Bye Bye Elliot

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Looks like NY Gov. Elliot "Not For The But for Me" Spitzer is gonna resign now that he got caught playing with super expensive hookers.

WildanotheronebitesthedustAlaska TM
You should read the FBI report on The Smoking Gun. He went to a great deal of trouble to avoid getting caught. His only mistake was picking an agency that happened to be under FBI investigation at the time. Looks like he spent somewhere around $4,500 plus transportation and an extra hotel room for 3 hours of fun.
The photo shoot at that link is completely inadequate: I need to see detailed pics of his companion in the endeavor to draw accurate conclusions :D
Hell, it's New York...these are the same people who looked at that carpetbagging power addict from Arkansas and thought, "She'd make a great Senator!"

He'll fake contrition, there'll be a bit of foot-shuffling, and they'll probably end up re-electing him.
I'm having a harder time remaining in the Democratic party. It's not like the Republicans are without their scandals, but - I'm involved in New York politics and one politician is slimier than the last around here! It's ridiculous. I met this man on several occasions and never would have imagined him to pull a stunt like this.
He'll fake contrition, there'll be a bit of foot-shuffling, and they'll probably end up re-electing him.

He's finished.

Bet some AUSA puts him through the wringer.....juicy testimony, yeah baby

I'm prejudiced though..On a personal level I always thought he was a holier than thou pretentious arrogant jerk and I will say no more than that:cool:

WildyousowwhatyoureapAlaska ™
In one such case in 2004, Mr. Spitzer spoke with revulsion and anger after announcing the arrest of 16 people for operating a high-end prostitution ring out of Staten Island.

“This was a sophisticated and lucrative operation with a multitiered management structure,” Mr. Spitzer said at the time. “It was, however, nothing more than a prostitution ring.”

Bill Clintons Successor

Just remeber the phrase " I did not have sex with that woman". Worked once, it ought to be good a 2nd time.
I'm prejudiced though..On a personal level I always thought he was a holier than thou pretentious arrogant jerk and I will say no more than that

In person he is a friendly, well spoken, down to Earth guy which just makes this even crazier. He obviously has no moral compunction if we was willing to risk inflicting high public embarrassment and emotional trauma on his WIFE AND TWO DAUGHTERS. He's another useless pig. :(
I feel extremely upset with the media complex that ferrets this sort of stuff out, and at our society that gets so enamored with it. These are private family matters and should remain as such. It makes me sick to know that there are people out there whose sole purpose is to try to make a spectacle out of a man or woman's moral indiscretions. This sort of junk food news has no business on the screen, and serves to do nothing but divert our attention from the real issues at hand throughout the world.
[I'm prejudiced though..On a personal level I always thought he was a holier than thou pretentious arrogant jerk and I will say no more than that/QUOTE]

Never thought I would or could agree with Wildalaska but there it is.:D
I feel extremely upset with the media complex that ferrets this sort of stuff out, and at our society that gets so enamored with it. These are private family matters and should remain as such. It makes me sick to know that there are people out there whose sole purpose is to try to make a spectacle out of a man or woman's moral indiscretions. This sort of junk food news has no business on the screen, and serves to do nothing but divert our attention from the real issues at hand throughout the world.

Oh, baloney! This man swore an oath to uphold the laws of the State of New York. Obviously he feels that the laws don't apply to him. What an egotistic jerk.
WildAlaska does hit on a good point. I was in the hospital for a procedure today when the news broke on the television in the waiting room and one of the doctors said, "You know, I always thought that guy came off as too clean."
Oh, baloney! This man swore an oath to uphold the laws of the State of New York. Obviously he feels that the laws don't apply to him. What an egotistic jerk.

Still standing by what I said. It's wrong, but it's his families business, not the nation's. Letting stuff like this become what we let it is akin to making bacon chicken fried, or perhaps spending a morning of "News" on Brittany or Lindsay.. What a waste of our time.
Still standing by what I said. It's wrong, but it's his families business, not the nation's.

Sorry Copenhagen, Spitzer broke the law and has no business being governor. What if it was an illegal gambling ring?
These are private family matters and should remain as such.

Yeah, right, once you get past that whole violating the law thing and all. :rolleyes:

But hey FWIW, even Client #9 doesn't agree with you:

In one such case in 2004, Mr. Spitzer spoke with revulsion and anger after announcing the arrest of 16 people for operating a high-end prostitution ring out of Staten Island.

“This was a sophisticated and lucrative operation with a multitiered management structure,” Mr. Spitzer said at the time. “It was, however, nothing more than a prostitution ring.”
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