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I own many Rugers. A P95,P89,P512,MK2, and a single six.I shot my qualifying test for my ccw with my p95. However, when I got my Walther P99 I fell in love! Rugers never did fit my hand right.Too fat in the grip.
I really have nothing against Rugers, they are fine guns. They just do not fit my hand.
I still shoot my p95 (the p89 sits in the safe),and my 22's, but I will carry the Walther.
I own many Rugers. A P95,P89,P512,MK2, and a single six.I shot my qualifying test for my ccw with my p95. However, when I got my Walther P99 I fell in love! Rugers never did fit my hand right.Too fat in the grip.
I really have nothing against Rugers, they are fine guns. They just do not fit my hand.
I still shoot my p95 (the p89 sits in the safe),and my 22's, but I will carry the Walther.
I shoot plates, and to me, the Ruger semi autos are another service type pistol. They work great for plates. I believe the efficency is in someone taking the time to practice, work on your technique, and learn the trigger with the gun you choose. I've shot Sigs, H&K, Taurui, Walthers, S&Ws, and the Rugers. They all work well. IMHO I think many people use the gun as an excuse for missing. Spend 1/2 hour a day dry firing your gun of choice, and I bet your overall shooting skills will improve a lot. The Rugers are a great mid priced option that will let the not so wealthy shooter afford a dependable semi auto pistol. The P90 is one of the most accurate non custom 45s I have ever shot.

Good shootin to ya

I have a Ruger P90, and I have to agree with you. I have friends with "super-custom" 1911 style .45's that do not shoot as accurately as the Ruger... best bargain on the planet IMHO...

"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority" - Thomas Jefferson
Plateshooter, you're right about dry firing
as means to improve accuracy. I do it pretty
often, really helps to learn how the hold
pistol steady, particularly in DA...

CDF, I would take AK type rifle for serios
combat anytime. It's not just reliable, it's unbreakable too, kind of good feature for
rough conditions...
Since the topic of the Ruger 45 pistol has been brought up, the newer Isoplast framed P97 is even more accurate thanks to modifications to the slide which has internal rails (ala: Sig P210) near the muzzle.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
As noted above, it doesn't matter what type of a pistol you own or shoot, or what caliber it is. As long as it is reliable, fires a respectable round, and you know how to shoot it. While ruger guns may not be the most inherantly accurate of all pistols, can anyone truethfully say that they can shoot their selected pistol to it's true potential?

Police agencies often choose the Mini-14 as a standard arm because you can buy two or three Mini's for the price of an AR. They are also reliable, and provide enough accuracy to get the job done. Ruger autos are not ment to be super accurate or the in-thing. They are ment to give anyone on a tight budget the ability to adiquitly defend themselves and their families.

And on the magazine limit thing. He originally proposed a 15 round magazine limit on pistols. His reasoning behind this was so that his pistol would be able to compete in the police market with the Glock 17, (which held 17 rounds). After realising his mistake, (befor the ban was passed) he withdrew his support of such a law. Although that does not jsutify his support in the first place. He has attempted to make amends with the shooting public by donating alot of money to the NRA for variouse things.
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