Bloomberg, WalMart and Guns - Merged Threads

I've bought two guns there over past 15 years. New procedure or not, my hunch is they've filmed it all along anyway. You can't pay inside a gas station without getting filmed any more.

As far as keeping logs, aren't dealers required to keep sales logs any way? No issue there.

Creating a system to track sales by individuals however is getting close to registration. Any thing Bloomberg is involved with is clearly a step towards regisrtation and that's a step towards gun control followed closely by banning.

Of course the counter point to this is that if sportsman no longer buy guns from Walmart, Walmart will stop selling them. If the largest retailer of guns in the world stops selling guns, does that make firearms harder to get? Making firearms harder to acquire is of course one of the end games of Bloomberg's mission.

This Wal-Mart issue is a very slippery slope and we are all standing at the top of it.
. Do you want your picture on utube buying a gun?
Not being a criminal, I frankly don't care if they show me buying a gun to the whole world. What are they gonna do, try to find out where I live and come take it? I don't think so, because they will also see me buying ammo...lots of ammo.:D I don't buy weapons at Walmart, but cameras are everywhere nowdays. They film us doing everything else in public, so it makes no difference to me if I'm filmed buying groceries, or a firearm...just doesn't bother me.
Walmart would be well advised to have a few employees who are knowledgable with the Federal Form completion and the NICs check. That seems to me to be their biggest problem.

Video taping sales? No big dieal. They did that with the pharmacy already. The truth is they already do this as they have cameras at each cash register as I understand it. Everything is video's at Walmart. There biggest problem may be their employees.

Creating a internal database to check buyers? That is what the NICs check is supposed to do accomplish; Walmart will just waste money here. There is no need for any database as they have their FFL log book already. This could be a problem in the long run as they are likely to limit sales in the future to one gun a month kind of thing by using their own data base.

If Walmart toughens things up and it becomes less convenient to purchase from them, sales will just go to private FFL holders.

Restricting gun sales to people on the terriorist no-fly list. I have heard that list is so flawed that it will cause problems to some honest law abiding folks who might want to purchase a firearm. I would think that terrorists do not have much difficulty getting firearms anyway as they traditionally are well funded and I doubt they go to Walmart and buy a sporting rifle or shotgun in the first place.

Just wait until the Democrats win the presidency. Expect more of this arm twisting in the business community even if laws are not changed nationally or on a state basis.

I have never purchased a firearm of any kind at Walmart. Don't intend to.
I'm having a good chuckle at the tin foil hat reaction by people looking for any reason at all to hate walmart. I have news for you. Your local mom & pop gunstore records every firearms transaction and allows the feds to views those records anytime they want. It's called a form 4473 and the dealer's record of sale. ;)

Lots of mom & pop shops have also discovered the upside to having security cams as well. ;)

Now if walmart is saving tapes from their security cams and an identity thief buys a gun in your name and uses it in a crime it just might be nice to point to a walmart tape and say "ain't me". But keep them foil hats polished up and keep looking for a reason to hate walmart. ;)
But keep them foil hats polished up and keep looking for a reason to hate walmart.

What's with the tin-foil slam??? :confused: Having a bad day?

Okay, I'll play along..... let me check.... nope, no tin-foil under my hat... I just hate Wal-Mart because of their poor customer service.
I strongly question the statement that Wally World is the largest retailer of firearms (of any type).. Haven't been in a lot of WW's but their gun counter is pathetic... Eash Duncan's, Dick's, etc. have more guns on hand than 3 or 4 equivalent WW's... Smells like figures can lie and liars can figure, to me...
They r agonna have to show me, afur I believe's...

Found this on a quick search...

(Dec 27, 2007) In 2006, America's 58,000 FFL holders sold 9,800,000 firearms. In 2007, they sold 11,100,000 firearms. However, the pace of firearms sales did slow in the last quarter of 2007.
There are about 3600 Wal-mart stores. Not all of them carry firearms any longer but to make this easy let's assume that they sell on average of one gun per store per month.

That's 3600 guns a month and 43,200 guns a year. Which retailer out there would top this number?
I would not be surprised that Walmart corporation is the largest firearm retailer in the USA. I believe the article said firearm sales at 1100 stores or something like that.
What's with the tin-foil slam??? Having a bad day?
Nope I'm having a great day and a chuckle. And If you'd read the title of this thread (Walmart logging gun sales and Videotaping the transaction) and the rest of my post you'd understand the tin foil hat reference. Every retail firearms transaction in the US is recorded. Not just walmarts.

I just hate Wal-Mart because of their poor customer service.
That's too bad that your local walmart has poor customer service. For the most part I'm pretty happy with the ones here. No guns for sale but ammo is cheap and if I want a gun I can (and usually do) go the local mom and pop for excellent service and a poor selection. Or drive 30 miles for poor service and outrageous prices but a good selection or I can log onto Bud's and get great prices. It's nice to have choices. ;)
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Purchases were already "registered" by them, and if you set foot in a Wal Mart you are on video tape.

So, I say big deal.


The registry there going to now keep will be saved and given to police at anytime. I may be mistaken, but the records most gun stores keep can not be used by the police. Wal-Marts records will be.

The camera theyre gonna use isnt the "eye in the sky" up in the corner. According to the manager at my local Wal-mart it will be mounted directly in front of you and record the entire transaction with sound. Unlike the normal security cam footage which is wiped after a certain time, the gun cam footage will be saved indefinitley and stored and turned over to the police at anytime as well.

If thats not bad enough, he stated that they are discussing the possibility of taking a digital "passport" photo of you with a hand held camera, and attaching the photo to the transaction record.
Some people seem to miss the point. It is not even the videotape that is the really bad part of this. It is the fact that they can simply apply this requirement as company policy and then can share it with whoever they like. It is like passing anti-gun legislation without ever having to get it voted on by the people or their representatives.

That is why it is dangerous to let large companies control the majority of a market.

You are on the camera at walmart even before you walk in the door. It starts in the parking lot. So if you are A person wanting to buy A gun with no criminal record, A citizen of the U.S. and you have the money, you have no more worries than if you buy it somewhere else. When you fill out your paperwork the gun can be traced anyway with the serial number if it is involved in A crime no matter where you buy it. Walmart just wants A pat on the back from the Government so they will turn their heads while they fill their racks with the lead based painted toys from China.
Could your local gun shop be doing this?

How can you be sure it not being done at your local gun shop? Nothing Wal-mart is doing is against the law so it could be done at any store. All those video surveillance camera can just as easily be recording you as anyone else. Now we know Wal-mart is doing it but we sure don't know who else is.
"If a person who buys a gun linked to a crime were to return to a Wal-Mart to buy another gun, the purchase would be flagged. "

Whoa. If someone steals the Remington 870 I bought from Wal-mart, and a crime is eventually committed with it, they won't sell me another one to replace it?

Also, the idea of walmart refusing a sale because of a conditional non-approval or some such thing- I've been lucky enough to have the "instant" background check work the first time every time, but I know others who haven't- they've had to wait the entire three days to get approved. So they would be refused? I thought the idea of the Brady system was that criminals would be barred from buying guns from dealers and the rest of us could. Yet, Helmke supports denying legal gun buyers firearms? Could I have just uncovered a hidden agenda of the Brady organization?

I'm not crazy about the idea of a mugshot taken for the police with every firearms transaction, either. I'm not even sure why. Just doesn't seem dignified I guess.

There's been a de facto registration in place for years with the 4473 forms stored for 20 years by dealers, but these measures take that too far.