Bob Barr for President?

Barr may just be my guy.
McCain was my last choice until watching Oberman last night the bill on Veterans Benefits came up and it turns out McCain isn't supporting it.

That took McCain off the table for me.

Come on pal, I am not a high school kid whom you can dominate. If you wish to say something substantive, then so be it. If your only response to my well thought out and researched responses is to be rude, then understand that you are only making your failure to think independently more evident to others.

Didn't mean to be rude; don't have any motivation whatsoever to "dominate" you or anybody else. (how'd one do that over the internet, anyhow?) Just pointing out what I thought was an obviously-fallacious analogy.

I'm not too nuts about McCain, but voting for McCain isn't the same as the "yellow dog" DemocRATs who'll always vote DemocRATic. Voting for McCain is NOT voting for the FAR left, gun-grabbing, airheaded DemocRATic candidate, whoever that might turn out to be. Sure looks like it's going to be Obama, to me.

Voting for Barr would be exactly the same as (1) pissing your vote away and/or (2) voting for a DemocRAT. I'm not going to do either.
I think "p****** my vote away" would be voting for someone with whom I have profound philosophical and policy disagreements, whatever color sweater he pulls on.

But, hey, that's what makes America great.
Voting for Barr would be exactly the same as (1) pissing your vote away and/or (2) voting for a DemocRAT. I'm not going to do either.

I used to feel the same way after Ross Perot hurt Bush41 in 1992. But this time, we don't have a Conservative running on the republican ticket. Instead, we have McCain. It is my opinion that he is a closet anti-gunner... he has certainly not been a friend of the gun owner. So, voting for him doesn't make sense to me because whether I vote for Obama, Hillary or McCain, I will end up feeling as if I have helped vote into office, someone who will harm our rights to bear arms.

If we blindly vote for just any republican the GOP sends to us, then where will it end? What if the next election, the GOP candidate is even more liberal than McCain? Will you vote for that republican candidate too just because they are a little less liberal than the democrat candidate? Where do you draw the line on who you will or will not vote for?

If we support liberal candidates in the republican party, then the trend towards liberalism that has been happening in the Republican party will get worse rapidly. It is time to say "hell no to liberals in the GOP".... IMHO.

Donkey Doo Doo

He supports background checks at gun shows. Other than that I see votes for a trigger lock connected to protecting dealers and manufacturers from liability and a host of other GOA mislabeling, hyperbole and attempts to create panic and swell their coffers.

See that guy talking to himself in the corner, that is Larry Pratt.
It is my opinion that he is a closet anti-gunner... he has certainly not been a friend of the gun owner.

Because Larry Pratt said so!

McCain has some disturbing liberal tendencies but on firearms, which is the main issue here, he is about as solid as you could ever hope to get from any person capable of winning the presidency. He is certainly not an anti.

Sometimes I think this forum is populated by Jerry Reed and company from The Survivors.
He supports background checks at gun shows. Other than that I see votes for a trigger lock connected to protecting dealers and manufacturers from liability and a host of other GOA mislabeling, hyperbole and attempts to create panic and swell their coffers.

With respect.... delude yourself into thinking that McCain will not harm our right to bear arms if you want to. I simply don't share your rosie interpretation of John McCain's voting record on the 2nd amendment. As the GOA points out clearly, McCain voted positively on only 4 of 15 occasions when there was a pro-gun bill. 4 out 15!!

I am not going to pretend like McCain is a pro-gun candidate. I am a person who "calls things by their right names", and John McCain, sir, is a liberal. ;)
As the GOA points out

Oops, I stopped right there, no need to go any further. More GOA hogwash.

Just a hint, go and read the bills they are condemning him for and then ask yourself how YOU would vote. MOST, not all, of the bills he favored with I could favor with.
Just a hint, go and read the bills they are condemning him for and then ask yourself how YOU would vote. MOST, not all, of the bills he favored with I could favor with.

I spend a great deal of my time reading gun legislation, here in my state and at the federal level also. I have read what you are asking, and yes, I do condemn McCain for compromising with the forces that want to take our guns away.

When a conservative compromises with a liberal, it means that the conservative has sacrificed his principals. There must be no more giving in to the gun grabbers... not one inch.
As the GOA points out clearly

Nothing pointed out by the GOA is ever clear unless one is gullible enough to believe so.

The GOA is in the position of preferring to believe legislation occurs in a vacuum. It doesn't and while you may hat it compromise always has and always will be the key to legislation. Strangely those FFs they hearken back to were fully aware of this since they wrote the COTUS! Just a little study of this nation's founding will show you they themselves were masters of compromise in the interest of the greater good.

Just because the GOA says something does not mean it is so. Often it is the opposite simply because of the axe they have to grind.
Just because the GOA says something does not mean it is so. Often it is the opposite simply because of the axe they have to grind.

As a person who is pro-2nd amendment, I find it unusual to hear a gun owner say something negative about such an active organization which fights for our right to keep and bear arms. Just because they point out the flaws in a candidate you want to vote for does not mean that they are incorrect. Maybe it means you are looking through rose-colored glasses at McCain.

Gun owners of America is a great organization. I suggest supporting them by joining.
I also suggest joining the NRA to anyone who is not yet a member.

By the way, back to the original topic of this thread, Bob Barr is on the board of the NRA. ;)
Gun owners of America is a great organization. I suggest supporting them by joining.
I also suggest joining the NRA to anyone who is not yet a member.

