"Canada, U.S. Agree To Use Each Other's Troops In Civil Emergencies"

Oooh, them's fightin' words.

We didn't need to institute a draft, our men were spoiling for a fight.

No disrespect intended. Just fact. The Canadian government of the time couldn't agree to support England in the manner of other English "holdings", so only those that volunteered went. Those that opposed the war could stay home.

As terrible as it was, Pearl Harbour was the much needed excuse for you to mix it up with the bad-guys.

Actually, if Hitler hadn't screwed up and declared war on the United States following Pearl Harbor, chances are we would have fought Japan alone and stayed out of Europe. At least until some other excuse could be found.

Insignificant refers to having a current affect in America. If you think American troops in Iraq are useless, it would be nothing compared to a few thousand Canadian troops in the US. Canada simply doesn't have the resources to make an impact.
I heard she is a space alien. Therefore, the US is in danger of space alien domination.

OK, you lost me here Ken. What is so "tin foil hat paranoid" about making a factual observation about Queen Elizabeth being head of the Commonwealth, and commander of its military. She was the last I heard.

UK military forces train in Canada and the US constantly, along with a lot of other NATO units.

I don't see it as a stretch to think that some UK military units might augment Canadian units heading for the US in time of natural disaster or mass casulty terrorist attack. They do this all the time already for natural disasters in Canada.
Firemax: No, I'm afraid you don't have a grip on reality. Look, even if our government went nuts and decided to subjugate the people, just what could Canada do to help them? They've got 15,000 ground troops. Even if Canada sent 2/3 of their entire army here, that's 10,000 troops, that is not nearly enough to pacify the Boston metro area.

Even if you are correct and there is some evil purpose behind this (which there isn't) THERE AREN'T ENOUGH CANADIAN SOLDIERS TO MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE! Do some MATH man! Get a frickin' GRIP!

There are things in this life to worry about. Worrying that we're going to be taken over by Canada is not one of them.

Your post deserves a decent response. Mainly, because you are not getting the point which I am trying to make. No, I don't worry about Canada invading our country. I never said that... didn't even infer it.

What I did infer is that this agreement sets a precedent. In legalese, that means that it gives a reason to do such a thing again. So, if we sign this agreement with Canada today, and the people accept it... then who will we sign an agreement with next year?

I remember when I was an adolescent, Carter was president and there was some controversy about some agreement he made with the United Nations that might lead to UN troops coming to US soil one day. I don't remember the particulars, but my dad used to talk about it and he told me that the day we allow foreign soldiers in our land, is the day we will begin losing our freedom.

For 230 years, we maintained our own military and did what was necessary to protect ourselves. Is President Bush trying to tell us that we can no longer take care of ourselves? What, are we a bunch of puss's now?

There is no reason for this agreement except to diminish the sovereignty of the United States and Canada. I hope that those of you who joke about this issue will at least pay more attention to it and consider the other side of the argument.
OK, you lost me here Ken. What is so "tin foil hat paranoid" about making a factual observation about Queen Elizabeth being head of the Commonwealth, and commander of its military. She was the last I heard.

Nothing wrong, I just get a kick out of the fact that there is a corner of the net where some folks can screech that the Queen is a space alien (and, to make it even better, the head Queen is an alien screecher gets chased around by the Canadian Thought Police and THEY do exist, no tinfoil at all)...

Now if thats true, that being the Queen's Biological Status, then conceivably, by the tenor of this thread, our country can eventually be taken over by Space Aliens...:D

Do you numb skulls really think there is not a problem with how this is happening?

So anyone who doesn't beleive in your own specific worldview is a numbskull? How elitist!

When I was a younger man, I used to be amazed at the apathy and stupidity of many of our citizens. But, after 8 years of Clinton and now 8 years of a liberal leaning Republican named Bush, well, hell, nothing much surprises me any more.

So anyone who doesn't beleive in your own specific worldview is a apathetic and stupid!! How condescending of you!!

If you so-called men

You knew that one was coming.....:rolleyes:

You'll be safer there when the *crap* hits the fan.

Ho hum. Your attitude is typical of many (not all) GOA fans.

Wildasihavesaidbeforewhenthebigonehitsandthosecanadiantrucksarebringinginfoodandfueli'llwelcomethemAlaska TM
Is there an official link to the document itself?
BTW, I met several Canadian naval personnel years ago and they were good professional service members. As for thier participation in WWII, Vietnam, etc, those who volunteered to go have my thanks.
If this "agreement" is real, I understand the "slippery slope" argument being used, and it could be, but I don't see anything but one article from one "news" source. Anything else to corroborate, preferrably official?
Ho hum. Your attitude is typical of many (not all) GOA fans.

Funny how you point out my emotional zingers as if you somehow have some authority to "disapprove" and then you turn around and say something completely assanine and rude as this. That's what we call the pot calling the kettle black, sport.
I don't think anyone really is saying that Candian troops are going to take us over.

However, in the event of a Katrina style disaster, Canada might send troops to help. If so, it would be a small number. But would they understand US law well enough to be able to do anything other than violate it?

