"Canada, U.S. Agree To Use Each Other's Troops In Civil Emergencies"


It is believed that under the North American Union, foreign troops, not bound by U.S. laws, could be used by the American federal government to override local authorities. People are being warned that the next time their town has an emergency, they may expect Canadian soldiers to respond. Canadian soldiers are not bound by posse comitatus, a U.S. law that prohibits the use of federal troops from conducting law enforcement duties on domestic soil unless approved by Congress.
It's hard enough to keep reminding local cops who've lived under our laws their entire lives that open carry is a Constitutional right in New Hampshire and that they must not accost us when we do it - I can't imagine how Canadian troops would react to an armed civilian when so many types of handguns are straight-up contraband there.

Just look at how the CHP handled a little old lady with a rusty old revolver in Louisiana, for instance.
It seems our current leadership will go to great lengths to get around the "posse comitatus" act which prevents US troops from acting against their own citizens. I am against this act by the President and the next president should immediately repeal this agreement with Canada.
You do realize, I hope, that Canada has virtually no military left. If you are thinking Red Dawn with Canadian soldiers instead of Cuban/Soviet, then you are misguided.

Their cupboard is almost completely bare. They've got 2,500 troops in Afghanistan and they can only barely support them in the field. The entire Canadian Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) is all of 60,000 men or so. Their land forces consists of 3 brigades. That is about a single division -- 10,000 to 15,000 men and women. In comparison, the New York Police Department is almost 40,000 strong.

Furthermore, the Canadian Forces don't have the transport to even take that division anywhere, let alone support it in the field.

Their navy consists of 12 frigates, 3 aging destroyers, and 4 elderly subs (only one of which is operational). The remainder of their naval forces are small patrol boats. Less than 50 of their air force CF-18s (a Hornet derivative) are operational.

I mean no disrespect the brave men and women of the Canadian Forces. In a civil emergency, they could help patrol a city. But the reality is that it is more likely that US forces would end up patrolling a Canadian city than vice versa.

Take off your tinfoil hats and stop worrying about black helicopters and UN soldiers.
Take off your tinfoil hats and stop worrying about black helicopters and UN soldiers.

Wow, another tinfoil hat comment. That one never gets old.

One zinger deserves another. Here's to you.....take your head out of your arse and stop believing everything your government force feeds down your willing throat.

The only time the US has had foreign troops on our soil has been when we were at war with England and Mexico (and possibly Spain). There were Japanese troops in Western Alaska also during WWII. The fact that you seem just fine with Canadian troops on our soil during Emergencies says a lot about how gullible you are. I guess you also believe that we have oil at $110 per barrel because there is an oil shortage? Right? :cool:

It is the principal of the matter to many people. This sets a dangerous precedent. Today it is Canada.... who else will the Bush's, Clintons and Obamas of our country let in tomorrow?

Answer me this tin foil hat zinger fella.... if this agreement with Canada and the US is no big deal, how come our government is being so silent about it?
FireMax: Get a grip on reality man.

Once again, Canada has basically no troops to spare to send to our soil. And if they did, the Canadian Forces would have a very hard time getting them here and maintaining them in place. They simply do not have the transport units and equipment.

If you want to stock up MREs in your basement and dream up Red Dawn scenarios, have at it. But it is all just fantasy.

This agreement was mostly drawn up to benefit Canada, so that the US can help them if they need us. They have little transport capability. Suppose they have a major disaster in Vancouver (which is in an earthquake prone area) and they need national guard patrolling in that city, the US could get more troops their much faster than Canada could. This treaty allows the Canadian government to ask the US to send troops to help. That is it.

Theoretically, the US could ask for Canadian troops to help in the US in a similar fashion, but the reality is that we can mobilize more of our guard troops faster than they can. And we have mobilized our guard troops in recent years, to patrol NYC after 9/11, to patrol in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast after Katrina, etc. And the folks in NYC, New Orleans, and the Gulf states welcomed their help.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I have a grip on reality and it does not include blindly believing that every decision made by our government is good for the American people. My suggestion to you is to open up your eyes and ask why, for 250 years, we did not have a law such as this and why suddenly we need an agreement to allow foreign troops on our soil? Who cares if it is just Canada... such a move sets a legal precedent which is very, very bad. Who will it be next that our president allows on our soil? You cannot possibly know and you cannot possibly care if you agree with this decision.
There was a time when it was considered patriotic for a man to question his government. Today, it seems the so-called "men" of America aren't exactly standing up for their rights any longer. I guess many of us have gotten fat and happy over the years and today we accept that the government is a good thing rather than a necessary evil.

Who am I to sway the thinking of those pro-government "men" in our country. I simply refer back to our founding fathers instead.

