Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters
Regarding Perot siphoning votes, if he had not imploded and withdrawn then re-entered the race, he just might have won. He lost my vote and, I am sure, many others. With the votes he didn't get, but would have without his wackiness, things just may have been different.
People were sufficiently upset with the status quo of the 2 main parties. Given the right candidate and the right attitude of the populous I think we can defeat the liberals (Repubs and Dems) We just haven't fallen low enough yet.
People were sufficiently upset with the status quo of the 2 main parties. Given the right candidate and the right attitude of the populous I think we can defeat the liberals (Repubs and Dems) We just haven't fallen low enough yet.

In short, any vote for Barr is also a vote for the Dems. I am all for people's right to choose, but it just seems like some are just being stubborn. If you vote for this spoiler, you will not be throwing away your vote, you will be voting for the Democratic candidate!

So what you're saying is that even when the republican party hitches it's wagon to a POS like McCain, we're supposed to reward them by voting for a substandard candidate just because they have an "R" next to their name? :rolleyes:

No spank you. I'd rather vote for Obama and crash and burn faster and harder to wake folks up. :mad:
My my, FireMax, your starting out early with the name calling.

If you see a duck, why pretend it is something else. Calling things by their right names is not "name calling", it is honesty.
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Many have been given already, noone is listening...

Perhaps if I rephrase that.
you'd better give us a reason to do so that resonates with us.

All the things you've pointed out: not good enough.
All those are variations on the theme voting against rather than voting for.

From the Libertarian/ Constitutionalist point of view there's not a heckuva lot of difference between McCain and Obama. And in case you hadn't noticed






The problem isn't that we won't support McCain. The problem is that McCain isn't conservative.
In regard to McCain running for President, I think that Ann Coulter has said it best. I will paraphrase.

McCain cannot win without the Conservative base. When McCain loses the election, McCain and the GOP will "blame the conservatives" who did not vote for him. But the blame will lie on the shoulders of McCain himself.
In a memo to GOP leaders posted on Politico's website, retiring Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., offered a blunt verdict: "The Republican brand is in the trash can. … If we were a dog food, they would take us off the shelf."

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Are you saying that these Republicans are saying that they need to change their message, change what they do, because they are losing elections, because their "base" is not accepting the "lessor of 2 evils"? Well, Hallelujah!!!
Power to the "wasted vote"!
I hope lots of people vote third party and write-ins. I hope lots of them are Republicans. I hope it does throw the election to Obama (though I doubt it'll be close enough to matter).
Maybe next time they'll pay closer attention to the conservatives in this party.

And thats the difference between you and me. I'm not willing to make a political point at the expense of our nation.

Since you've got us pegged as an integral part of the Republican base, you should be (and by this post are) aware that the Republicans will have a difficult time getting anyone elected without us.
If you expect our vote you'd better give us a reason to do so. We have no reason to vote for McCain. No amount of badgering on your part will change that.

Well, its my fervent hope that because McCain has a good reputation with the reagan democrats and because the democrats are so divided (something like 30-40% of clinton voters have said they wont vote for Obama) and the fact that Obama isn't winning the states he needs to win the general, McCain will still pull it out in spite of the fact so many people here are stomping their foot, taking their balll and going home.

Though I'm beginning to understand why you folks are acting the way you do. All I'm hearing is "me" "my" "what I want" etc. This isn't about you. This is about the entire nation. Not playing the game unless everything is how you like it is both selfish and irresponsible.
firemax said:
You and I know why you will not answer the questions, and it is not because I presented a fallacious arguement, it is because you are intellectually dishonest....

Of course you will not answer because you don't wish to look like a fool. You are a party loyalist above all else....


Stage 2 said:
But to answer your question, I would happily vote for a very conservative democrat (providing I thought he was genuine) over a liberal or even moderate republican. Of course this won't likely ever happen so discussing it is pointless.

You don't read very well do you.
IN your eyes, I suppose America should be like the Vietnamese, the Chinese, the Nazis and the Islamofascists who torture their captured enemies. How telling of you to think that America should emulate them.

I suppose you also support the "pre-emptive" invasion of countries that "threaten" us? You do realize that, before Iraq, America had never... EVER pre-emptively invaded another nation before. Generally, Americans of the past have left such things to the Imperial Japanese, the Nazis and the Communists.

So because someone believes that we should waterboard terrorists, they are like the VC or nazis?

Yet another fallacy.
No spank you. I'd rather vote for Obama and crash and burn faster and harder to wake folks up.

Your argument assumes that we could recover from such a presidency. That is anything but a given.
The aircraft is headed straight for the ground at 600 mph.

Present Altitude: 1200 feet

Larry, Moe or Curly are available to take over the controls.

Ok, in order to try and keep this thread from being closed, lets go back to basics...

To those who would support Bob Barr for President in this election, please answer the following:

Do you agree that most third-party voters in this election are conservative and are voting because the Republican party has not put up a good candidate?

Do you also agree that the third-party voters have had an impact on elections before with regard to drawing votes AWAY from one candidate and therefore causing the OTHER candidate to win?

These are just ground level facts that I think both sides should agree on, after that groundwork is laid then we can take it a step farther...

Do you agree that the political process, the process by which we elect the President cannot be changed between now and November?

Finally, then we can move on if the above are not disputed...

Do you agree that on ISSUES, McCain is MORE conservative, or for those who can't read that way, that McCain is LESS liberal than the two Democrat candidates?

Get back to me if you agree or disagree.
When things go to heck in a handbasket the next term, we will be better off if a Democrat liberal is responsible for it than if a Republican liberal is.
If McCain is slightly less liberal than the Dems, then we will crash at a slightly slower speed. The net effect is we will still crash.
It's time to start fighting back and that is more likely to happen under a Dem.

As for me, give me liberty, or give me a Dem. :D