Blood Thirsty Pack of Dogs

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Animal Defense

Get yourself several cans of wasp spray. Have them handy by the door so when you go out they are there, do not leave in a hot car. No one can complain about you having a can of wasp spray on you, no matter where you go. Keep it in a shopping bag. Just say you are deathly allergic to wasp stings if asked.

The jet spray shoots 25 to 35 ft, you can wave it around like a water hose and any dogs behind the lead dogs will get a good nose full even if you do not hit them with it. It is poison and you might actually put down some of the blasted animals or at least teach them not to have a go at old men.

Never scare an old man, he will just kill you and be done with it!!

I,m 67 and had two strokes recently. I am not going to stand and let you beat on me without some response.

When my youngest brother was about 2 we lived in the country. I walked out on the back porch one summer day and saw on old black hound stalking the child. When I yelled,the dog stopped, growled at me and crouched like it was going to jump at me. I yelled again and it moved away and ran behind some of the cars parked by the house. I grabbed the rifle by the door and chambered a round and as it ran between two of the cars I shot. It made it to the end of the drive before it died of one 22 LR thru the heart. I should not have taken the shot, but it worked out ok.
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You demonstrate an extreme lack of experience with dogs in packs. Whoever deigns to follow your assumptions are going to get killed. You speak as if you have some ideas you believe but do not have knowledge of such things. I hate to be rude or blunt and it's rare that I'll take that approach but you do not know what you're talking about.

I grew up with a great many dogs on the farm. At any given time, we always had at least 10 or 15 dogs on the premises, the varying numbers were because once in a while, they'd tree a cougar or some damn thing and a couple of them would get killed. Regardless, once the bloodlust is upon them, they are completely unpredictable but GENERALLY SPEAKING, they will not back off for very many reasons. The sound of a pack of dogs fighting a mountain lion or even a raccoon is blood chilling and terrifying and be assured, there is very little you can do to stop them.

One thing I have seen on occasion is that if you shoot ONE of the dogs and you don't kill it, ie, it is wounded and yelping, the remaining dogs in the pack will OCCASIONALLY turn on the wounded dog and kill it instead of you. This generally is only effective if they are still a ways off. On OCCASSION, the sound of the gunshot is enough to stop them in their tracks but only if they are familiar with the sound of a gun and what that could mean to them.

It's useless to speculate on the probable motivations of the dogs in the pack. Nobody will ever be able to say what gets them started or what keeps them going. Smell of blood? Frenzy of the dog mob? They can't tell us. There are probably many "reasons" (if you can even say that a dog has any reasoning ability at all) or causes. But we will never know. It's enough to know that they can and will become killers and the underlying, driving force cannot be reckoned.

I've seen dogs attack cattle, deer, cougars, skunks, porcupines, cats, bobcats, raccoons, etc. etc. It's never a pretty sight and frankly, with all the stories I've read about dogs attacking humans, I fail to see that their behavior is different. That is to say, a dog pack attacking a human is not concerned about being their best friend and they are there to kill. Instinct, I expect, is the driving force in a pack attack but I can't say for certain, nor do I believe anyone is able to do so.

We had some small success with spraying ammonia into a dog's face to get them to back down and come to their senses. If the bear spray works, go for it. Pepper spray, mace, etc. have reportedly had some success. Guns are what I would consider to be the more ideal solution and I agree that shotguns, pump especially, are going to be very effective.

For many years dead seals have washed up on beaches. They appear to have been killed by blunt force trauma. Boats are the obvious possibility, except that there are multiple areas of bruising. Someone finally observed the cause. Porpoises were killing them and not for food. They gave the appearance that they did it simply for fun. There own version of a blood sport.

Top predators kill other top predators. It isn't mindless blood sport.
It is fashionable in this part of OK to take unwanted dogs out into the country and turn them loose. The dogs that are not killed by the coyotes and hogs often attack livestock and sometimes, people. Our sheriff's dep't does not have a dog warden. This county is larger than the state of RI. We take care feral dogs ourselves and our sheriff encourages that.

i've killed several dogs that were threatening livestock. i hunt a lot and have been attacked by feral dogs several times; once by a pack of five dogs: i killed all those dogs with my SKS. Last time i was attacked was in 2008: The dog was a huge Samoyed: It came after me while i was opening a gate. Got back into the truck, capped my muzzleloader and killed that dog.

If i find a dog chasing deer or livestock, it is a dead dog, collar or not.
I didn't read every post in this thread so hopefully this all isn't a repeat.

If it were me, I would have multiple layers of defense. I would get a big walking stick made from good quality hardwood. I would carry a double stack auto in a caliber I'm very comfortable with and practice a lot. I would also carry some form of mace but in a stream form not fog. Any defense spray that fogs or mists would not be a good option as you will almost always get some blown back at you and unless you have practiced fighting through getting a face full of the stuff it will do more harm than good.

