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Master Blaster

New member
Why Buy an expensive foreign gun?
Rugers are as good or better than any gun being sold. Take the cost savings and have the ruger customized. It will shoot better than you can!
Buy a matched pair of rugers for what a glock costs. Learn to shoot with two hands at once twice the fire power.
Ruger does not kiss the tush of the gun control lobby.

Know your friends and support them.

Master Blaster
>Why Buy an expensive foreign gun?

Because I can.

I'd love to carry a Ruger auto, but they don't make anything very concealable. If they made something the size of my Sig 239 or even a 229 I would be all over it. Who needs a double stack mag when half of the mag is plastic spacer?
I believe Bill Ruger has said that he is not interested in the CCW market. BIG mistake.
Master Blaster, what Ruger shootin' iron did you have customized? Who did it? What work was done? I thought the only thing that could be done to a Ruger pistol was to add an anchor line to it and throw it over the fishin' boat. :) Or are you talking about smoothing out the trigger pull of a revolver? Or the Ruger Number 1 rifle maybe??
"Know your friends and support them..."

To be quite honest, most of my gun-totin' friends shoot H&K, Glock, SIG, and Taurus.

Why don't I shoot Ruger?

-I know H&K's reputation longer & better than Ruger's.
-Don't know of any military nor LEO units (foreign or domestic) that prefer Rugers.
-Jane's Defence Weekly scarcely mentions the gun.
-Shot a Ruger once--wasn't impressed.

But a forestry buddy of mine from the backwoods of Kentucky owns one, if that's any comfort...

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Bill Ruger can make concealled carry guns any time he thinks its profitable, Obviously
He thinks the liability vs profit tradeoff makes these guns unworthy of his time.

The philadelphia sherrifs department carries ruger 9mm P series. Isee them transpoting prisoners and serving warrants etc every day at lunch near city hall, with the big ugly in their holsters.

I own a sig p230sl myself. A fine concealed carry gun.

People who conceal legally are a very small fraction of the handgun market.

People who conceal illegally are far greater in number.

I have felt no need to have my p89 customized since at 10 yards it shoots better than I do.

People who shoot others in Delaware at more than 10 yards are called murderers.

You can build an entire ruger 10/22 from custom parts. I never checked into parts for my p89, but I'm sure they exist.

I know you can get sights and grips easily.

A good gun smith can work on any metal gun.

just my opinion.

I love the outraged responses to a common sense suggestion.

Master Blaster
Master Blaster, you won't get an outraged response from me. :) Why argue over guns -- everyone has an opinion. Personally, I have been itching to get a Ruger P95 or P97 for a long time, but the trigger pull is longer than my ARM! I haven't heard of anyone who works on their triggers and was hoping you could tell me. The P89 and P90 are uglier than sin, but the P95 and P97 get a passing grade in the looks department. My guess is a lot of LEOs don't use the Ruger because of the long double action trigger pull and the worry over first round hits. But, this is just my guess as I am not a LEO...
Know also that there is a move supported by the American Motorcyclist Association to boycott Ruger products because of their policy not of paying benefits to their employees who are injured in an accident while riding a motorcycle without a helmet even though there is no legal requirement to wear a helmet in, I think, Connecticut. Ruger will pay benefits to injured auto drivers who don't wear their seatbelts in violation of law.

Outraged responses? I see no "outrage" here. If you're looking for outrage I suggest most any episode of the Jerry Springer Show.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Bill Ruger can make concealled carry guns any time he thinks its profitable, Obviously He thinks the liability vs profit tradeoff makes these guns unworthy of his time.[/quote]

Bill Ruger is practically in diapers. Ruger will make CCW weapons when he either dies or retires and someone who is in touch with the market takes over.

I personally think Ruger's rimfire offerings can't be beat. I currently own a MkII BBL and a 10/22. I have owned an accurized 10/22 and and a Single Six. Each of them has been perfectly reliable and reasonably priced.
Good grief Chris, lets not talk boycotts! If the manufacturers go out of business then HCI wins. Let us hang together or we will all surely hang separately. Lets see... boycott Ruger because they get upset when we don't wear a helmet with a motorcycle (I don't care if you don't wear a helmet -- but don't ask for my tax dollars to pay for your excessive injuries because you don't exercise common sense); boycott Colt because they are caving in to HCI; boycott Browning because they are rumored to be caving in to HCI; boycott HK because their customer service blows and parts are hard to get; boycott Glock because too many of their guns DON'T go bang every time; boycott Sig Sauer because their finish wears off too soon; boycott Beretta because they "stole" the M9 pistol contract from Sig; boycott Kahr because they are financed by the Moonies. Hmmm... that only leaves Smith and Wesson. Ah, I do like their revolvers! :)

I never suggested the boycott, just pointed out there are other viewpoints and perspectives out there, and was a counterpoint to the original comment of "know your friends and support them". It IS unfair if Ruger covers drivers not wearing their seatbelt (a violation of law) but not motorcyclists who choose not to wear a helmet. Rational discussions with Ruger executives failed to resolve this issue, so the next step is...boycott. And there are MANY gun owners/enthusiasts who are boycotting Ruger because of this discrimination.

-Chris Orndorff
Bill Ruger can cover those people who's goldfish die... but who cares. He does it because he has the financial resources. I wouldn't cover any employee who didn't wear a seatbelt or a helmet (no matter what the law says). It also has to do with whos fault the accident was...? But why are we on this topic. Ruger is a great guy, who makes great guns, with great customer service. Quit whining!

As my dad would say, "Dry up."
"Ruger does not kiss the tush of the gun control lobby."

LMAO. Bill Ruger wrote the mag ban legislation. And many other dastardly deed can be attributed to the SOB.

(But I do like some of there guns anyway.)
Greetings To All; If it weren't for Mr. Bill
Ruger where would the American gun market be
today? After all, Ruger sell's more gun's
than any other manufacturer !!! The only one
that I currently own, is the excellent MK II
KMK-512 .22LR. Over the year's I have owned
several more; all were top quality firearms.
In more recent times, I converted my center
fire firearms to: 1)Sig-Sauer auto loader's,
and 2) Smith & Wesson revolver's. But there
is nothing wrong with the Ruger production
guns. If money is a critical factor, then
Ruger would certainly be the way to go !!!

Ala Dan
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>People who conceal legally are a very small fraction of the handgun market.
People who conceal illegally are far greater in number.[/quote]

These are interesting assertions. I would like to see some evidence that they are even close to true. They remind me of a fellow who told me that guns should not be made because they are used more often to commit crimes than to prevent them. And it is wonderfully ironic how Ruger's weapons are so often the ones used in high-profile crimes even though he has supported anti-gun measures like no other gunmaker.
Why not buy Ruger? Well aside from the fact that Ruger is in bed with the gun controllers, his autos are big, bulky and not anywhere close to ergonomic, and his trigger pulls, in general, suck. The SP101 and GP100 are good guns, as are his single action revolvers, but I don't shoot revolvers as accurately as autos, so that rules out Ruger for me.
However if someone is on a limited budget, they might be well advised to get a Ruger. But if you want a good, American made auto, you could always buy a Kimber...
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