Bloomberg, WalMart and Guns - Merged Threads

The thing that bothers me about Walmart gun sales is not that they record your purchase. Every ffl licensee is supposed to record every gun sale anyway in their log book and with a FTR form. Even without the video the sale can be tracked. All the video does is let them know what the buyer looks like.

What bothers me is I look at walmarts prices and they are often $50 to $100 less than my Dealers cost as an FFL holder. Their shear volume makes it really hard on the small business guys who can't afford to buy 200,000 units at a pop straight from the manufacturer bypassing the distributor/wholesaler.

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I what they said is, if a crime is committed with a firearm and the police retrieve said firearm. They can then find out where it was purchased. If it was from Wal-Mart they can pull up a photo or video of the time of purchase giving law enforcement a picture of the person buying the gun.

Yes, but somehow they will have to get a list of firearms used in crimes.

Of course ... they only sell rifles ... and rifles of any kind are used so rarely in crimes that this will have little effect. It's still an expansion of the current registration by BATF form as it now puts it in a database; a database that will have all gun sales from all Wal Mart's in it.

Not the end of the world ... I just don't like it.

But I probably would never purchase from them anyway.
No problem. Our local Wally World doesn't carry guns, as they can't compete with the local True Value hardware store which easily has 500 in stock. :D
After reading this article i find it funny how strict wal-mart is trying to get. I live in new mexico and have had a california drivers license. I walked into wal-mart with my utility bill and w-2 form showing that i lived in new mexico even though i didnt have a new mexico drivers license yet just to lazy. About 30 minutes later i walked out with a new ruger 10-22 this happened almost a year ago
One again this has the fingerprints of Bloomberg all over it. He's bound and determined to use his influence as mayor of NYC, and his money if necessary, to create the laws and control of guns the HE knows we need.
Around here there are 6 Wal-Mart stores within 35 miles of my house. Most everyone I talk to have visited them looking for a gun. Most usually don't want to wait the 7 to 10 weeks to order one or the 4 to 6 if they have it in the warehouse. So we all usually end up at the Mom and Pop stores anyhow. Plus I would rather spend 3 or 4 hours talking to someone who knows a lot more about guns than I do than hold some teens hand and walk them through filling out the FFL papers.

Long arms aren't Wal-Marts main money maker. If they happen to have a rifle on clearance that I want and its $150 to $200 bucks less than what the normal price is. I'm interested. Other than that.. I'll stick to buying my Cheerios and Beer there.
Yes, but somehow they will have to get a list of firearms used in crimes

The police have that information not the firearms dealers. All Wal-Mart is doing is keeping a record. Just like they do if someone's shoplifting. They have it on camera incase it happens it can be used as evidence.
Closing the gun show loophole....again

Notice how they keep hammering this? Walmart is not going to be any trouble, so they keep records? So what. All dealers keep records.

What worries me is the continual hammering by Bloomberg and his ilk about the "loophole" The only loophole is that private sellers do sell at gun shows. FFL dealers at gunshows have to do the same as they do at their shops.

Add those placed on the terrorist no-fly list to the list of people prohibited from purchasing a firearm.

Considering the state of the no-fly list, and how many innocent people have been hassled because their name is (incorrectly) on that list, I find that making the no=fly list a no-gun list is a very frightening thought.
what I liked most about that whole thing is that i found out that wal-mart is the #1 seller of firearms in the nation... wow sad. that means most of those ppl really don't know **** about guns. Yeah might be cheaper but i'd spend the 10 bucks more and get it from someone who can talk about the lastest guns and ammo and give you ideas and tricks to make you a better shooter and/or sportsman
"they only sell rifles" someone said.

A lot of WMs sell shotguns and in Alaska they also sell handguns.

WM has cameras hanging from the ceiling all over the store, not just over the gun counter. They always have had them. So this is nothing new.

It's not a big deal.
No problems here in Deming! They don't sell guns. K-mart across the street dose if you like Stevens and other pot metal stuff. They did not have .22 ammo!

