I have an M4 patrolmans carbine chambered for .223/5.56. It's relatively light and far more stable than a handgun, especially in suituations of high stress. The barrel is short enough to make it manageable in a close combat situation. I think that's the primary reason why police and soldiers prefer the M4 in urban warfare. Heck, I can even mount a bayonet on the front sight.
I have 30 rounds in the mag, so I can quickly put enough of them in the BG's body to make it really hard to continue with an attack. The psychological effect of seeing and hearing the carbine rip loose should be enough to make his BG buddies run for their lives. That is, if they are not drugged up out of their minds. In that case, I probably have enough rounds left in the mag to neutralize them too.
Before I put it into HD service, I want to get a decent quad rail handguard, weapons light, and laser sight. Saving up my pennies for that.