Can’t trust my P365...too many failures.

Like any model, this line seems to have its lemons. I know quite a lot of people who have 365s now and shoot with them constantly and never have issues.

I had a S&W Victory target gun that choked up constantly. Cleaned it, had a gunsmith look at it, couldn't get it to Consistently go into battery with any type of ammo. Everyone else with the same gun was like "oh that's weird, mine is 100% reliable and I don't even clean it much"
I have about 500 factory and 500 reloads with home cast powder coated boolits through mine.

Had a few issues with the cast. None with factory.

It sucks getting a lemon. I had a few and usually give them to my son who will relentsly pursue the factory to get them right.
Yup, my son did the trig stuff and yup, 8 degrees..still seems like a lot for an aimed pistol at 21 feet have something misaligned by an effective 8 degrees up or down.

I get about 8 degrees as well, but another way to think of it is the muzzle of a 4" barrel would have to be more than half an inch higher than the chamber to achieve this angle. Draw your own conclusions.
No firearms manufacturer is perfect. I was at SIG Academy doing a reflexive shooting course when a state police officer from NJ was discussing how his entire department returned their SIGs because of issues and switched to Glocks. Confidence lost is a thing, but both the officer and the instructor agreed that had the department heads been more patient the issues could have been resolved. Edit: I actually found the article relating to the story

None of this changes the situation of the OP. Hopefully he gets it back from SIG and reports the results.

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I was the orginal suggester that WWB was the cause of the failures. I also re counted his failures as 2, which would have included the Sig ammo. I yes, I did notice he had failures with other loads...don't know why someone said I didn't say that...

I agree, it's probably the gun.

Also, WWB has the worst reputation out of any ammo. There is literally no worse ammo by make and brand than WWB. It's the least consistent load around.
None of this changes the situation of the OP. Hopefully he gets it back from SIG and reports the results.

Do not talk common sense when all the internet trolls are proving that Glock cannot possibly have shot high....

My East German Makarov converted to a .380 stainless barrel has had zero failures in the 20 years I've owned it. Absolute nail driver. Russian Makarov converted to threaded .380 barrel doesn't have any failures either.
My East German Makarov converted to a .380 stainless barrel has had zero failures in the 20 years I've owned it. Absolute nail driver. Russian Makarov converted to threaded .380 barrel doesn't have any failures either.
Well blowback has some advantages. I've had two Bulgarian Makarovs. Both needed some material removed from the back of the safety as they would hang up the hammer at times and cause light strikes. It is a very accurate pistol though.

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On October 11th MontyCop05 stated:

Just spoke with Sig CS.
After giving a detailed account Rep stated either weak recoil spring or a defect in the fire control unit.
He specifically stated it should NOT be an ammo issue, as that was extremely unlikely.
It’s headed back home for diagnostics.

Yo, Monty...
How about an update.
Since we never heard back from you since October I imagine that Sig took care of your problem and now your P365 is your EDC.
Shooting fine and no FTB's..
Let us know...
I hate Stories with no ending!
On October 11th MontyCop05 stated:

Yo, Monty...
How about an update.
Since we never heard back from you since October I imagine that Sig took care of your problem and now your P365 is your EDC.
Shooting fine and no FTB's..
Let us know...
I hate Stories with no ending!
I got the gun back from Sig. Gunsmith found no defects, ultrasonically cleaned it and fired 90 rounds of fed and aguila 115g ammo with no malfunctions. I haven’t gotten a chance to test it again since getting it back. I have a bunch of different ammo to test when I do find the time, but as of right now, No, I’m not carrying it. I won’t until I put at least 500 more trouble free rounds through it. By then it will have over 1k through it. If I get any more malfunctions I will elevate the complaint with Sig and it will go back. Maybe permanently.
Mine has been unreliable as well. First it was failure to return to battery. Then I had some stove piping issues. Went back to Sig. Hasn’t been any better. Totally dissatisfied and disappointed, but there are greater tragedies in life. I have decided to order a Hellcat. We’ll see how that venture goes.
MontyCop05: said:
...A defensive carry gun should not be “picky about ammo”...

What the OP says here is spot on. Although it’s not my first choice for range ammo, I shoot a lot of WWB though my Glock 17 & 19. Yesterday I shot 200 rds. of WWB through my 19 and the ammo was accurate & reliable, and I have not been a big WWB fan in the past.

When a gun malfunctions with certain ammo & not others, I suspect a bad recoil spring. And the P365 I had a chance to shoot just last week must have had a bad RSA to explain the really harsh recoil. I have big hands and a lot of these small “niners” just don’t work for me at the range. My Walther PPS-M2 is an exception after 3-1/2 years and thousands of rounds down range with the original recoil spring.

If you have small to medium sized hands the P365 could possibly work for you. If it’s working for you now, that’s great but I’d keep a spare RSA handy for when the original goes bad. And I’d want to give it the WWB test since like the OP says, a gun that’s picky about ammo isn’t a gun I’d want to carry anyway.
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I don't know about you all but I DO NOT Carry FMJ! I carry JHP..
Why would I care about WWB Range ammo?