Last time I was there they had a few .22's and a shot gun. All was junk.

The store is about to do the dead bug sense Wall mart moved in.

Wall mart sells some ammo. Finding some one that knows what your talking about is a different story. About 90 kinds of paint ball guns. No Fire Arms. They have gotten so low they don't even sell a good fishing rod.

Shopping a Wal Mart is just sending your money to China!:barf:
The police have that information not the firearms dealers. All Wal-Mart is doing is keeping a record. Just like they do if someone's shoplifting. They have it on camera incase it happens it can be used as evidence.

No big deal ... but my point is ...

  • Police know guns used in Crimes.
  • Walmart knows who bought what guns.
  • Walmart says they won't sell to people who's gun has shown up as part of a crime (so I guess if you have a gun stolen and it's used in a crime you're banned forever from buying from Walmart).
  • Therefore, Walmart MUST have a database of what guns are used in Crimes.
  • In some manner they will have to get this from the police, because only the police have that list.
Creating a record and alert system to record when a gun sold at Wal-Mart is later used in a crime. If the purchaser of that gun later tries to buy another gun at Wal-Mart, the system would alert the sales clerk of the prior buy and could refuse to make the sale.
Don't bother me. The only way my guns will be used in a crime is if they're stolen. As far as cameras go, every gunshop I've been to you're on camera as soon as you pull into the parking lot until you leave.
Buying a gun a wal-mart

Ok. Now let's think of it a different way. We know that some of the employees at wal-mart are exactly the brightest crayon in the box, but what about if there was a gun used in a crime and some idiot pulls up the wrong transaction? Or the camera didn't catch the transaction and it shows the next one. I have never really wanted to buy guns from wal-mart because it just makes sense to support your local dealers plus with the local dealers it seems they appreciate you business more than some snot nose wet behind the ears kid behind the wal-mart counter. Just wanted to put my 2 cents worth in here.
Don't bother me. The only way my guns will be used in a crime is if they're stolen. As far as cameras go, every gunshop I've been to you're on camera as soon as you pull into the parking lot until you leave.
Same here, cameras don't bother me, it's the idiots at Wallyworld who don't know squat about weapons. A friends was going to buy a .38 spl. for his wife a few years ago, when he asked about ammo the clerk placed 2 boxed of 38 S&W on the counter. He had to "splain" to the clerk why that just wouldn't work.:rolleyes:
No, I am afraid that is not what it means. It means they are the single largest retailer of firearms...not that they are the largest retailer that sells firearms.

It will be more accurate to replace the word "firearms" with "rifles" as Wal-Mart does not sell hand guns, at least not in my area. I don't know a single person who has ever purchased a rifle from Wal-Mart, at least I don't know anyone who has ever admitted it.
back to what the last two said, we all know wally world hires anyone, if some anti gun whacko gets into the video records they could sell, post them almost anything they wanted, what is wally world going to say, sorry. If our govt can loose laptops full of info what makes you think wally world is more secure. Do you want your picture on utube buying a gun?
I have never bought a gun at wal mart and now they are not selling them at any of the 4 that are close to me ( with in 15 miles) That said I have bought ammo there but try to give the local gunshop first try. Ammo is WAY CHEAPER at wal mart. I wanted to buy some 243 winchester and at wal mart its 15.95 a box same thing at local gunshop was 29.95 ( Remington core lokt 100 grain ) I would buy guns from the newspaper, gun shows FTF or my local gun shop even if wal mart did sell guns here its just too much of a hassle buying from someone that is brain dead or hired just because wal mart gets a kick back from the state or feds to hire them.
Its just another reason not to shop at the China-mart. Last time I was in a mart was several years ago. Actually, I avoid all box stores like the plague. I rather spend a few dollars more to support a local shop then give it to a company that cares little about the local area, their workers, and does everything in its power to put local shops out of business. Support you local businesses.