semi autos are holding up much better than any expectation I had. Thanks for the report, the pictures, when you hit 100K rounds, let us know what it looks like at that milestone.
It's really cool to see somebody actually shoot their gun that much. I don't have many guns, but I like to shoot them A LOT if possible.
Not a fan of Glocks, but you won't ever hear me say they can't take a beating.

I'm willing to bet you'll hit the 100k mark and it will still be serviceable. The items you had to replace are normal wear parts anyway.
The RSA's are sort of basic mainenence, and certainly cheap enough ($7) to over do.

As far as the extractors, Im still wondering if the original extractor was really the culprit when I was starting to get stovepipes, extraction, and BTF problems. This was during the onslaught of reports of brass to the head, and the various extractor problems people were reporting, and I let myself get caught up in it, and figured maybe that was the issue.

I wish now Id kept better track of what went on when. The extractor was fine when the gun was new, and it ran fine for a long while, and when I had issues, they came on quickly.

The one thing I dont do, and maybe I should, is keep track of my pistol reloads life span. I do with my rifles, but they have a shorter life and results of failure tend to be different. I usually shoot my pistol brass to failure, and that usually starts showing up, with split necks in the reloading phase, and of all things, extraction issues, as the rims get torn up over time, in the shooting stage. These days, Im cycling through around 7000 rounds of brass/reloads, but initially, it was about 3000, and the brass was being reloaded a lot more.

When I started to realize that maybe the brass was the issue, and not the extractors, and switched back to the second extractor from the third, as a test, it seems to have proved that out. Im still running the second right now. If I still had the first, Id have tried it.

One other thing extractor related, they do get real dirty over time, and do get stiff, or seem to lack movement when they do. A couple of blasts of Gun Scrubber when you clean seems to address that, and its pretty amazing how much crud you get out of the slide when you tear it down a couple of times a year.
Nice report. You have me beat by a long shot. My high round count is 47,320 in my Colt Diamondback and it has taken me since 1978 to get that many rounds through it.
when you hit 100K rounds, let us know what it looks like at that milestone

At 100K rounds, the Mods should make it a stickey thread so that you can update us on every 10K rounds after that. Heck, they could do this now!
Very cool post, I love original content like this. Also extremely impressive. My PX4 is at 6,000 or so, which I consider a high mark that makes me trust the pistol entirely. That's a drop in the bucket compared to 70k.

I'm very curious when the breaking point will come. I know other high round count tests exist, but only a handful make it up into this neighborhood. If you can afford it, keep blasting away and updating us :)
I have a handgun annual with an article by Chuck Taylor (IIRC) and he said he had over 175,000 rounds through a Glock 17 with no parts breakage and it still shot 2-3" groups at 25 yards. I beleive I still have the magazine in my attic and I will dig it out next time I am up there and verify those numbers. But I am sure I am correct.

Since he is a gun writer I am guessing he gets lots of free ammo. Even back then at $10 a box for 9mm that would be 3500 boxes at a cost of $35,000 bucks. Thats a lot of money sent into the dirt. Even $6 a box works out to $21,000.
I take back some things I said about them. That's several lifetimes outta some guns. Maybe they're worth it. :D
Glock says their receivers are good for 65,000 rounds....
Maybe stippling has some unknown advantages here. :)

That's several lifetimes outta some guns.
I still think that guns of most major makers will do the same.

Even the lesser thought of guns seem to do well, if you maintain them, and feed them the right ammo. I had a SWD M11/9mm SMG that didnt last long when fed hot SMG ammo early on in its life (sheared off a cocking knob, and the upper cracked/failed), just under 2000 rounds to be exact, yet when fired with ammo it was designed for, ran fine (with a new upper) for another 25+ years after, and other than replacing buffers (normal maintenance), without incident. While I dont have an accurate account, Im pretty sure double plus the Glocks count would be a reasonable, and actually a low ball "guess", as ammo was a lot cheaper then, and we shot it a lot, and regularly.
Quick update and first breakage. 88,900 rounds as of today, and just noticed the trigger spring was broken while reassembling after cleaning. So far, this is the only thing Ive had "break" on the gun.

Interestingly enough, the trigger will reset, if you keep your finger on it, like you would while shooting. It just wont reset by itself. When the trigger wont reset, if you press it rearwards, like holding for reset while shooting, it will reset when the slide goes forward.

Im going to have to try this before I replace the spring, and see if it works when actually shooting. Might be something to keep in mind, if it were to happen at a bad time.
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