Bob Barr for President?


New member
In the car on the way home, former conservative Republican Congressman (and NRA Board member) Bob Barr was on Hannity's radio show and stated he was seriously considering running as the Libertarian Party candidate.

Will this be the year the Libertarians get 5% of the vote?
and that is all they will get is part of the vote

the Libertarians never seem to quite muster up in time to enter the real races. That is unfortunate as a third party could not hurt the country. But this last minute stuff is nothing more than chest thumping. Assured they can not win they want to appear from no where collect contributions and go back into the darkness for another few years.

I first meet a Libertarian Candidate in the mid 1970s when he came here on a campaign tour. It was at least a year and a half before the general election. I was impressed with the platform and the commitment that far in advanced. Since then they have done less and less in actual campaigns. Now 30 years after my first impressions I'd have to say they have not made the kinds of gains they could have.

You can not wait around until six months before the general election and make a feeble attempt. At the rate the Libertarian movement is going it will be another 20 presidential races before the get a serious position in the race. Until they they will fall under the also ran category. To bad they just don't commit full bore and stop this we just want on the ballot stuff.
They need to start local and work their way up to higher offices and build a grassroots organization that way.
Did Mr Barr get a refresher gun safety course after his handgun.....went off? Never heard if there were any charges brought against him.
Mr Barr has no illusions that he will win. He indicated that he can no longer be a part of what the Republican Party has become.

I think he is jumping in at this point because of what he described as "the perfect storm" scenario, with the Democrats polarized against each other, and the Republicans with a candidate that no one really wants who was picked from a bunch that not many really wanted. He wants to get people to start thinking about possibilities rather than sticking with the two party system.

I've been under the impression that if a 3rd party candidate receives 5%+ of the vote, the party then that party would be included in future debates, etc. If so, having the general public (the semi-interested, sound byte kind of folks) exposed to libertarian views might help reign in the other two parties.

I'm curious if Barr, with some name recognition (particularly among conservatives) might fair a little better than the usual no-name that the Libertarians run.
Hell yes! Bob Barr used to be a Congressman in Georgia, and he is very Conservative and very much for our right to privacy.

I hope that he will run because I am looking to vote for someone who is not a liberal and who is pro-2nd amendment. Unfortunately, Hillary, Obama and McCain are all liberal and neither of them are pro-gun.
I'm curious if Barr, with some name recognition (particularly among conservatives) might fair a little better than the usual no-name that the Libertarians run.

The presumptive Republican nominee... John McCain, can barely muster 50% of the conservative vote in your more conservative states. Conservatives do not like McCain. Conservatives are tired of being taken for granted by this new, liberal minded Republican party. There are many, many conservatives who are looking for a "real" conservative to run in this race. Bob Barr could fare very well if he runs. The timing is right. Mr Barr is an excellent speaker. He is very intelligent. He is also a good debater. It is possible that he could do very well indeed, even though the media is controlled by people who are in bed with the two parties, Barr could still get a lot of media attention.

I hope like hell he will be able to run. I am sure there are many disaffected Conservatives who feel the same as I do.
what is being a true conservative

it seems there are many explanations on what conservative is any more. It use to be real easy to separate conservative and non-conservative issues. But now it seems as if there is a lot of cross over. For me a conservative does not have to be over on the church and bible side side of every issue. Nor do they always have to be ending every aspect of taxes.

During the current election the view on what is conservative bounced back and forth more than a few times. Now with only McCain left the explanations seem to be even different.

A straight constitutionalist is not conservative.
Pro 2nd amendment by it self is not conservative.
Anti abortion is a religious based stand.
State rights is definatly not conservative.
Gay rights in itself is not conservative if it only implies amending the constitution to ban gay marriage.
spreading democracy and nation building are not conservative values

So what is conservative these days.
Stop!!! I'm having Ross Perot flashbacks!!!

