"Canada, U.S. Agree To Use Each Other's Troops In Civil Emergencies"

I live in Florida, where these things called hurricanes tend to visit from time to time. I also have one of those jobs where I get to work during hurricanes and undergo all of the latest/greatest FEMA/DHS training. One thing they tell you is be prepared with enough food and water for a minumum of THREE days. If everything works perfectetly, it will still take that long before supplies can be organized and moved into a disaster area. Sorry, but you gotta take care of yourself for a little while. Oh yea, if you want TV and Air Conditioning during the hurricane, you need to buy a portable generator. We cannot guarantee that you will have electricity during and immediately after a storm.
Wildalaska said:
Hey Canuck....You need to start a thread to enlighten these guys as to the severe free speech issues going on up by you!

You and I don't often see eye to eye but colour me impressed.
Start the thread O denizen of Geddy Lee Land...they need to know

What was the famous line so far from your government dude?

"Freedom of speech is an American concept, so I don't give it any value … It's not my job to give value to an American concept."


WildbetiturnsintothelongestthreadeverAlaska TM
Tinfoil hats are not necessary. It is all out in the open. This thread is about "coordinating" military assets. Bush's SPP initiative has fielded lots of bureaucrats working in secret to "harmonize" regulations amongst the three north American countries. We've been occupied with the nonsense coming from the south and have paid scant attention to what we are doing with and to our best friends to the north. I dare say if foreign troops walk the streets it will be US troops walking Canadian streets rather than the other way around. The US is the 800 lb gorilla in the hammock. The Canadians are not the threat.
As one of the people who responded to the Katrina disaster, I can tell you that things went the way they should have in most cases, at least from the point of the responders.

They call it a disaster for a reason. I think the main problem there was that people expected the govt to ride in and save everyone from inconvenience and poor planning. I know that this is off topic for the thread, so if anyone wants to discuss emergency response, start a thread. I will be happy to share what I know.
Calling in Hessians I see...hmm...methinks someone is up to some kind of no good.

I wager that not too many people know of what you are referring to with the "Hessians". Your inference is right on the money though. This changes everything... just like back then.
I'm as distrustful of politicians as anyone else here, but if you seriously think that Canadian troops would end up being sent to enforce martial law in the US, you've got a very shaky grip on reality. More than likely, this is simply a "CYA", so that in the event of a serious natrual disaster (for example, the anticipated earthquake on the west coast), Ottawa is going to be able to say "Relax, I know we can't help you guys out there, but don't worry. A division from Fort Lewis is on its way. Just remember, the looters will leave you alone if you try to reason with them."
So if my family is stranded in the USA with a forest fire closing in and I realize the military helo coming in to evac us is Canadian should I start shooting at it or simply refuse to board? :rolleyes:
Come on now FireMax, you have to give us more credit than that, mercenaries are no different today than they were during that little "revolution" we had a few years ago:D They can be dealt with the same way we dealt with them at Trenton if the need really arises;) Though I believe in this case it seems to be more for the benefit of the Canucks, but they would be able to provide usefull assistance in places like Alaska, Northern Minnesota, and places like that where they may have more dedicated snow travel equipment. I agree this agreement seems to be laying some dangerous precident, foreign occupation of our lands by a government that doesn't recognize some our our most basic freedoms (right to keep and bear arms for example) could lead to some bad confrontations with freedom loving citizens.
So if my family is stranded in the USA with a forest fire closing in and I realize the military helo coming in to evac us is Canadian should I start shooting at it

Only if you are an idiot. I didn't read a single post in this thread which said to do such a thing or even implied it. Try to stay on topic.
Not getting enough support for your chicken little scenario huh LOL

WildfiremissionfiremissioncanucksinthewirewolveriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinesAlaska TM
WildAlaska, do you actually read the posts of other people before you make your comments, or do you have a list of scripted forum zingers you cut and paste into the posts of people at random?
WildAlaska, do you actually read the posts of other people before you make your comments, or do you have a list of scripted forum zingers you cut and paste into the posts of people at random?
One thing that bothers me here,is the endless tinfoil hat accusations that occur over and over again in treads that have real & genuine possible future repercussions.There are waaaaaaay too many gun owners who truly believe that big government is their friend and would neeeeever do anything that could possibly harm them in any way.
The point that so many here seem to be ignoring is that the Canadian military doesn't have enough of a force to adequately patrol a large CITY, let alone a state or any other large area. You may as well worry about being invaded by the Vatican's Swiss Guard.
WildAlaska, do you actually read the posts of other people before you make your comments, or do you have a list of scripted forum zingers you cut and paste into the posts of people at random?

Nothing random, I carefully select folks to zing based on the reasonableness of their worldviews :)

There are waaaaaaay too many gun owners who truly believe that big government is their friend and would neeeeever do anything that could possibly harm them in any way.

There are waaaaaaay too many gun owners who truly believe that government is their enemy and is spending all of employeesr time and dollars to do everything they can to harm them.

WildomygodtheswissguradshavelandedinoshkoshcalloutthepatriotsAlaska ™
The point that so many here seem to be ignoring is that the Canadian military doesn't have enough of a force to adequately patrol a large CITY, let alone a state or any other large area. You may as well worry about being invaded by the Vatican's Swiss Guard.

Even though there army is small it is non the least an army that is highly trained and trained in the ways of the U.S. and British militaries. (although I believe us ppl who live on or near the border could give em a run for there money lol)

If there is a reason for help from the military it better be the U.S. National Guard. not some Canadian fellas. now if the Guard is overwhelmed I see no problem with getting help from Canadian Guard troops (if they have a guard I do not know) but regular army of a foreign nation should not be here. and either should our regular army. that is not there job nor should it be.
You are missing the point.

The point that so many here seem to be ignoring is that the Canadian military doesn't have enough of a force to adequately patrol a large CITY, let alone a state or any other large area. You may as well worry about being invaded by the Vatican's Swiss Guard.
Gun control in Canada: making the streets safer for rapists, muggers, and other violent criminals since 1936.

WRONG. The point is that this sets a precedent. If Canucks can be invited in in an "EMERGENCY", then why not Chicoms? Or blue-helmeted UN multi-nationals? Precedent.
I had no idea that the US might have stayed out had Hitler not declared war. I thought the US declared war on the Axis.

Germany and the US were already in an undeclared war in the North Atlantic long before Pearl Harbor. US warships were escorting British merchantmen as far as Iceland where they were met by the Royal Navy. One US destroyer had already been sunk and the US navy was under orders to sink U-Boats on sight.

This partly goes to explain why Hitler declared war on the US, it wasn't straight forward insanity as is usually put forward, just a strange obsession with "formalities".

And all this of course from a President who wanted to keep the US out of WWII. (allegedly)