Bloomberg, WalMart and Guns - Merged Threads

Interesting lawsuit huh? Dealers don't have to give records to anyone but the ATF in conjunction with crime traces, so is Walmart going to just give the info out willy nilly?:eek::)

WildboycottboycottAlaska TM
I'm not crazy about the idea of a mugshot taken for the police with every firearms transaction, either. I'm not even sure why. Just doesn't seem dignified I guess.

This is one reason why I don't support RealID.

However, if you support capitalism, you have to allow corporations to be corporations and act in their own best interests (as they see it). That includes reserving the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. And to be short sighted.

Definitely boycott. That's the only sane response. Better would be to write a letter to the company president explaining WHY. Better to support your local gunshop anyways.
As far as the Walmart thing... realize anyone who buys a gun at Walmart will be paying for the video equipment and record storages in their gun purchase price.

The mayors group is trying to gather support in Congress to

_End the gun show loophole.
_Require gun dealers to perform criminal background checks on all gun-handling employees.
_Close a so-called fire-sale loophole that allows gun dealers whose licenses have been revoked by the government to sell off their inventory without background checks.
_Add those placed on the terrorist no-fly list to the list of people prohibited from purchasing a firearm.

Most people (not hear but everywhere else) do want a background check for gun show sales, even private ones.

I think a background check the same as performed for purchasing a gun is reasonable for an employee with access to them.

I never heard of this fire sale loophole. Anybody know the details?

No way on the No Fly list. You can be put on that thing and never know it. Getting off is damn near impossible and the whole thing is handled with the attitude that flying is a privilege, not a right.
I buy 9mm ammo from Wally World, guess I need to remember to give them a full face and a profile...

On the flying issue: I am one of the lucky ones who is a pilot and have access to an airplane... I remember an airline terminal a couple of years back... Smaller airport in the Carolinas, that has a jet carrier that runs maybe a half dozen flights a day out of there, but general aviation is the main user of the airport... We landed late at night and got a taxi to a motel. When we walked in the next morning the small terminal was backed up with people getting the near 'strip search' from security...
The crowd was blocking our way to the door that leads out to the general aviation ramp... So we are gently working our way through the crowd - "excuse me, thank you... excuse me", etc -
I got several, "Hey! no cutting the line."...
"We are NOT in the line sir, excuse me and thank you."...
Finally we got to the locked door, I tapped in the unlock code, the door pops open and out we go... Half a dozen steps away and I look back and there is a lady who had been right by the door and watched us let ourselves out, looking out the big picture window, she is waving at us and mouthing the words, "take me with you."
I give her the big gallic shrug, look sorry as I am shaking my head 'no', and blow her a kiss... She turns and punches her husband (?) on the shoulder, which I interpret to mean, 'hey, why can't you do that?'...
Ten minutes later we are off the ground and climbing for two miles in the sky as we go on our way...
Freedom is precious and is slipping away in this country... I wonder how many years remain before private aircraft get put out of the sky in the name of 'safety' and I have to join the cattle waiting in line...

The passport photo is a new one. In my state, every time you purchase a firearm through a FFL dealer, you are finger printed. I don't like it much, but I've ben finger printed so many times, I don't worry about it.

For my part, I won't be buying a firearm at Walmart any time soon.
WalMart personnel..... what did you expect?

Why do folks get upset that WalMart does not employ a firearms expert behind the sporting goods counter?

It's the same way in automotive, electronics or the linens dept. Guns are just another product line much like soda. The workers there are just to restock shelves, point you to where the bathrooms are, and ring up your purchase. WalMart is much like a McDonalds, giving a young person a job for the summer. Hiring the inexperienced is one prime way they keep their prices low.

Much like anything else, if your looking for informed staff to provide advice and direction, you need to go to a specialty store. If you're looking for the best deal, then WM might be a place to check out. You get what you pay for.
Why do folks get upset that WalMart does not employ a firearms expert behind the sporting goods counter?
I'm a firearm expert and I'm the guy behind the counter at the local Wal-Mart.:D At least for another week or so as I have FINALLY found a job where I can use my degree. :D x 100. Management isn't happy because they are gona have to hire three people to replace me.:rolleyes:

Around here there are 6 Wal-Mart stores within 35 miles of my house. Most everyone I talk to have visited them looking for a gun. Most usually don't want to wait the 7 to 10 weeks to order one or the 4 to 6 if they have it in the warehouse.
At my store it takes 7-10 days to get a gun from our wholesaler if they have it in stock. If the wholesaler is out of stock we won't order it as there is no way to tell when they will get another shipment. Who told you it took 4-6 weeks to get a gun in?