Though I really want the Libertarian party to build sufficient political presence to eventually field a viable presidential candidate, I believe that Bob Barr will only split the conservative vote and insure a Democratic victory in November.
Stop!!! I'm having Ross Perot flashbacks!!!
Though I really want the Libertarian party to build sufficient political presence to eventually field a viable presidential candidate, I believe that Bob Barr will only split the conservative vote and insure a Democratic victory in November.

Then the Republican party should nominate good, conservative candidates instead of liberal ones. Quite honestly, if I want to vote for a liberal, I will vote for a Democrat one, not a Republican one.
Followed the liberterians for years, till I finally got tired of them not really doing anything or going anywhere. I agree with Tom2, they need to start locally and work there way up, you just don't here anything from them.
Maybe Barr will be as successful in his run as Ross Perot was...and give us Barack Obama as President. Is that Libertarian enough for you? :rolleyes:
Maybe Barr will be as successful in his run as Ross Perot was...and give us Barack Obama as President. Is that Libertarian enough for you?

Amazingly, I have older conservatives in my family that still vote for Democrats because they have always voted for democrats. Forget telling them that the democrat party has "morphed" and is now full of anti-gun liberals. It doesn't matter to them.

Now that the republican party has sent us a liberal in the name of John McCain, I see the same thing... republicans will vote for him because they have always voted for republicans. Forget trying to tell these republicans that by voting for McCain, they are voting for an anti-gun liberal. It doesn't matter to them.

It is clear that the parties can send up anyone they like, and some people will vote for them out of party loyalty. Excuse me if I feel my vote is not that cheap.
Amazingly, I have older conservatives in my family that still vote for Democrats because they have always voted for democrats. Forget telling them that the democrat party has "morphed" and is now full of anti-gun liberals. It doesn't matter to them.

My father to his dying day (2002 so not too long ago) was a pro life, pro gun, anti welfare, anti reverse discrimination, strong defense, conservative who always voted Dem because he was a second generation union construction worker and knew all those republicans were crooks out to take advantage of the little guy and pay off big business...

I have plenty of problems with McCain but he is at least solid in my opinion on gun rights. I would rather have a better candidate but unlike if Rudy were the nominee I can see McCain being supported.

Do you like seeing the Dems tear at each other. Do you like the outrage that will follow when Nader, who has already declared, takes key votes in close districts. Do you want to see the same in the Rep party given our only chance at victory has been handed to us by the incompetence of the Dem party in this primary? If you do then vote for Barr.

The Libs need to get their act together on a local basis and do so in a big way.
How the hell is McCain an anti gun liberal? The only issue SOME of the 2A crowd has is his willingness to have background checks at gun shows. If you are going to cast of a politician as an anti for that reason you are going to find yourself pretty lonely in Washington.
How the hell is McCain an anti gun liberal? The only issue SOME of the 2A crowd has is his willingness to have background checks at gun shows. If you are going to cast of a politician as an anti for that reason you are going to find yourself pretty lonely in Washington.

For starters....

According to Gun Owners of America, he has voted positively in only 4 of 15 previous pro-gun legislation. 4 out of 15! Yikes.

As for him being liberal... he takes money and actually courts uber Liberals such as George Soros and Teresa Heinz Kerry.

All of this information is out there in black and white. If Conservatives would take the time to learn about Mr. McCain, I feel they (Like me) would realize that McCain is NOT a conservative and would not vote for him. McCain will put the final nail in the coffin of the formerly conservative Republican party.
Amazingly, I have older conservatives in my family that still vote for Democrats because they have always voted for democrats. Forget telling them that the democrat party has "morphed" and is now full of anti-gun liberals. It doesn't matter to them.

Really BAD analogy, and demonstrative of a complete lack of logical reasoning skills! :rolleyes::eek::barf:
Really BAD analogy, and demonstrative of a complete lack of logical reasoning skills!

I see. I don't think like you so I am not logical. :rolleyes:

Come on pal, I am not a high school kid whom you can dominate. If you wish to say something substantive, then so be it. If your only response to my well thought out and researched responses is to be rude, then understand that you are only making your failure to think independently more evident to others.

Why not actually read the information I posted about McCain and make a comment on it if you feel so compelled.