Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters
If the Democrats win then there is nobody to blame except the persons responsible for McCain getting the nomination.

Do not try and paint those of us who value freedom as supporters of the Democrat candidate because the Republican Party did not nominate someone better than McCain. We will not vote for someone who WE feel is unworthy of the office simply to make you feel better about your piss poor nominee.
We will not vote for someone who WE feel is unworthy of the office simply to make you feel better about your piss poor nominee.

And again, its not about you, or your feelings. Its about doing the best thing for the nation. Putting someone who has zero respect for the constitution in office is not best for the country.
Roger, and that being said, I do not dislike Obama or Clinton any more than I dislike McCain. They will all further ruin our nation. And while McCain might do it a little bit slower..that will just lead to more apathy and more willingness on the part of the people to settle for less.

Nope not going to do that. At least Obama and Clinton might be "in your face" enough to spur a pro freedom counter-movement of some type.

I'm sick of getting slowly boiled...let's get the heat turned up enough so that the froggies are forced to acknowledge that they are being boiled alive!
let's get the heat turned up enough so that the froggies are forced to acknowledge that they are being boiled alive!
Which, ultimately will be
about doing the best thing for the nation

You see, Stage2, it is not about us, or our feelings. It's about bettering the nation, which, now that I think about it, actually will be better for any of us still around to see it. I see this as a long term, big picture, kind of thing.

As for me, give me liberty or elect a Dem.
For the record, as the Libertarian National Convention isn't even held until the end of this month, Bob Barr is NOT the Libertarian candidate for president. He is merely seeking the nomination.
It's about bettering the nation, which, now that I think about it, actually will be better for any of us still around to see it. I see this as a long term, big picture, kind of thing.

Well I guess I'm a backwards kinda fella because I don't think putting someone in power who wants to destroy the nation, bettering it.
Then you have been ignoring my previous posts, and the posts of others, which explained it. I'm not going to repeat myself (this time).:rolleyes:
It seems that some of you live in a vacuum.
The Democrats are going to simply kill the Republicans this cycle. Estimates are that the Democrats will pick up at least 20 seats in the House and perhaps 6 in the Senate.

The reason McCain has any chance at all is because he is a moderate.

The Ron Paul, Bob Barr type liked by so many on this forum are simply considered fringe by a much larger portion of the electorate which means that you are screwed.

A traditional conservative poster boy of the Republican party would lose so bad it would be embarassing this cycle.

If you want to vote for Bob Barr I would suggest a write in. That way you don't also waste the gas to the polls.
I never said that I wanted to vote for Bobby, just that I might consider him. I will NOT vote for McCain. Why would I vote for a moderate liberal when I could vote for the real thing?
miboso said:
...It's about bettering the nation, which, now that I think about it, actually will be better for any of us still around to see it. I see this as a long term, big picture, kind of thing.
You sound like the high school nerd who has asked the cheerleader to the prom, gotten turned down and goes home to sob in his pillow, “She’ll be sorry.” I’ve got news for you. She won’t be.

She’ll do what she’s always dreamed of – go to the prom with the captain of the football team. By the time she’s climbing into the back seat of her date’s father’s Trailblazer, she’ll have forgotten that you even exist.

If the question is whether we need a rebirth of conservative ideals, the answer is unequivocally “yes.” But if we’re going to achieve that, we need to understand and operate in the real world, find candidates with charisma who can inspire the body politic and who can build alliances. That is the nature of politics. And in the meantime, we need to minimize the damage.
miboso said:
Regarding Perot siphoning votes, if he had not imploded and withdrawn then re-entered the race, he just might have won....
And exactly what empirical evidence can you supply to support this contention? It sounds to me like you have an overactive imagination.

miboso said:
...Given the right candidate and the right attitude of the populous I think we can defeat the liberals (Repubs and Dems) We just haven't fallen low enough yet.
And what empirical evidence do you have to support this notion?
Why would I vote for a moderate liberal when I could vote for the real thing?

I always thought the radical right and the radical left were bedfellows, thanks for confirming that.

WildsonoweknowAlaska ™
zero junk
The reason McCain has any chance at all is because he is a moderate.

The Ron Paul, Bob Barr type liked by so many on this forum are simply considered fringe by a much larger portion of the electorate which means that you are screwed.

A traditional conservative poster boy of the Republican party would lose so bad it would be embarassing this cycle.

You might be fresh out of diapers, so I'll give you a pass on your inexperience.

The Republican party in 1980 considered Ronald Reagan a "fringe" candidate. He was "too conservative" they said. The GOP power brokers said the same thing to Ronald Reagan in 1980... "You can't win... you'll split the party and the dems will win the election." Of course, Reagan, the "mean old conservative" won in a land slide in 1980 and again in 1984. How soon people forget their history.

But hey... you're answer about voting for liberals instead of conservatives has merit too.... if you're a democrat strategist.
empirical evidence can you supply
None at all. This is merely my opinion, not something presented as fact. I do not need emprirical evidence for an opinion, or a "hope" for a "change". Do you have any emprirical evidence that this will not happen?:eek:
The Republican party in 1980 considered Ronald Reagan a "fringe" candidate. He was "too conservative" they said. The GOP power brokers said the same thing to Ronald Reagan in 1980... "You can't win... you'll split the party and the dems will win the election." Of course, Reagan, the "mean old conservative" won in a land slide in 1980 and again in 1984. How soon people forget their history.

Ok. So show me a republican in this race that had the principles of Reagan AND WAS VIABLE.
Ok. So show me a republican in this race that had the principles of Reagan AND WAS VIABLE.

The only one close is Ron Paul... hands down.
