Caliber size wound effects on the human body

Part of a good home defense strategy is knowing where to position yourself so you are shooting at safe angles and or a safe direction. Granted, a person cannot pre-plan everything / every scenario, but better to have at least considered it.

I live in a townhouse, end unit attached to one other unit in the middle of downtown with constant heavy traffic in the front and about 20 kids roaming and playing out back. Construction is 2x4 studs, sheetrock and vinyl siding. Missing a target or over-penetrating can mean 15 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter.

For me, firing down into stairwells would be ideal. In a face-to-face, firing down at an 80 or 85 degree angle might be better than 90 degrees.

Modern training teaches us that COM shots to the chest are the way to go since head shots can be difficult if not impossible for the average person with a mobile or bobbing target. Considering that the FBI claims that 80% of home invasions are performed by folks high on narcotics and or alcohol, the effectiveness of a shot through the heart cannot always be counted on to immediately incapacitate, giving 15 seconds of fight to the determined PCP or meth user. What can immediately stop an attackers forward motion are multiple shots to the pelvic girdle. Destroying the pelvic girdle allows for shooting at a downward angle, the dense bone in this part of the body more likely to slow a bullet down, preventing over penetration and without functioning hip joints an attacker will have a hard time standing, in addition to chasing you. The pelvic girdle is also the most stationary part of the body insofar as movement goes.
Your description of building materials is exactly why when thinking of home defense, penetration is of vital importance. Even if you are in a single family home, the penetration of various firearms needs to be a real consideration.

As to the OP's conclusion regarding the AK47, I wouldn't consider any rifle a good choice for home defense, and I'm wary of many pistols. Stopping an assailant at the cost of involuntary manslaughter of neighbor seems like a very bad deal, especially when other better options exist.

I understand those who rely on the easy access of handgun that is easier to access, and there is somewhat less danger of wall penetration. Still, I'll rely on my 12 gauge for home defense where takedown is nearly guaranteed and the chance of neighbor'cide is nearly non-existant.

Also, I've got a security system and a dog, so even a determined attacker has a couple of things to consider/contend-with while I fetch my shotgun.
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Herluf said:
Even if you are in a single family home, the penetration of various firearms needs to be a real consideration.
Which is why I really like an AR-15 for home defense. Sure, it has its downsides, but a self-defense hollow-point .223 load will penetrate much less through walls than almost any self-defense handgun or shotgun load.
This demonstrates another problem with the long guns over the handguns....

When folks go out, like to the store to get groceries or such, do they take their long guns with them?

I don't think anyone has suggested that a person should leave their home or go out in public without a firearm. I thought we were talking about carrying of weapon inside the home.