Bye Bye Elliot

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What if it was an illegal gambling ring?

I would see that. Sex sells though, an illegal gambling ring would get about as much publicity as the corruption in KBR and Halliburton get the President and his VP.
Copenhagen did you see Robin Williams in "Man of the Year" ? I could never run for office but those who do should be able to speak the truth and stand for what they believe? Personally, if a man wants to pay a hooker I say it's his business. When he tells me I can't hire a hooker, that becomes my business.
Copenhagen, it doesn't matter. Politicians who BREAK the law don't have the right to MAKE or ADMINISTRATE the law.
Copenhagen, it doesn't matter. Politicians who BREAK the law don't have the right to MAKE or ADMINISTRATE the law.

I couldn't agree with you more. I don't think he belongs in office. My point is I don't think his sexual exploits belong on our television sets either.
I couldn't agree with you more. I don't think he belongs in office. My point is I don't think his sexual exploits belong on our television sets either.

If Eliot was "simply"cheating on his wife, he would be an immoral scumbag, and really be a waste of valuable television news time. But he commit a serious crime as defined by statute, making him an immoral scumbag criminal. That is the business of the People of the State of New York. Plus it's going to hurt Madam Gun Grabber's campaign which can't be a bad thing. I'm wondering if Bill was wiping his brow saying to himself, "Phew that was a close one, they almost got me too!"
The sex part is not the issue, that's no big deal. It's the lying and hypocrasy from an elected official. Just like when Bill Clinton came on TV, looked you in the eye and said he did not have sex with Monica. I would have said "Damn Straight I did it and I'd do it again". I would not have lied to you.
Plus it's going to hurt Madam Gun Grabber's campaign which can't be a bad thing. I'm wondering if Bill was wiping his brow saying to himself, "Phew that was a close one, they almost got me too!"

I know nothing of New York politics, but if it hurts the anti-gun lobby that's great. I am just sick of seeing sex scandals on TV. I could give a crap if a politician solicited a guy to have sex with him in a bathroom. I could care less if if numb nuts had a hooker. It irritates me to hear time and time again about the immorality of the rich and famous. I see the point about people needing to know he broke the law. I can understand New York State newspapers should report the specifics. As for it being the only thing I can watch on CNN right now...? Now that is what gets my goat.
I truly hope that you don't rely on CNN for news. At least not unbiased news.........

Not at all. That was the point of my original post, to point out how this junk food news gives the media something to fill up air space because sex sells, all the while not giving their attention to other more important issues. Not reporting something that needs to be reported is bias.
I just wonder if the tax payers of NY paid for this. Since he seemed so hard over against corporate corruption, I wonder if he will gracefully accept his fate as a corrupt government ruler?
Just an aside...I think I've made it pretty clear that I could care less about where, when, how and with what folks use their unmentionables for.


Don't lie about. Don't crusade against it as Mr. Clean and then partake of the same perversion.

And never get caught on a wiretap.:D

WildhesanunidictedcoconspiratorAlaska TM
He he...if he doesnt resign the Repubs in NY are gonna ask that he be im:Dpeached

Nice scandal. Too bad (as I hear) the sex was so ordinary. The Europeans are so much better at that stuff, lots of whips and chains and latex!

WildtatatomoreguncontrolinnyforawhileAlaska TM
You should read the FBI report on The Smoking Gun. He went to a great deal of trouble to avoid getting caught. His only mistake was picking an agency that happened to be under FBI investigation at the time. Looks like he spent somewhere around $4,500 plus transportation and an extra hotel room for 3 hours of fun.

Well all righty then :D
Oh, baloney! This man swore an oath to uphold the laws of the State of New York. Obviously he feels that the laws don't apply to him. What an egotistic jerk.
sasquatch, There's a higher authority he's gonna' answer too! It's like the clergy that rail against homosexuality while engaging in it, etc, etc. Caught, nailed, nabbed. Glass houses, stone throwing and whatnot.

