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Pate, as to your question of legal v illegal carry out here in Kali almost anyone who carries is doing so illegally, so the illegal's hold more numbers in my state.

As to ruger quality a least in revolver no other mass marketer comes close to the strength of the frame, if in doubt go to and learn a few things from Linebaugh. Remember I said mass market revolvers double and single did not include freedom arms. The freedom better be all that, for the amount they're asking. Same goes for single shot rifles not many No 1'S will fail a brute force test against a competitor, considering SSK will sell you one in 577 NitroMag.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 22, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 22, 1999).]
oberkommando: The original poster did not limit his assertions to any one state. I would assume that there are plenty of illegal carriers in CA (those with criminal intentions, as well as those who simply cannot obtain a permit), but I would also assume that there are thousands of legal carriers also. If the original poster supports Ruger's decision not to manufacture concealable handguns simply because some of them would be carried illegally, then he should want Ruger to cease all gun manufacture altogether since some of his guns will be used in committing crimes.
I live in Prescott Arizona ,they make Rugers here.I wish they made something better here!
Ruger makes great .22s and I will not bag on the minis.Don't buy one of their handguns.
I won't waste my time telling you about my experiences.But I will spend a minute telling you about my brother in law who worked there for 12 years...
He was the guy that took care of firearms coming back with "problems".He had to fight back telling everybody who was transfered to him "well that's what you get for buying a piece of $&!%" and then fix things that should have been done right in the first place.And even then it was still just a fixed Ruger.
About a year ago he quit!Keep in mind he was making great money for these parts,He was the head of his division,had benefits for his family.He just didn't want to spend his life fixing crap.Now he customizes cars and trucks out of his garage.
He doesn't make as much money ,but he makes things he is proud of!

To the question of illegal vs. legal carry:

Just like Oberkommando said. I live in IL and I know there are people carrying out there. There is NO WAY they could be legal--you can't get an actual CCW even w/political influence though you can get the cops to ignore you. Therefore illegal carriers vastly outnumber legal ones. The only people legally carrying outside their own homes or businesses are cops, who don't use Rugers.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
IMHO Ruger handguns fall under the same catagory as star,daewoo,miltex,llama and hi point. I would have to take a long hard look before i accepted one for free. and even then you would get the same look from me as everyone did last christmas when my grandmother got me spiderman underoos.

If you want a cheap gun your going to get a "cheep" gun !

TIM : )
There sure are a lot of people buying "cheap" guns that don't work. For an outfit who sells cheap firearms that don't work they sure must employ good salesmen. Think of the hundreds of thousands of poor shooters and hunters who have forked over good money for firearms that don't work. Someone should tell them that the rifles, shotguns, and hanguns they are using don't function and should be discarded. This is getting a little bit ridiculous. To the poster who stated they are in the same category as star, daewoo, miltex, llama and hi point; If faced with a shootout and you had to select one of the above mentioned brands of handguns, are you really going to say you'll reach for the Hi-Point? If you would pick up the Hi-Point or another you don't value your life. Most shooters would pick up the Ruger and could be confident that it would work. As far as Ruger getting a lot of returns for repair, why wouldn't they? They sell more guns than any other gun maker in the U.S. (world?). Another factor is it is well known that Ruger has excellent custiomer service. People are more than happy to send off a Ruger because they know it will be fixed and sent back to them without a lot of hassle. Many manufacturers lack that kind of service, so people think twice about sending a gun in for repairs. I own some Ruger firearms, but I also own more of what are considered "top of the line" handguns. Why? Because I can afford them. The fact of the matter is that Ruger makes very functional firearms at prices that most people can afford. Not everyone can plunk down enough money for a SIG, H&K, Beretta, or tricked-out 1911. The average gun owners needs can be met sufficiently with a Ruger. They are not the prettiest, the most "in vogue", the most ergonomic, most accurate, but they do work. I really, really doubt Ruger could sell so many if they didn't. Shake
The worst mistake I ever made was getting rid of a sweet shooting Dan Wesson so I could get a Redhawk with built in scope mounts. Earlier this evening I wrote a one page letter denoting what all is wrong with this POS. Why did I write it you ask. So Ruger can hopefully fix the *&*&* thing. Maybe when I get it back I'll put a trigger spring kit on it and get something that vaguely resembles the SA pull my Dan had, but I'm not very
optimistic. Don't even get me started on their mini 14. YMMV
It's funny because the same people that accuse Ruger of making ugly pistols will go out and buy a Glock. Why? because everyone else does. Gotta be cool right.
I carry a P97 on a daily basis in a IWB and have had know trouble. At 27 ounce and a 4" barrel it gives me the low recoil and sturdiness to put shots where they need to be out to 25yds. Most all of your comparable concealables weigh in at about the same. Please don't reply how your Kel Tec 32 weighs 12 ounce because you'ld have better luck throwing your weapon at 25 yds then hitting your target with a bullet from a gun that small.
I have owned SW and shot Glock, Colt, and Barretta.
I hope to get a Sig 245 soon but my P97 will always be my baby.

