Bloomberg, WalMart and Guns - Merged Threads

Walmart and Bloomberg

Here's some more info. I've never bought a gun from Walmart, and now never will.

I really could care less about the video part, I don't think it's useful but I already have to hand over plenty of ID to get my gun. If they want my ugly picture, more power to 'em.

The biggest deal to me that this is basically private firearms registration, at least from the original seller. Something that anyone can subpoena away from them.

And they will have to be tied in to some kind of national system to know what guns have been used in crimes.

Wal-Mart, the largest seller of firearms in the U.S., announced Monday it will toughen rules for gun sales, from storing video of purchases to creating an internal log of which guns they sell that are later used in crimes.

J.P. Suarez, the chief compliance officer for Wal-Mart Stores Inc., appeared with outspoken gun control advocate Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York to announce the changes at a gathering of Bloomberg's group Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

Changes to come at about 1,100 Wal-Mart stores selling guns include

_Creating a record and alert system to record when a gun sold at Wal-Mart is later used in a crime. If the purchaser of that gun later tries to buy another gun at Wal-Mart, the system would alert the sales clerk of the prior buy and could refuse to make the sale.

_Retaining the recorded images of gun sales in case law enforcement wants to view them later as part of an investigation.

_Expanding background checks of employees who handle guns and expanding inventory controls.


Suarez said his company may receive some pressure from gun rights groups, but added, «This is not a signal that we're getting out of firearms.
Bloomberg urged other companies to join Wal-Mart in the initiative called the Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership.


The mayors' gun summit also unveiled a new lobbying effort to close what they call the «gun show loophole» that allows people to purchase guns without background checks at gun shows.


The group, largely funded by Bloomberg's personal fortune, announced it was spending more than $100,000 (¤63,000) on television ads starting Wednesday featuring all three of the current main presidential candidates voicing their opposition to the gun show loophole.


The mayors group is trying to gather support in Congress to

_End the gun show loophole.
_Require gun dealers to perform criminal background checks on all gun-handling employees.
_Close a so-called fire-sale loophole that allows gun dealers whose licenses have been revoked by the government to sell off their inventory without background checks.
_Add those placed on the terrorist no-fly list to the list of people prohibited from purchasing a firearm.
:confused:Yea Ok!

"Creating a record and alert system to record when a gun sold at Wal-Mart is later used in a crime. If the purchaser of that gun later tries to buy another gun at Wal-Mart, the system would alert the sales clerk of the prior buy and could refuse to make the sale."
If you think you are not on camera in most ANY gun shop in America, you are only kidding yourself. Wal-Mart bashers, you have another reason to complain, but like most of the others, this one makes no sense either.
Did anyone catch the following in the article?
"Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, had previously tried to establish a store in New York City but failed."

Seems like they are looking for one hand to wash the other hand so they can open a new store.:barf:

Gee...I think some very insightful and amazingly intelligent board member recently posted a thread about the dangers of allowing big companies like Wal-Mart, Sportsman's Warehouse, etc from controlling to much of the gun market. Once the big companies control the market, they can start imposing whatever restrictions they feel will limit their personal liability.
And they will have to be tied in to some kind of national system to know what guns have been used in crimes

I what they said is, if a crime is committed with a firearm and the police retrieve said firearm. They can then find out where it was purchased. If it was from Wal-Mart they can pull up a photo or video of the time of purchase giving law enforcement a picture of the person buying the gun.

The video will be stored by Wal-Mart not the Govt. They're being pro-active instead of responding to recent events as they have in the past.

If you think you are not on camera in most ANY gun shop in America, you are only kidding yourself. Wal-Mart bashers, you have another reason to complain, but like most of the others, this one makes no sense either.

I would have to agree. The shop owners would be wise to emulate this move just to save their own tails. As to Wal-Mart bashers. Meh each to his own.
I avoid Wal Mart anyway unless I absolutely have to go there. In my area, the service has gotten so bad in the wal-marts, that it just is not worth going there. After Sam Walton died, Wal Mart went down hill quickly.
Gee...I think some very insightful and amazingly intelligent board member recently posted a thread about the dangers of allowing big companies like Wal-Mart, Sportsman's Warehouse, etc from controlling to much of the gun market. Once the big companies control the market, they can start imposing whatever restrictions they feel will limit their personal liability.

I hardly think Wal-Mart controls very much of the gun market.
WASHINGTON - Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest seller of firearms, announced Monday it will toughen rules for gun sale

"WASHINGTON - Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest seller of firearms, announced Monday it will toughen rules for gun sales..."

See what happens when you start thinking. :)
"WASHINGTON - Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest seller of firearms, announced Monday it will toughen rules for gun sales..."

That is, they are the largest company that sells firearms...NOT they sell the most.

See what happens when you start thinking.

Yep, allows me to read between the lines and distinguish black from white. :)
That is, they are the largest company that sells firearms...NOT they sell the most.
No, I am afraid that is not what it means. It means they are the single largest retailer of firearms...not that they are the largest retailer that sells firearms.
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Doesn't the military buy their guns from wal-mart? That could make them the nations largest seller of firearms couldn't it???:D

P.S. not bashing our brave soldiers, they just need a lot of guns
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