Remember the California Highway Patrolmen who came to "help" in New Orleans after Katrina? There were only a handful involved. Remember what they did to the little old lady with the revolver? It doesn't take a massive number of foreigners like Candians and Californians to cause a big problem.
It doesn't take a massive number of foreigners like Candians and Californians to cause a big problem.

After working with both, I'd rather have the Canadians.:D

As to the OP. My personal opinion, it's much ado about nothing that hasn't already been taking place for years. That is foreign soldiers on U.S. soil.

Thanks for the clarification. Like I said, our MEN were spoiling for a fight...;)

I had no idea that the US might have stayed out had Hitler not declared war. I thought the US declared war on the Axis.

I'm more worried about the US coming up here than the Canadians gong down there. It can be abused rather quickly, especially if a statist Government returns to power up here.
That's a good one! Not a lot of us are of such character these days though...

Hey Canuck....You need to start a thread to enlighten these guys as to the severe free speech issues going on up by you!

WildfreesteynandlevantAlaska TM
To get past kneejerk, reflex statements and examine the issue of the relationship the United States with its allies and neighbors is actually the critical element of this discussion.

Up until the last 50 years or so there was really no need to institute any agreements like this. The world was bigger and there was a lot more separation between nations.

This however, did not stop the developement of Rescue coordination and resource planning. It is also involved with NORAD and similiar defense agreements.

For general info in 1965, thereabouts, I was reading in the newspaper about the West German Luftwaffe base down there in Texas. Plus the other day there was a writeup of British Army Officers running training exercises up in the neighborhood of Leavenworth, Kansas. I also believe that various NATO units are detailed on a regular basis to Camp Irwin out in CA for training. Then there is the Swedish Navy submarine based in San Diego.

As you can see from just the few examples I have listed there have been many FOREIGN troops on the territory of the US. The question that needs to be addressed is why are they here and what are the rules for them being here?

New Orleans and the Katrina SNAFU has shown that Emergency Planning needs to be much more extensive and farther reaching than many would have thought necessary just 25 years ago. Such planning would have to deal with the Rules of Engagement for Out of State much less Out of Country assistance to help restore and maintain order.

When you start to realize the extent of several potential natural disasters that these United States is facing, yes your great, great grandchildren might be dead, buried, and forgotten when some of them happen, you should recognize that the setting up of assistance pacts is not a problem but what is written in them could be and as such should be subject to strict scrunity and much discussion.

And the putting down of the Peasantry-Proletariat by All Knowing Unresponsible Agents of Govt. is NOT ALLOWED!!!!
New Orleans and the Katrina SNAFU has shown that Emergency Planning needs to be much more extensive and farther reaching than many would have thought necessary...
.... if you are a Socialist and believe that only the government can save you.

The correct statement is....

New Orleans and the Katrina SNAFU has shown that Americans must depend on themselves in emergencies as the promises that government politicians make will never be fulfilled.
.... if you are a Socialist and believe that only the government can save you.

That kind of social Darwinism defys reality.

There are many people who can't provide for themselves, and who can't earn a living, and who aren't welfare goldbricks.

These people; the elderly, the disabled veterans, the mentally handicapped, and etc., live on assistance because they have to, not because it's a way of living an indolent life.

These people usually don't have their own transportation, or the resources to have a weeks supply of food on hand at the end of the month.

If there were ever a need for Canadian armed forces units to help evacuate people like this, say a massive blizzard in the upper midwest, then let's bring them in at let them go to it.
New Orleans and the Katrina SNAFU has shown that Americans must depend on themselves in emergencies as the promises that government politicians make will never be fulfilled.

Yeah, when the big one hits up here and babies are starving due to the fact that they can't barge or airlift formula, I'll be standing there telling the folks...hey, you should have planned better.

Those military tracked vehicles from Canada hauling stuff across the tundra should be turned away by true Patriots:barf:

WildwhatacrockAlaska ™

PS....I keep an nextra 50 pound bag of rice around most of the time, as well as supplies...that assumes of course my pad isn't destroyed
FireMax, I have been to several seminars on Emergency Preparedness and FEMA is quite adamant that as an individual you need to be prepared for various worstcase scenarios. FEMA will tell you that your first line of defense is yourself, then your local resources, then state resources, with the last line being the Federal.

In fact there is information that a major reason for the Katrina SNAFU was the preponderence of LEO types with their anti-self defense mindset in the upper ecelons of Homeland Security. Think Ridge, Mineta and others.

Then you look at the scale of some disasters and you realize that it is possible to be overwhelmed on an individual basis. That is why when discussing SHTF situations you have to find a group that you can work with. Strength does come from numbers and you do need to sleep every now and then.
Katrina is why NIMS was intitiated, which my Dept is training in, to assist other agencies, streamline communications, standardize terminology, eliminate confusion, and define things like span of control. Or, in plain English, who is supposed to do what, where, when, how, and who is in charge.
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I appreciate all of the training that first responders go through. They are good people with good intentions and what they do is necessary. My point is, if you depend on the government to save you from a disaster, then your odds of survival are less than if you are prepared to look after yourself.