Bump stock gone?

Bill of Rights, not Bill of Needs.

No one needs a car that can exceed the speed limit. No one needs more than one car. No one needs a chainsaw, that's what tree trimmers are for........just saying. In DC, no one needs to carry a gun, and only the very wealthy can. How safe is DC?
Trump was always anti-gun until a few years ago when it became politically expedient for him to not be. The BATF has already ruled twice, in 2010 and 2012 (Obama inaction!) that it lacks authority to regulate "bump stocks" because they don't actually convert a semi-auto to full auto. Doing so would be making law, which is entirely up to Congress. DOJ stated the same again last December, there is nothing they can do without some action from Congress.

So in fact a statement like:
“Just a few moments ago, I signed a memorandum directing the attorney general to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns,” Trump said Tuesday while speaking at a medal of valor ceremony at the White House. “I expect that these critical regulations will be finalized ... very soon.”
is completely meaningless.

And if Congress does do anything, it will consist of the GOP tying a ban to some unrelated issue that Dems simply can't support, it will fail and then they can blame it on the Dems. That's politics.

Very interesting points....if Odrama could have banned anything gun-related he would have, like when he cut off 7N6 imports (5.45x39mm ammo). Trump may not be able to cut off bump stocks either.

He should be holding to campaign promises and ending gun free zones that attract these killers. If he becomes a Leftist, he's done in 2020.
50's have a legit sporting use. Bump stocks do not.

So say YOU...

Listen, i like 50BMG’s as much as the next guy, but to say its ok to ban bump stocks. Because they have “no legit purpose” is a slippery slope I dont want to see this country start down.

What is next? 30round mags? 20rounders? Semi-autos all together? Magnum calibers only if hunting?

Im not a fan of bump stocks, just never tickled me ( ive got plenty of time behind select fire weapons, belt and magazine fed). But, if somebody wants one to make a big pile of brass and a hole in their wallet...go for it.

What seems to be missing in this is that it does NOT turn a semi into a machinegun. The gun still only fires 1 shot per trigger pull. So unless the Govt changes the definition of “machine gun”, indont see how to ban it without a new law passing.
Tbh, I see little use for a bolt action 308 with a 3-9x sniper scope. You shouldn’t be shooting at deer so far away that you might miss if you need a scope. And if you need a scope to hit something, you need to learn to use iron sights. Only assassins need to shoot someone from half a mile away.

For anyone who is willing to trade bump stocks so that you can keep your wood stocked rifle, you’ll eventually be thrown you under the bus, too.
"Today, I am directing the Department of Justice to dedicate all available resources to complete the review of the comments received, and, as expeditiously as possible, to propose for notice and comment a rule banning all devices that turn legal weapons into machineguns," a presidential memorandum said.

Isn't that the current law? It would have to fire more than one round per trigger pull to meet the current law. I read it that nothing is going to happen without Congress changing the FBI's definition of what a machinegun is. Bump stocks and trigger cranks don't meet that definition currently.
Last I checked there was nothing about a sporting use in the Constitution.

I think they're several things we can do to help prevent events such as this, but giving away classes of firearms and accessories is not the way to do it.
Some don't understand. They won't stop at bump stocks. Legit sporting use has nothing to do with anything. Take the AR 15, no legit sporting use, we shoot them because it's fun. The same is true of the bump stock. It's not my thing but some enjoy shooting with them.
Do a little checking, the dem/lib agenda is to get rid of private ownership of firearms.
Some don't understand. They won't stop at bump stocks. Legit sporting use has nothing to do with anything. Take the AR 15, no legit sporting use, we shoot them because it's fun. The same is true of the bump stock. It's not my thing but some enjoy shooting with them.
Do a little checking, the dem/lib agenda is to get rid of private ownership of firearms.
The AR has plenty of sporting use, it's probably the best varmint hunting rifle in the world and it's rapidly become a popular medium game hunting rifle.

I know that it's not going to stop at bump stocks, but bump stocks are going to be gone because there's an outrage in this nation over machine guns because they only have one use and that's to be used against people, be it offensively or defensively.