By the way, back to the original topic of this thread, Bob Barr is on the board of the NRA.

I suggest putting your money where it can do some good, the NRA/ILA! It seems half the time the GOA spends their money trying to steal NRA dollars and siphon off members by pretending to be the only real 2A lobby. In actuality their tactics relegate them to insignificance when it comes to Washington.

I have no problem with Bob Barr other than he may hand this to Hilbama.
I am a member of both. I am also a member of a group in my state that fights in our state legislature for our conceal carry rights. Regardless of the org., if they fight for our 2nd amendment rights, we should support them by becoming members.
When you cast your vote for a candidate you not only express your support of that candidate but also declare your opposition to your candidates opponent.

Neither Bob Barr nor any third party candidate has even a remote chance of winning. Hence, a vote for a third party candidate is no vote at all.

There are very serious issues involved in this presidential election beyond the gun rights issues. The single most important being the war on terror. Only one candidate of the two major parties has stated emphatically that he will pursue the Muslim terrorists to their end. If the terrorists are allowed to florish, they will continue to attack the U.S.. Muslims are in for the long term; they've been at it since the 12th century.

FireMax sounds like a single issue candidate. Get over yourself. There is no single issue candidate who will ever be viable. John McCain was not my first choice, but it is what it is. Reality and logic tell me there is only one vote that will count and that is a vote for McCain. Any other course of action is counter-productive to our way of life. McCain will not/cannot negate the 2nd Amendment and will surely do less damage than either Democrat. And never forget it is the POTUS who will nominate the next Justices of the SCOTUS, and they are the people who will protect the 2A.

BTW, I'm no fan of GOA.

Semper Fi
NRA Life
SCI Life
If the terrorists are allowed to florish, they will continue to attack the U.S.. Muslims are in for the long term; they've been at it since the 12th century
By such logic we should also not endorse McCain as he is not going to exterminate all Muslims...

What I would really like is a candidate who points out that the very phrase "War on Terror" is moronic in and of itself. Who is the war against, how do they surrender, how do we win, can we win, if we can win will we do what is needed to win... Terror is not a state. You cannot fight a "war against terror". The very use of the phrase is sheeple herding 101.
FYI, I do believe the unchecked spread of Islamic Fundamentalism, especially within our very own borders, is a major issue that needs dealing with. I just don't think what we are doing is accomplishing much in solving the problem.
Neither Bob Barr nor any third party candidate has even a remote chance of winning. Hence, a vote for a third party candidate is no vote at all.

That is exactly the attitude the Democrat and Republican parties try to promote. These parties are jealous of their hold over our political process, and they make it very difficult for a third party to gain traction. They make it seem like a third person running is "intruding" on their territories.

If we continue to vote for morons just because we are accustomed to voting for either a Democrat or Republican, then you are right... a third party candidate has no chance.

Jesse Ventura said it best. Winning as a 3rd party candidate is difficult. But nothing is impossible in America.

So, now you want to change the direction of the discussion and review third party viability? Let me tell you what I know is impossible.

1. No third party candidate has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the presidency in 2008.

And here's the alternative to McCain .

2. If either Democratic candidate wins, s/he will immediately
a. begin a drawdown in Iraq and Afganistan
b. will appoint liberal justices to SCOTUS
c. will apply severe restrictions on your gun rights
d. will raise your taxes for social engineering


I don't care who you think should be POTUS, but I do care who becomes POTUS. You can run your mouth all you want; I fought for your right to do so. However, all your whining and complaining is not going to change the reality of the position we find ourselves in 7 months prior to the election. Do us all a favor and start dealing with reality. Want a 3rd party? Then start working on it for 2012, but don't try to make it a realistic option for this coming November when we all know it's an impossibility.

I'm done with you.
I was considering voting for the Libertarian candidate depending on who they choose but if it's Barr then I'll simply do a write-in.

Bob Barr a libertarian? What the frak?

He authored the Defense of Marriage Act, he supports the War on Drugs and believes marijuana has no place in medicine and he wanted the Pentagon to ban the practice of Wicca in the military. :barf:

He's about as libertarian as a road cone.

I'd be pretty much out of real candidates to vote for if they pick him. I don't even like my write-in very much anymore.
I'm conflicted on the whole election issue as I see the logic of both sides.

I certainly don't want to have a socialist nominating federal and possibly Supreme Court justices, and any huge new entitlement programs they would institute would become difficult to dismantle. Additionally, I fear what kind of appeasing, UN deferring foreign policy we would have.

However, if we continue to support whatever clown the Republican Party puts up, will things ever change?

I really believe that the inclusion of a libertarian type as a serious candidate would have a great positive impact on the whole political debate in America. But how do you get there? Third party candidates run every election, but don't accomplish anything because no one knows about them. The problem is that the masses don't really care enough to research candidates unless the information is spoon fed to them. So unless you are a independently wealthy guy like Ross Perot and can BUY your own access to the American people, you're going to get your 1% of the vote.

Apparently, being an independent voice within an established party doesn't work either (i.e. Ron Paul)

All I know is that I desperately want SOMEONE to shake things up to try and alter our nations' current course. It seems like we have gone from a gradual slide to socialism to a full speed plummet.

The problem with the "send the Party a message" option is the ASSUMPTION that anyone will be listening. Will they return to their ideological roots, or will they write off the conservatives as a lost cause and tack more to the left to pick up more "moderates"?

I get more disillusioned every election. I wish there was an answer.