Anyway you cut it, with a multiple dog attack, (unless you have a shotgun or auto rifle) you are probably going to end up on the ground at some point. I'd carry a good fixed blade hunting knife as well now that I think about it. Nothing too long, maybe 3 to 4 in.

I would then practice what and how I would use each weapon in multiple attack scenarios making sure everything is within easy reach and can be used effectively.
Fightingboard i assume you live somewere else other then the usa, where dogs are very common. Some of what say does not hold up. Dogs do attack for no reason, how else do you explain pitbull attacks? Family dog, well cared for, non abused suddenly turns on a kid or adult for no reason that can be found.
I love pitbulls, and hate that there demonized, but not even on pitbull chat forum can they or will they even begine try and explain the odd attacks that happen with legit pits.

Now i have a theroy about pitbull attacks, at least the ones were the dog actually was a pitbull and not another breed that closely resembles one. Part of my theroy is breeding, i think poorly breed dogs, like most dogs that come from back yard breeders, are more prone to mental issues.

My advice, is dont shoot bully breeds, and mastif breeds(if dangerous and feral toyou that is) in the head. My FIL is a vet, and has shot many animals, and says that those breeds heads due to there shape round and sloping(bully breeds like pits) and the size shape and thickness of the mastif breeds heads, your bullet may or may not penetrate there skull. There are plenty of stories on the net about owners whose pit tried to stop a home invasion and got shot in the head by the intruder only to have the bullet exit out the bottom of there nex, with no dmg to the dog. My suggestion is aim for the chest or shoulder or side if possible. If not aim for the nose area.

Lastly there are companies that can add better sights to your j frame revolvers, i suggest looking in to that.
The web browser Firefox has a spell check feature that works in Internet posting. Doesn't help with homophones but better than nothing.
Dogs do attack for no reason, how else do you explain pitbull attacks? Family dog, well cared for, non abused suddenly turns on a kid or adult for no reason that can be found.
I love pitbulls, and hate that there demonized, but not even on pitbull chat forum can they or will they even begine try and explain the odd attacks that happen with legit pits.
No animal attacks for no reason and dogs don't suddenly turn for no reason. "Family dog, well cared for.. blah blah blah" What do you expect people to say? Do you expect them to admit they raised an aggressive dog? Do you expect them to admit they have been fighting the dog? Of course not. They are going to lie their butt off. We hear the same thing all the time from the friends and family or violent criminals all the time. Think about the kid that gets in a dogs face and gets bit. You will be told he was just suddenly attacked for no reason when in fact, his behavior led to him getting bit. How about the dog that the neighbors kids throw rocks at or shoot bb guns at? I can't imagine why it would become aggressive.

People who honestly believe dogs attack for no reason, simply do not understand the reasons. Every single thing dogs, people, or anything else does is for a reason.

Btw, dogs are not at all unpredictable. They are an open book if you bother to read them. I have been around all sorts of dogs, with and without the owners present. I used to have to go into yards many times a day with nobody home. I have been back there with Pitts, Rotts, Mastiffs, Dobys, Shepards, Akitas, Huskys, Labs, Chows, Elkhounds, you name it. Not one of them was unpredictable and not one did anything for no reason. I got called many times by other crews because they couldn't get into a yard because there were "aggressive" dogs there. Nearly every time, I got into the yard with no problem. A very few times I didn't but those dogs weren't unpredictable either.

I once showed up and there were 5 or 6 guys trying to just walk right into the yard. Their logic was that the dog wouldn't let them back there because it was a pit and it was mean. How would any of you react to strange men trying to force their way into your home? Would you smile and say hi? Of course not. The dog saw them as a threat and understandably so. I made them leave, then spent a few minutes letting the dog get to know me and showing it that I wasn't a threat. 5 minutes later all the guys were back there and to their suprise, the dog was very friendly and wanted to play with everybody.

Many times dogs end up aggressive because of how they are raised. Many times, they are assumed to be aggressive because the victim is clueless.
Btw, all the hype about pitts is a bunch of crap. I have been around plenty of them and when raised by a responsible owner, they are less likely than most breeds to attack someone, mostly because they are much less likely to bite out of fear. Ask yourself this. Why do a higher percentage of Glocks end up used in crimes as compared to X-frame Smiths?

It is because of the type of people who own them and the same is true of dogs.
Why do people choose a pitbull or a Rottweiller for a pet over other dogs? What attributes do they have over other dogs?

They are poorly lacking in the cute department. They have average hunting skills. A genetically inherited tendency to be more aggressive and violent (it's scientifically proven)

My conclusion is that most people who choose to own a pitbull or rottweiller specifically are likely to also be ones who want an agressive fighting dog for some reason.
Why do people choose a pitbull or a Rottweiller for a pet over other dogs? What attributes do they have over other dogs?
The single best behaved, most loyal, and most intelligent animal I have ever been around was my Rott. Last I checked, those were good reasons. They are also very alert and very good at protecting their owners. I would expect someone who is pro second amendment to understand that. My neighbors always loved my Rott, even the ones who were afraid of him at first. Want to know why they loved having him around? It is because they didn't have to worry about their kids ending up on the news. Any hand laid on one of "his" kids would have been removed in a hurry. He watched over those kids like a hawk. My lab on the other hand is a sweet dog, well behaved, and great at retrieving birds, but would be completely worthless in a situation where a protective dog was needed.