Self defense with weapons in the US is an issue that needs to be addressed because right now, that right is slowly be degraded in favor of all knowing, trained, gov't approved police officers who are always minutes away to help. The fact and message we need to hammer home is that self defense is each person's responsibility and not the community or the government's.
Really? From my perspective gun rights, access to great private personal protection training, and a variety of guns has expanded in recent years.
and many of you arguing prove that they can divide and conquer. One doesn't care about bump stocks and I don't care about revolvers. We are a minority to begin with and now we stand divided on what is wanted or needed. I have no use for a bump stock but it is another step, and then another. States that have gone to max 10 mags are now discussing 5. And many will wonder how it all got explained away until we have a plastic straw and a bb to defend our families.
Those tactical bolt action rifles with the huge scopes used for long range shooting will be termed as "Sniper Rifles" and will have to be banned. The left never rests.
The AR has plenty of sporting use, it's probably the best varmint hunting rifle in the world and it's rapidly become a popular medium game hunting rifle.

Sporting use is irrelevant to RKBA arguments. Time to learn that, yet again. It is a no-win argument. Do we have to repeat ourselves endlessly?
I'm not arguing that, that's simple fact, but the argument now is how do we justify bump stocks and allowing people to fire guns as fast as machine guns, which are no longer allowed to be registered by civilians?

The line when it comes to guns in the US is machine guns and suppressors. We can educate people about the benefits of suppressor deregulation, but we will never be able to change the public's view on machine guns. When you say machine guns, the mental image of machine guns is Chicago gangsters in the Depression gunning each other down.

You can thank Hollywood for that.

The line that's being pushed now is semi auto rifles with detachable magazines. That line must never become the same as that of machine guns because high capacity magazines in a gun is the best defense tool a person can own.

When someone is attacked in their home they're not going to have the time or mindset to grab another magazine to reload. So, if they're limited to 10 rounds and there are 2 or 3 people in a home invasion, when their gun runs dry, they're screwed. When a mass shooter plans an attack, they're going to strap themselves down with 10 round magazines or they'll use illegal magazines. They'll still reload just as fast as they do with 20 or 30 rd mags.

So, a bumpstock is one thing and it's a rather useless thing for most of us. Why defend something so useless when in return something useful could be gained?
And, what is gained? Only thing I see gained is congress will ban something and still have a job. Guess that will make it easier for the the next time they want to ban something.
And, what is gained?

According to the Presidents latest tweet. One bright spot in this dark cloud eould be the doing away with the stupid “gun free zones”that represent such a killing field currently.

He speaks of armed teachers, if that could include parents when on campus, i would support the bump fire stock ban. Just let those with a CCW carry as normal. Dont make me leave my gun in the car when i go pick up little Johnnie. Or go to his play or vollyball game.

The only way to STOP this type of attack is a strong IMMEDIATE counter attack. Historically, EVERYTIME one of these sickos is confronted with armed resistance, the shooter stops. Getting armed resistance in the hallways DURING the event is the only real solution.
^ Exactly, the mere presence of an armed individual is enough to deter an overwhelming number of attackers, be it if they have a revolver or an AR with a bump stock. The psychological impact of having bullets shot at you changes your mentality quickly and you'll go from fight to flight.

Which is why bump stocks for reciprocity is something I say is gained. If we don't call out Congressman and tell them we want National Reciprocity, elimination of gun free zones for concealed carriers, and in return bump stock legislation, the Republicans will see that if they pass nothing but anti-gun legislation, they're out in Noevember.

Republicans love nothing more than to be loved by both sides. If they can appease both sides, they'll do it. Democrats don't care if the other side hates them, they already see us as deplorables anyway and they're the type of people that the 2nd Amendment was created for.

Screaming not to ban anything isn't going to work, it's not the way to win. It's the same as it was 2 years ago when Trump was running: a lot of people voted for him not because he stood for every single thing we believed and wanted... but because he could beat Hilary.

Now, imagine if it was President Clinton and not Trump right now. Do you think we'd have an opportunity to get national reciprocity or suppressors deregulated? NO! We can now and whether you like it or not, bump stocks are gonna be banned because if the ATF doesn't regulate them, the Congress will make it law they be regulated.

It's like the lottery, you can't win unless you play the game. Unfortunately, we're caught up in the most repugnant game of politics and we have no choice but to play to possibly win, otherwise we lose.

Ready Player One?
To me, the issue isn't the bump stock, but how the forth coming regulation may be written.

I'm worried for after market triggers and such.