Bob Barr for President?

I'm done with you.

You're done with me? That makes me chuckle. My wife says that to me sometimes when she's on her period.

Look, it comes down to what type of candidate will you support for President of the USA. Hillary and Obama... liberal, in a traditionally liberal party. They know what they are and they don't hide it. McCain? Liberal in a traditionally conservative party. He tries to hide it now that he is the presumptive nominee. Now, many people will go ahead and vote for McCain even though he is a liberal, just because he currently calls the republican party his home. I have a higher standard than that. I just don't vote for liberals, I don't care what party they are in.

So, don't get red in the face because someone doesn't think like you. It happens. Get over it.
Redworm said:
Bob Barr a libertarian? What the frak?

He authored the Defense of Marriage Act, he supports the War on Drugs and believes marijuana has no place in medicine and he wanted the Pentagon to ban the practice of Wicca in the military.

For whatever it's worth, in his radio interview, he stated that he believed drug policy (among others)should be a states rights issue and referred to allowing medical marijuana specifically. He also has been working at the ACLU on privacy issues.
For whatever it's worth, in his radio interview, he stated that he believed drug policy (among others)should be a states rights issue and referred to allowing medical marijuana specifically. He also has been working at the ACLU on privacy issues.

Those are good points. He does believe in states rights, which makes him attractive to libertarians and conservatives alike... not all, but he does attract them both. Additionally, I have found that many of my conservative brothers and sisters have been allowing their privacy to be slowly taken away from them in the "name of security". That scares the pants off of me. The fact that Bob Barr holds our privacy rights in high regard, makes me hold Bob Barr in high regard.
For whatever it's worth, in his radio interview, he stated that he believed drug policy (among others)should be a states rights issue and referred to allowing medical marijuana specifically. He also has been working at the ACLU on privacy issues.
You're right, I dug deeper into it and learned that he's eased off on his strong support of the War on Drugs. Still, his belief that it has no medical value tells me that he's not the type of person I want running the country.

Privacy issues are important but a libertarian who wants to deny member of the military their right to freely practice their religion just doesn't make sense. Nor can I support the author of the DOMA.
I was at the Libertarian Heartland Convention today when Bob Barr, our keynote speaker, announced he was forming an "exploratory committee" to look at running for the Presidency.

His speech to the Convention was filled with platitudes and cliches, but not much detail. He is a member of the Libertarian Party National Committee, however, there were several other candidates at the Convention that were far more detailed in what they believed.

I particularly liked former US Senator Mike Gravel. He recently switched to the Libertarian Party and really seems to have a grasp of what's important to real Americans.

I just found this tidbit about Bob Barr while surfing the internet:

In 1999, during the impeachment trial of President Clinton, Hustler Magazine publisher Larry Flynt offered money to anyone who could provide evidence that a prominent Republican had engaged in an extramarital affair. According to the American Journalism Review, "Barr was one of 13 House Republicans chosen to act as prosecutors in Clinton's Senate trial. Barr, Flynt's investigators found, was guilty of king-size hypocrisy: An outspoken foe of abortion, the Georgia lawmaker had acquiesced to his then-wife having an abortion in 1983. And he had invoked a legal privilege during his 1985 divorce proceeding so he could refuse to answer questions on whether he'd cheated on his second wife with the woman who is now his third."[14]
That's kind of personal stuff. Reading it makes me feel queasy because you had the gall to actually post it. :barf:
Ahh Fire, nothing is private when you are a politician. Think Guliani :D

I'd like to think there are still good people left in the world, however, the ones chosen for us to vote for never seem to fit the bill. For example, the fact that there are 2 dems and 1 rep speaks volume.
I'm sorry, I still think 2008 is lost. Far as I'm concerned, I'm gonna go with who's gonna do the least damage. If we go with anybody who may take votes away from McCain, then we are giving them to Osama. Bottom line. I'm gonna hold on for 2012.
In most cases, it is a lust for power which compels a person to seek the office of President in the USA. Corporations and powerful people spend hundreds of millions of dollars to elect their candidate, who is then beholden to their special interests.

Things today are not as our founding fathers had intended.
As a person who is pro-2nd amendment, I find it unusual to hear a gun owner say something negative about such an active organization which fights for our right to keep and bear arms

GOA itself is the most prone to making negative comments about other pro-second amendment organizations.
Just a hint, go and read the bills they are condemning him for and then ask yourself how YOU would vote. MOST, not all, of the bills he favored with I could favor with.

I spend a great deal of my time reading gun legislation, here in my state and at the federal level also. I have read what you are asking, and yes, I do condemn McCain for compromising with the forces that want to take our guns away.

When a conservative compromises with a liberal, it means that the conservative has sacrificed his principals. There must be no more giving in to the gun grabbers... not one inch.

GOA has a history of opposing concealed carry legislation. They do embrace the approach stated in that last paragraph. It is not suprising that supporters of the Libertarian party would also support GOA.

Neither shows an excellent grasp of how policy goals are acheived in a republican political system.
I love how the most outspoken "patriots" decry compromise while idolizing the Founding Fathers. Those men were masters at compromise!
GOA has a history of opposing concealed carry legislation.

Then there must be a link or two to support your claim. Care to share or are you just blowing hot air?

So much animosity from some members against Gun Owners of America. That is telling. I am not as fond of the NRA as I used to be because they seem to "cave" on issues more than I like. But, you won't hear me bashing them.
GOA has a history of opposing concealed carry legislation.

Then there must be a link or two to support your claim. Care to share or are you just blowing hot air?
So much animosity from some members against Gun Owners of America. That is telling.

And of what is your question to me telling, aside from improper socialisation?

In Ohio, the GOA conspicuously opposed the concealed carry law that passed because it considered the law an unacceptable restriction of the right.

Since you posted this on the internet, I presume that your Gorenet connection works. Feel free to use it to find a link if you need one.
zukiphile, you sounded so certain that the GOA is against conceal carry rights, that I thought surely you would have at least one link to back up your claim. Asking me to do the research to backup your claim doesn't say much for the validity of your claim.
zukiphile, you sounded so certain that the GOA is against conceal carry rights,....

No, I didn't. You didn't read the post to which you are responding. Read it again, more slowly.

...that I thought surely you would have at least one link to back up your claim. Asking me to do the research to backup your claim doesn't say much for the validity of your claim.

I didn't ask you to do the research to "back up [my] claim". See above.

I am guessing that you are young enough that you would find it odd that people come to know things by media other than the internet.