Candidates meet the NRA

Despite Giuliani's changing views, NRA chief Wayne LaPierre said: "All I know is, I liked what I heard today. It's a good thing, if a politician sees the light and supports the Second Amendment."

This is largely why I allowed my NRA membership to expire. It seems to me that the NRA leadership doesn't want any decisive victories for the right to keep and bear arms. Think about it. How does the NRA keep up it's membership levels? They told us that Bush would be a 180 degree change from the Clinton administration. Where are the big victories? The NRA leadership wants to keep scaring us into sending them money while they mearly maintain the status quo. There are better organizations to send your money to. You can't win by always playing defense.
Politician and prostitute both begin with a p. The only difference is in the wares sold. Although you could end up getting screwed by either one.
Thats the beauty of America, folks are never allowed to change their positions.

What is his new position on the question of whether or not we should have to prove a need for a gun before being allowed to buy one?

I'm not sure I can prove that I need my handguns.

Here's what the article said:

Giuliani, an outspoken proponent of gun control during his eight years as mayor, said Friday he agrees with a recent federal court ruling that overturned a 30-year-old ban on private ownership of handguns in Washington, D.C.

The two positions are not inconsistent with one another. He believes handguns should not be banned, but we should prove a need for one before we can purchase one. Hey, that's not a ban, that's just reasonable regulation, right?

Until I hear him say otherwise, I have to assume that his long held position that we must prove a need for a gun before buying it has not changed. That position disqualifies him from getting my vote.
Principles and effectiveness are mutually exclusive.
I didn't say he couldn't be effective. I'm just saying I don't trust him to not change his position after election, and then effectively pursue his new position.
Y'know just once I'd like to hear one of these guys actually say why the second amendment is important, why it's a basic liberty that needs to be protected. Just once I'd like to hear them actually say "guns in your hands are important to keep guys like us in check."

The gun control debate generally ignores the historical and philosophical underpinnings of the Second amendment. The Second amendment is not about hunting deer or keeping a pistol in your nightstand. It is not about protecting oneself against common criminals. It is about preventing tyranny. The Founders knew that unarmed citizens would never be able to overthrow a tyrannical government as they did. They envisioned government as a servant, not a master, of the American people. The muskets they used against the British Army were the assault rifles of that time. It is practical, rather than alarmist, to understand that unarmed citizens cannot be secure in their freedoms.

- Ron Paul
The ultimate in utilitarian military longarms in the late 18th century, and it was in the hands of both the military and civilians.


And in 2007 it should be your choice of the full-auto/select-fire versions of:


or countless other currently fielded rifles to be equitable.

Why is that so hard for people to understand?
I dont particularly like La'pierre either.. But that isn't the point.

The POINT is that Rudy is lying out of his..exhmmm.....

He is the last Republican I want in office. Mccain isn;'t great but he would be better than him. ANd THompson is the best choice of all. Although RonPaul might not be bad either.
OK my take.

I am pissed at Rudy because he is pandering to the NRA. I didnt think he would.

So is Romney. You hear less about that because his stand on social issues is far more neandertal than Rudy's, therefore a large segment of the gun owners will keep quiet about it, but both are pandering.

So now in my fevered brain, the race to the Presidency gets even more complex.

Please god, not a race between Kucinich and Paul :barf:

WildwhatwouldieverdoAlaska TM
I am not at all surprised that Giuliani is doing this. No Republican candidate in recent history has won the Presidency without an NRA endorsement. Now that he's trying to get on the biggest ticket show in politics he'll say anything to get there. He just doesn't have the curriculum vitae to say anything credible to gun owners about supporting their rights.

If the NRA is foolish enough to endorse him I will ask for my membership dues back.
I'm wondering what Rudy means when he says we must prove a need for a handgun before purchasing one.

If I say, "Well, I might want to defend myself," that can't be what he is talking about. That applies to every gun owner.

"Well, I might enjoy target shooting" won't work either, for the same reason. A requirement that applies to everyone makes no sense.

He must mean something else.

Just how badly might I have to need a handgun before Rudy's Rule would let me have one? And how would I prove that need?
I'm wondering what Rudy means when he says we must prove a need for a handgun before purchasing one.

Probably what MA, and Boston in particular require for a Class A LTC, which is only may-issue. Basically, you have to prove that you carry large amounts of cash on a daily basis, work in security, or have another, specific provable reason to fear for your life, such as that you're a prosecutor or such.

In other words, elites and special occupations only. "For all lawful purposes" is not a valid reason.

And to simplify it further, it'll be just like NYC was under his tenure. Movie stars, VIPs, big-name investors, politicians and the like could get a CCW, but the average citizen "didn't need one". :barf:
It's what has been in New York City

for order to have a CCW, you had to prove a need...your bodega was robbed 30 times in 15 are a doctor, and your bag is loaded with narcotics (right:rolleyes:) are a judge, and there are thousands of convicted felons you put in jail who have issued a fatwa...or you are one of those anti gun Hollywood actors who lives on Long Island along with hundreds of other "famous" stars, artists, musicians, ad nauseum, and though you are anti-gun, you, and your cadre of body guard thugs need a CCW...yep...that's the way it is in NYC...that's what Rudi was referring to.:rolleyes:
And to simplify it further, it'll be just like NYC was under his tenure. Movie stars, VIPs, big-name investors, politicians and the like could get a CCW, but the average citizen "didn't need one"

It was like that well before Rudy in NYC.

Furthermore, while technically a "may issue" state (and one of the first to issue in the US), NY State is relatively painless in getting a permit outside NYC.

NYs permit system will eventually fail under EP grounds I reckon.

WildwillpaypremiumforpickelhaubepatternpajamasAlaska TM

I don't trust Rudy, Hillary or Obama. Fred Thompson is another story. He doesn't need the money, doesn't need the fame, and doesn't need the power. If Hillary is so great, why didn't the people of Arkansas elect her to the Senate? Rudy, I don't believe he changed his views, he's hurting for support and wants the NRA to forgive and forget.
Furthermore, while technically a "may issue" state (and one of the first to issue in the US), NY State is relatively painless in getting a permit outside NYC.

Do citizens have to show a need before buying a gun, or is Rudy proposing that Congress impose on the nation a standard more strict than the one in the state of New York?
Gulliani should have been run out of there on a rail before speaking 2 words, rather than getting even a quiet respectful applause. Idiot.

Thompson went up a couple pegs in my book with his comments. I think he's clearly more of a true pro-gunner than Bush II, who was/is just sorta mildly pro-gun because he has to be, since he's an R.