Idiot. Spitzer, not you, sasquatch!
Uh, hold on

....His only mistake was picking an agency that happened to be under FBI investigation at the time. Looks like he spent somewhere around $4,500 plus transportation and an extra hotel room for 3 hours of fun.

According to Janine Piro on Fox, his other mistake was financing the INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION of women for the purpose of prostitution, for which the penalty could be twenty years in a Federal Prison!:cool:
Here is Mark Steyns take on that;

Boy meets girl meets Mann [Mark Steyn]

Re that "consenting adults", nobody's business but theirs, etc, Andrew, don't forget he arranged a tryst in DC with a hooker from NY:

The governor's alleged conduct may have violated the Mann Act, which forbids the transportation of prostitutes across state lines for the purposes of sex.

Mr. Spitzer's role in procuring the train ticket could tempt any of the several federal prosecutors based between New York and Washington to try to charge the governor with conspiring to violate the Mann Act. The law, from 1910, was also known as the "White-slave traffic act," and is rarely used anymore.

"If they indicted him some place for that, that's a disgrace," a prominent defense attorney, Edward Hayes, who is not connected to the case, said. "For what, paying for the train ticket? Come on, leave the guy alone."

Yeah, but this guy never left anyone alone and contributed mightily to one of the worst trends in American justice: the metastasization of narrowly drawn laws into all-purpose blunt instruments. My friend Conrad Black, charged with "racketeering", and convicted of "obstruction of justice" by a law hitherto only used extra-territorially for witness-tampering, is merely one of the more prominent victims of the Spitzerization of federal prosecution. Almost every white-collar federal offense - wire fraud, mail fraud - boils down to "paying for the train ticket".

03/10 05:37 PM

WildsogoesapoliticoAlaska TM
:....His only mistake was picking an agency that happened to be under FBI investigation at the time. Looks like he spent somewhere around $4,500 plus transportation and an extra hotel room for 3 hours of fun

That looks to me like nothing more than a "Private matter". :rolleyes:

According to Janine Piro on Fox, his other mistake was financing the INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION of women for the purpose of prostitution, for which the penalty could be twenty years in a Federal Prison

Oh, that's definitely a "Private matter". :D
I feel extremely upset with the media complex that ferrets this sort of stuff out, and at our society that gets so enamored with it. These are private family matters and should remain as such. It makes me sick to know that there are people out there whose sole purpose is to try to make a spectacle out of a man or woman's moral indiscretions. This sort of junk food news has no business on the screen, and serves to do nothing but divert our attention from the real issues at hand throughout the world.

I could not disagree more.

Spitzer is exactly the type you do not want put into this position. Consider the following;

- He's the governor of NY
- He has a reputation as a holier-than-thou moralist type
- He was a prosecutor who pushed his "law & order" record
- He uses the services of a "call girl" (high-end prostitute)
- The prostitute is part of a prostitution ring
- The majority of prostitution rings have ties to organize crime.
- Evidence of his using prostitutes is obtained (tapes, photos, etc.)
- Organized crime uses this to extract "favors" from the Gov.

My objection is not the immorality of his cheating on his wife or having sex with "another woman". But that he is in a position of power and leaves himself open to several forms of blackmail. It's bad enough that a single woman - a Lewinsky for example - could threaten a public official with making their affair public. But at least in that case it is usually money that will buy silence. Not so for organized crime. To paraphrase President Johnson, once they have his pecker in their pocket, they can control his vote.

The criminality of the activity also bothers me, but only to a small degree less. It's much different to have an affair with, say your secretary or favorite waitress, than it is to engage in supporting prostitution. If he had been dipping his wick with a 17 y/or girl it would be the same concern -- blackmail and violating the laws. Public officials should not expect to get away with ignoring the law.

He is resigning which saves time and is good. Now, indict and prosecute him.

I'm prejudiced though..On a personal level I always thought he was a holier than thou pretentious arrogant jerk and I will say no more than that.

You are not alone. A number of talking heads on TV and radio said virtually the same thing. Adjectives I recall were - arrogant, pretentious, holier-than-thou moralist and a jerk.
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