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson
if it is a big secret

how do we know about it?:confused:

I guess the messengers from outer space relayed it to their agents here on earth who disclosed it to their informants at the leftist news stations. Then it got posted on TFL for all to see. :p

Maybe we did not need this agreement for the past 250 years becasue no-one in America would have gotten bent out of shape until recently. Today if Canadians rescue a sinking boat off the coast of Alaska some people cry invasion by a foreign country.
Does this mean that Canada will stop protecting American military deserters? Seems like that would be a must for any mutual invasion treaty.

Canada wouldn't even draft troops to fight Nazi Germany. Canadian troops that fought in Europe were volunteers. They are insignificant.
Isn't Canada a member of the British Commonwealth, with Queen Elizabeth the 2nd as Canadian Head of State?

If so, Queen Elizabeth is the ultimate commander of Canadian forces and Canadian forces are ultimately part of the British Army.

So, it's not too far fetched to say that other Commonwealth forces might also be subject to this agreement.

British Army forces operating on US soil for the first time since 1812.
Firemax: No, I'm afraid you don't have a grip on reality. Look, even if our government went nuts and decided to subjugate the people, just what could Canada do to help them? They've got 15,000 ground troops. Even if Canada sent 2/3 of their entire army here, that's 10,000 troops, that is not nearly enough to pacify the Boston metro area.

Even if you are correct and there is some evil purpose behind this (which there isn't) THERE AREN'T ENOUGH CANADIAN SOLDIERS TO MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE! Do some MATH man! Get a frickin' GRIP!

There are things in this life to worry about. Worrying that we're going to be taken over by Canada is not one of them.
Canada wouldn't even draft troops to fight Nazi Germany. Canadian troops that fought in Europe were volunteers. They are insignificant.
Oooh, them's fightin' words.

We didn't need to institute a draft, our men were spoiling for a fight.

You keep thinking that we are insignificant when you ask any Ranger how many Canadian Soldiers have gone to (and excelled) at Ranger School. Maybe do a quick rundown of your rosters and see how many Canadians have given up thier lives to volunteer to fight wars for the United States of America when there was a requirement for the draft in the US.

Our Military was gutted because a pack of idiots gained power up here (granted to them by another pack of idiots... yeah, I mean my country-men) and they figured we would be a "peaceful nation", well FTN, we're gonna re-build and we're gonna participate.

Before anybody gets all "We saved your bacon in Double-yew double-yew eye-eye", I know. You guys were wanting to get into the fight early and pretty much declared sides with the Lend Lease agreements in 1940. As terrible as it was, Pearl Harbour was the much needed excuse for you to mix it up with the bad-guys.

Do I agree with the pact? Heck no! I think it is wrong on all levels.
If so, Queen Elizabeth is the ultimate commander of Canadian forces and Canadian forces are ultimately part of the British Army.

I heard she is a space alien. Therefore, the US is in danger of space alien domination.

Today, it seems the so-called "men" of America aren't exactly standing up for their rights any longer.

Thank god we have you to show us the way! Fight the New World Order!

WildnextwewillbehearingaboutilluminatiplotsAlaska ™
I think m1911 is right on this one. Canada is the only country in the world with an Air Force bigger than its army. This is more about mutual aide than control of citizens.

We had troops stationed in Canada throughout most of the 1940's and 1950's and the world hasn't come to an end because of it. The truth of the matter is that a big earthquake or tidal wave anywhere up the west coast will require the combined presence of both countrys' helicopters, ships and planes to bring in food and evacuate casualties. Most likely scenario is a magnitude 8 or 9 quake hitting somewhere between Anchorage and San Francisco requiring immediate response.

Search and Rescue operations are continually conducted by joint efforts of Canadian and US Coast Guard. And over 35 years I've never hear of any Canadians capturing anyone they rescued.
I remember back in the 80's, there was some talk about doing this sort of thing. Back then, there was a big dust up about national sovereignty that allowing such a thing to happen would lead to worse things... etc., etc. Politically, no one was willing to touch it.

Today it comes up again, and so many Americans could care less if President Bush or President Obama will station Canadian, Mexican, Russian or any other troops on our soil. What a difference a couple of decades makes.

Just last month, the issue came up again... not in the major media here.... can anyone find it on ABC, CBS, CNN, FauxNews??? Give her the ol college try fellas. Nope, you won't find it in the major media. I've looked. Even though this is the first time this sort of agreement has EVER been signed with a foreign nation in over 230 years.... barely a peep in the major media.

This agreement was signed by the President of America without the approval of Congress and without consulting or even notifying the people. Do you numb skulls really think there is not a problem with how this is happening?

When I was a younger man, I used to be amazed at the apathy and stupidity of many of our citizens. But, after 8 years of Clinton and now 8 years of a liberal leaning Republican named Bush, well, hell, nothing much surprises me any more. If you so-called men think our rapid descent into a European type Socialist country is going to somehow "workout okay", then by all means, keep your heads up your arses. You'll be safer there when the *crap* hits the fan.