As for cameras, the entire store is wired to a rather nice DVR setup in the security room. 100% digital and they keep the videos for at least 6 months.
I dunno. I think I can go on both sides of this one. I understand why Wal-Mart does this. Maybe to let the people know they care, but on the other hand, there is this unofficial hate for Wal-Mart that I have realized.
don't kid yourself FreightCrashTrain walmart is doing this to appease Bloomgerg so they can open new stores in New York.
You can be the single most selling of something and still only represent a small fraction of total national sales of item.


100,000 guns sold total.
Walmart sells 1000 of those.
2nd place retailer sells 800.

That would leave Walmart the top selling, but still not affect much of the over all market.
Did searches for US second largest gun seller and got nada. Dropped second, and Walmart came up. Is walmart the countries only gun seller now? Who is there competition? :confused:
I bought a gun from my local Walmart last year, and I've never done it again because their procedures were so stupid. I was buying a 10/22 Ruger Carbine, but you would have thought I was receiving top secret missile launch codes. There were guns in the display case, but the actual stock of guns are located somewhere on the other side of the building. So, the clerk journeyed to the nether regions of the store and returned, only to find that he had brought back the wrong gun. So once again a quest was begun as he traveled afar and back with my new Ruger. Next, we began the paperwork. I was told that I was not allowed to use any abbreviations and had to spell every word out in my address. It is on days like that that I hate living in an apartment, because I actually had to write the word "apartment" in the small box that they provide for your address. I gave the form back to the clerk and he proceeded to write "n/a" in all of the empty spaces on the form. At this point my patience was starting to wear thin so I just kept my mouth shut instead of being a smart ass and informing him that "n/a" is an abbreviation. Next, the clerk had to have another clerk double check the form and then they called in the information to see if my name was clear to purchase firearms. That took about 30 seconds, so they began the actual transaction to sell me the gun. They scanned the barcode on the box, which triggered an automatic locking system on the cash register which could only be cleared by a manager, because it was a firearm purchase. After the transaction, the manager then personally escorted me to the parking lot and presented me with my gun once we were outside of the building. So now I don't buy guns at Walmart because I don't appreciate being treated like I'm Charles Whitman in training. Oddly enough, they don't really check me at all when I buy ammo there. I can go behind the counter and grab a box and then walk all over the store with it.
After the transaction, the manager then personally escorted me to the parking lot and presented me with my gun once we were outside of the building.

I too have only bought one gun from them and I knew about the whole walking it out for you thing, so I parked as far away from the entrance as possible, literally about 450 yards from the door.
I wanted to make sure I got my moneys worth out of the free "service":D
Years ago I bought one gun at Walmart, or maybe Great Wal of China Mart, it was a stainless 10-22 with a laminate stock. I think limited production. I don't recall any real hassles then, but that was long ago. I have not attempted to buy anything in recent times at that dept. except paper targets and maybe like A-Zoom snap caps. Maybe I should see if the snap caps are microstamped?
Wal Mart Database

Wal-Mart To Create Gun Buyer Database

Friday, April 18, 2008

Recently, Wal-Mart joined New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at a gathering of Bloomberg’s anti-gun group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, to announce a series of changes to the way in which Wal-Mart handles firearm transactions. At the press event, J.P. Suarez, chief compliance officer for Wal-Mart Stores Inc., said: “The costs are, we think, part of what it takes to be responsible.” Suarez also added, "This is not a signal that we're getting out of firearms."

Once these changes are up and running, firearm purchases at Wal-Mart will involve a video record of the sale, which the store will keep on file -- effectively creating a video database of gun purchasers. In addition, Wal-Mart announced that its employees will be given discretion to deny firearms purchases to anyone who has had a firearm traced by BATFE for any reason -- including those who have had a firearm stolen and later used in criminal activity.

Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President, said, “I view it as a public relations stunt that stigmatizes law-abiding firearms purchasers exercising their constitutional freedoms. I honestly think it's a corporation trying to curry favor with politicians as opposed to doing anything meaningful about stopping crime.”

If you’d like to let Wal-Mart know what you think about their new policy, please contact them by phone, at (800) 925-6278; or electronically, at
Don't buy one of those super high quality firearms sold at Wal-Mart...

I like Academy Sporting Goods, a little more friendly to my hobby anyway.

I am not expect Wal-Mart to campaign for the 2A for some reason...
I currently own over 30 firearms and previously owned many others and not one was purchased at Wal-Mart.
They can get out of the guns and ammo business altogether as far as I'm concerned. As far as Bloomberg goes hes part of the scum of the earth.