From Post #1 MontyCop05 stated:
Today I went back to the range and shot another 300 rounds. Consisting of the following:

100 WWB 115 FMJ
100 Sig 115 FMJ
50 UMC 115 FMJ
50 Fed Amer. Eagle 115 FMJ

So Monty shoots 300 rounds and not 1 round of his JHP Defensive Ammo..
Unless he carries FMJ for Defensive Ammo!
So in all of his shots at the Range as he is Evaluating his new P365 for EDC..not 1 round downrange is JHP Defensive ammo...the Ammo that he would ultimately be carrying!

I guess that he just assumes that he only needed to shoot FMJ Range Ammo for an evaluation..

Not me..I want to make sure that the ammo that is going to be protecting my life cycles through my EDC without a issue.
If we are going to talk only about Range ammo..Then Do a search on P365 has been documented from day 1 be it good or bad if shooters posted an issue at the range there was usually WWB mentioned.

When I purchased my P365 in March of 2018 I decided that I would shoot quality ammo.
I have shot Blazer Brass 124g but I purchased Federal American Eagle 124g FMJ in Bulk 2.000 rounds...never gave me a problem.
Defensive Ammo Federal HST 124g JHP

Monty, Shoot your defensive Ammo and tell US if you have a problem...That's what you should care about anyway!

Out of my 4,000 + Error Free Rounds downrange about 1500+ is my Defensive Ammo.
I shoot at the least 25 rounds of my Defensive Ammo at every range trip.
When I first purchased my P365 I ran a Box of 50 Defensive Ammo rounds per Range Trip.
If I was going to have my P365 as my EDC...I wanted to make sure that it ran my JHP with no issues.
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It should run WWB. Moreso, that wasn't the only issue. He also had issue with SIG ammo. What's the excuse there? Always amazing to me how fanboys show up and make excuses for a firearm because God forbid someone say something negative. Are we to take it that this is as picky as a Kimber Solo? My XL hasn't been.

The question is if it's working now that it came back.

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Always amazing to me how fanboys show up and make excuses for a firearm because God forbid someone say something negative.
Are we to take it that this is as picky as a Kimber Solo? My XL hasn't been.

First off I am not a FANBOY!
I would be the first to state that there are NO GUNS that are Perfect..and Lord knows the P365 has had it's colorful past!
And there is No one Gun or Gun make for everyone.
If there was there would be a lot less guns in the world.

Nor would I make excuses for any reason that someone has a issue with a Sig.
However I was not born yesterday and I have posted about the P365 every day since it came out at SigTalk.
You can say that I've read it all..

It is rare that someone has a issue such as MontyCop05 has had.
There are more people that will Post that they never had a issue with WWB or any ammo than those that did..
but the WWB Exclusive issue Posts do exist and the end result is not that the gun always has to go back to Sig..
Most times it eases up with range time as the Gun eases up.
If not call Sig!

There are Enough posts about WWB that I would not purchase WWB and run it through my Sig's.
Why do I need to take the chance?
There are SOOOO Many choices for 9mm Ammo these days!
However if someone wants to make the stand that dagnabit it should eat everything thrown at it...then God Bless!

The rule of thumb is that if you can work it out.. Great... if not Call Sig.
Sig's are tight guns when new..know that and be aware of it.
Rack the Slides when new and feed it some good ammo while the cycle is easing up and after that run whatever you want through it.

That is what I did and 4,000+ rounds downrange I have been extremely Happy!
Then there is the there anything that the shooter is doing that could be contributing to the issue? i.e Grip..Limp Wristing

Sig obviously found no issue with MontyCop05's P365 and Sig is very thorough.
For Battery Issues most times Sig Replaces the Recoil Spring..
It must say something that Sig found no issues.

Anyway I just try and pass on what I have read has worked for excuses.
Sometimes our helpful suggestions help and sometimes they don't and back to Sig it goes.

If MontyCop05's Defensive Ammo also gave him issues along with issues across so may different kinds of FMJ Ammo and Sig found no issues..
What does that leave?
You post as much as I have read a lot..What do you think..TunnelRat
What is your professional opinion?
Something else?
Combination of..
Lol, professional opinion? Oh brother. I claim no such thing. What would make me professional? That I post a lot on an internet forum? Then we have a lot of professionals out there. It's great that you're active on SIG Talk and your pistol has been solid (though posting "every day" about a certain pistol on a brand specific forum doesn't exactly sound unbiased). As I've said in multiple threads when we get people posting comments on the order of, "But my pistol has been great!", who cares though? I have Glocks with thousands of rounds fired and no malfunctions. Does that mean if someone buys a Glock and has issues that it must be their fault? No. Every manufacturer makes a lemon. Some make more than others. Even if the issues a person encounters are rare it's not of much comfort. Which is why from the beginning I said to send it back to SIG.

In the dozens of pistols I've owned WWB typically works. The only times it hadn't worked was because bullets weren't seated properly. It's not the best ammo IMO and I typically use others I've had better luck with, but it should work. And once again, there were also issues with SIG ammo. SIG found no issues. Maybe there are no issues. Maybe there still are. Wouldn't be the first or only time. Won't know until the OP shoots it and finds out. Until he does shoot it then it's all speculation.

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