Can you guy's stop defending your purchases and be objective. This includes the poster.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
I must agree Glock's are the ugliest pistols ever made.

I have never been one to follow convention or the latest idiotic fad.

Everyone laughed at the range when I pulled my Ruger P-93 9mm to take my concealed handgun course. They all had Glocks ( mostly) and sigs, with a couple of H&K. Even the instructor asked if I was sure I wanted to use my Ruger, and that he had a Glock I could borrow for the course.

I said as politely as I could, that I was fine and my Ruger would be okay.

They (Glock owners and instructor) stopped laughing when I fired a score of 248 out of 250. By the way 250 is perfect score. No one got even close.

Confidence in your weapon of choice is what is needed. Not the GLOAT factor. I dont give a d%#n about what weapon you are shooting or what laser do-hicky you put on it with what red dot peep-thingy you have installed.


and then I will be impressed.

I shoot a Savage 99 in .308 with a tasco 3x9 scope. It does not get any ooooohhhh and aaaaaah at the range but my BUCKS do... enough said.

Instead of everyone trying to justify the purchase of their weapon of choice, they should be glad they have the ability to purchase any weapon at all.

Remember this, beware of the man who has but one weapon, he probably knows how to use it.

God bless this Country, her people and Bill Ruger. Long Live AMERICA, LET FREEDOM RING.

Judge Blackhawk
I never thought, a particular people in one country seldom like much their own make.

I feel the same also before, but later on I I became matured if it comes in choosing a gun or any tools.

I have one reason that I prefer foreign made gun for me especially if U.S.A. Made, as I see my locally manufactured guns are much more inferior to quality. But technology and tools used in the manufacturing became complex and advance nowadays. Now I see that there are locally made (in my country) that are well made and at par with foreign made and I even read in foreign magazines of their good craftmanship and durability. These were being exported too. For these reasons I planned to patronized my own, in future purchase.

BUT of course if I have the money, I prefer the long well tested Colt and S&W Products. I am looking forward to purchase the .357 Sig on the yr 2000.

What I know so far, is mostly Glock now in the market is USA made not from Austria anymore where it was originated. Well that doesn't matter, the techonology was transferred too to USA.

[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited October 31, 1999).]
First I am a Police Officer. 2nd I have been to the Ruger armorers school.(for autos, revolvers and Mini-14s) 3rd I have seldom even seen a broken Ruger or knew anyone who did. 3rd Ruger makes parts for almost every other gun company out there except Smith and Wesson. (Dan Wesson had their parts cast by Ruger for years)(also high standard before they went out of business) Also anyone who thinks Ruger doesn't make a concealed carry gun hasn't shot the ultimate pocket rocket the SP-101 in .357. Also Bill Ruger has stepped down and his son now runs the Company. Bill did not write the 10 round legislation although he DID endorse it. (He has now retracted that position) Also he owns the majority of the company personally so he never builds junk. Buy a Smith and Wesson hah! They are owned by a British Plumbers union called Tompkins. They bought the Company from Bangor Punta some Phillipinos. Anyone who thinks a ruger trigger pull is not smooth has not run about 300 rounds through it. After you break them in they are as smooth as any. P.S. Why do you think all us cops shoot Mini 14s not Colts? Because they are more reliable.
"All us cops" choose Mini14s over ARs? Most police agencies do not choose Minis over ARs. Maybe yours does, but there is always someone who doesn't get the word...
...also, I think most police agencies prefer S&W over Ruger (at least it seemed that way to me from the conversations I've had with LEO's at gun stores...but many seemed to preferr Glocks over anything else).
Sorry RikWriter, I should have said MOST police agencies choose Ruger Mini 14's over Colt ARs. I have seen a few Colts here in Montana maybe 20 to 1 or so. Also S&W had the revolver market sewed up for years with Law Enforcement until Ruger brought out the GP-100 then many switched except the trend turned to semi-autos and all bets were off. I know the armorer at the Police academy I went to 10 years ago said that if police departments would switch to rugers there would be no need for department armorers. For years dept. armorers staightened cranes and replaced firing pins on Smiths 2 problems largely eradicated in rugers where the cylinder does not revove on the ejector. (hence it does not screw up the gun even if it is bent) and, floating firing pins which seldom break. Find a smith armorer for a dept. and ask him how many spare firing pins he keeps on hand.
Sorry, even if you'd said MOST you'd probably be wrong. Maybe that is the case in Montana, but not across the nation.
Well said Judge.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
As far as pistols go, seems to me if you don't shoot thousands upon thousands of rounds, and want a full size pistol, the best value is the Ruger. Good quality, low price. If, OTOH, you're not an LEO and therefore have no use for a full-sized pistol (other than perhaps competition), then the best value will instead something that easily conceals, despite the higher price, such as a compact Glock, Sig, or HK.
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