Candidates meet the NRA

Can I just take this opportunity, with apologies to new member SteelJM1, to nominate the word "cantidates" for funniest typo/misspelling of 2007?

Woops. I see my error, but i don't see why it's so funny? :confused:

Actually in 90% of towns/cities in Mass it is very easy to get a Class A LTC All lawful purposes. All the larger cities make it very difficult.

My town has a population of 3300. I was denied my CCW.
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I was wondering about the cell phone bit. Was it supposed to be endearing, saying "Oh, I'm a real person too" or was it condescending as to say "I'll be done with these guys soon...just covering the bases" ?

Or is hius SWMBO not to be trifled with, like mine. I always answer the cell phone :)

We will just have to disagree with your view as to what is mainstream, especially as it gets into verboten topics.

WildtheprimarieswillbeheresoonthenitisfishorcutbaitAlaska TM
:confused: What is meant by mainstream? Agreed upon by/lowest common denominator with sheeple? Lies dead in the middle between the polar ends of ideological spectrum? What is most commonly repeated by MSM? Maybe it's just me but to me the concept of "mainstream" is so utterly forked up that it doesn't represent anything worthy of giving any bearing on direction. It means dumbest, most homogenized, conformed, and mediocritized when I hear many sources say it. Other times it seems to be grasping for something that is barely there if at all.
Redworm got it. Also, play on the irony of the real word being candidates when they are anything but candid. Also, separate out the whole word "cant i date" your intern daughter? So many goofy possibilities.
Joe Biden anti-gun (F)
Hillary Clinton anti-gun (F)
Christopher Dodd anti-gun (F)
John Edwards anti-gun (F)
Mike Gravel anti-gun (F)
Dennis Kucinich anti-gun (F)
Barack Obama anti-gun (F)
Bill Richardson anti-gun (C-)

Sam Brownback pro-gun (A-)
Rudy Giuliani anti-gun (F)
Mike Huckabee pro-gun (A)
Duncan Hunter pro-gun (A)
Alan Keyes pro-gun (A)
John McCain anti-gun (F)
Ron Paul pro-gun (A)
Mitt Romney anti-gun (D-)
Tom Tancredo pro-gun (A-)
Fred Thompson pro-gun (B-)

given these are the ratings by, it will be very telling how the NRA picks its candidate. The "first tier" boys are the worst of the bunch for the GOP. (kinda explains the parties problem right now.....platform what platform)
I am simply astounded that anyone could be fooled by Giuliani's sudden change to "pro-gun." This is the former mayor of NYC, for God's sake, which is one of the most unfree places in the country. It's a giant open-air prison, and Giuliani helped make it so. ("Freedom Tower," indeed. What the hell does NYC have to do with freedom?)

When it comes to gun rights, there's Ron Paul, and then there's everyone else. He's the only candidate who has repeatedly stated that the true purpose of the Second Amendment is not hunting, shooting sports, or even protection against common criminals. It's not even about protection against foreign invasion. It's about fighting your own government as a last resort, just as the Founding Fathers threw off their government and instituted a new one.

Also, as I've said elsewhere, Ron Paul is the only Republican who has any appeal to the majority in this country who are sick of neocon wars against every nation that refuses to grovel before the US and Israel (which are practically the same thing nowadays, thanks to the efforts of AIPAC, ZOA, JINSA, AEI, etc.).

If Giuliani runs, he'll lose. If McCain runs, he'll lose. And they'll deserve to lose. Only an anti-warmongering GOP candidate can possibly beat Hillary. And the only anti-warmongering GOP candidate is Ron Paul.

The GOP won't accept this, though, so they'll nominate someone else. And then they'll get four (or more) years of Hillary as president. (The catch is that she's not exactly against the idea of US wars for Israel, either.)

By the way, was Ron Paul invited to speak at that NRA meeting? I got the following message from the NRA in my email:

On September 21, the NRA held its first "Celebration of American Values" conference, providing NRA members the opportunity to hear some of our nation's most important leaders address Second Amendment issues. Hundreds attended and the event was broadcast nationally by C-SPAN. The most anticipated speakers, however, were a number of 2008 Presidential candidates.

The two-day conference, held in downtown Washington, D.C., included speeches by leading Republican Presidential candidates: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-Ark.), and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, a candidate for the Democrat nomination, provided videotaped remarks, as did GOP candidates Governor Mitt Romney (R-Mass.) and U.S. Representatives Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) and Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.).
I don't see Ron Paul's name up there. What, was he too pro-gun for the NRA? Or maybe he didn't possess the requisite "American value" of trampling on human rights and Constitutional freedoms in the name of security?

More than ever, the NRA is appearing as little more than a branch of the Republican/neocon establishment rather than true conservatives singularly devoted to protecting and fully restoring American citizens' right to COMBAT weapons. :mad:
I don't know how you begin to believe he has changed his mind on guns. He is still promoting the central premise of his lawsuit against gun makers and distributors

arguing that manufacturers and distributors made it too easy for criminals to get guns.

while somehow saying he is distancing himself from that lawsuit.

He says he supports the recent DC circuit court decision overturning the DC handgun ban, but has he said anything at all about whether we should have to get government permission before owning a handgun? Requiring permission is not a ban and the two are not mutually exclusive, so until I see some evidence to the contrary, I have to assume he still holds the position he held for 20 years on that subject.

So he still thinks it is too easy to buy guns and he still thinks we should have to get permission to own a handgun, and he still thinks Congress has the power to pass a law saying as much. Some change.
According to Rudy's Rule, you may not even be eligible for permission. First you must show a reason why you need a handgun at all.
Bill Richardson anti-gun (C-)

Hogwash. I don't know what "" is or where they're getting their data, but they're totally wrong on that.

Richardson has either an NRA A or A+ rating - he's pro-gun. He has a carry permit. The only reason NM has concealed carry is that Bill Richardson shoved it through. He's also the reason that we have the NPSC championships here in ABQ this week.

Feel free to get down on him about other stuff, but that "" C- rating is just totally wrong and makes me doubt everything else you posted.

Here, in case you want a citation to authority, the American Spectator ought to be conservative enough to believe:
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I was wondering about the cell phone bit. Was it supposed to be endearing, saying "Oh, I'm a real person too" or was it condescending as to say "I'll be done with these guys soon...just covering the bases" ?

Or is hius SWMBO not to be trifled with, like mine. I always answer the cell phone

Err, no. Public speakers routinely turn off their cell phones when they give a speech. They teach you that in Public Speaking 101 because it's being rude to the audience to answer your phone in the middle of a speech and have a private conversation. What we saw was Rudy a) living up to a bad pun on his name, b) acting unprofessionally, and c) indirectly telling the NRA that he thinks he's such hot stuff that he doesn't have to take us seriously or be polite to us. But he does want us to believe he changed his mind about gun control because he needs our votes to win the primaries. :mad::barf:

Rudy's SWMBO should know by now that he has to talk to large groups of people and that when he's doing that part of his job he won't be taking calls unless it's a big emergency.