They are poorly lacking in the cute department. They have average hunting skills. A genetically inherited tendency to be more aggressive and violent (it's scientifically proven)
I couldn't disagree more. Both are good looking dogs, particularly Rotts. Besides, does a dog have to be a hunter to be a family pet now? Maybe you shouldn't own a rifle or handgun unless it is only used for hunting? As far as aggression, there are many breeds that are more aggressive than Rotts and Pitts. A properly raised Pitt is one of the sweetest dogs you will ever be around. Rotts are typically more wary and less trusting of strangers but wary and aggressive are two different things. My Rott was actually a very affectionate dog. Actually much more so than my Lab.

My conclusion is that most people who choose to own a pitbull or rottweiller specifically are likely to also be ones who want an agressive fighting dog for some reason.
Not at all, but the types of people you are reffering to are indeed more likely to choose a Pitt or a Rott. I made that statement already. If you get rid of those breeds, those same people will pick a new breed and it will develop the same bad reputation.
He also kept my ATV and my neighbor's truck from being stolen as well as my grandparent's house from being broken into. He also broke up a fight at the neighbor's house and didn't bite anyone in the process. That was the only time he ever left the yard on his own even though he could have easily gotten out anytime he wanted to. He didn't stay in the yard because he couldn't get out. He stayed in the yard because that is what I expected from him. I ended up with my lab because he needed a good home, otherwise, I would absolutely have another Rott right now.

In case you are wondering, he was also very good with other dogs.
The single best behaved, most loyal, and most intelligent animal I have ever been around was my Rott.
Weve had Rotties for over 20 years now, and wont have another breed. Everything SRH78 said above is dead on. They are just big, very "family" oriented babies, and are great around kids.

The only time their demeanor changes, is if you dont behave, or do anything they percieve as aggressive towards the family, and especially the wife or kids. Do that, and they will step right up and deal with you without hesitation.

My conclusion is that most people who choose to own a pitbull or rottweiller specifically are likely to also be ones who want an agressive fighting dog for some reason.
The only people who have them for that reason, are abusing their dogs, and should be fed to them as far as Im concerned. What your comment sounds like to me, is experience learned from sensational TV news, and not from first hand experience with a family pet and protector.

I know people who have Pits as family pets, and they are sweet dogs too. Any dog can be abused to the point of being dangerous, and Ive had many encounters and bites/attempted bites, from more little furry yappy dogs, than I ever had from the bigger breeds.
Many people have had good luck with Pitbulls and Rottweilers. Some people haven't, and aren't around to talk about it. To say that they present no problem is wrong. Those two breeds have killed many people, especially children, and are one of the reasons people carry pistols in rural areas.

Any dog can be unpredictable and hurt someone. These two can easily kill.
Many people have had good luck with Pitbulls and Rottweilers. Some people haven't, and aren't around to talk about it. To say that they present no problem is wrong. Those two breeds have killed many people, especially children, and are one of the reasons people carry pistols in rural areas.

Any dog can be unpredictable and hurt someone. These two can easily kill.
Many people have been killed by handguns and aren't around to talk about it. Does that make your handgun dangerous and unpredictable? Maybe, just maybe handguns are only dangerous in the wrong hands. What a concept. :eek: Spend some time around a properly raised Rott or Pitt and you will see what they are really like.

I will say it again. Anyone who believes dogs are unpredictable, simply doesn't understand them. They are far more predictable than people are.
Any dog can be abused to the point of being dangerous, and Ive had many encounters and bites/attempted bites, from more little furry yappy dogs, than I ever had from the bigger breeds.
Absolute truth right here.
Many people have been killed by handguns and aren't around to talk about it. Does that make your handgun dangerous and unpredictable?

My handgun doesn't act on it's own. It doesn't crash through screen doors, jump fences and attack children.

I've always wondered why of all of the wonderful breeds of dogs anyone would want one that is as potentially deadly as a Pitbull.
Dogs are only as dangerous as they are made, just like people. We are all just animals after all.

If you program your kid to be a killer, they will be the best they can be, just to please you, and do so with no remorse. Dogs are no different.

Anything and everything can be potentially dangerous. If you havent owned a "normal" Pit or Rottie, then what are you basing your opinions on? Obviously, not personal experience. Again, it sounds more like a dramatic, hyped up TV news spot. Oh, the humanity! Weve got to do something about these gun owners..., oops, I mean DOG owners. ;)
I have to call B.S by the people trying to defend all dogs. We just had a case (in iowa) where the grandparents pitbulls mauled and killed a toddler which was obviously no threat to the dogs. The animals in question had no history of attack or violent behavior; they simply killed a child because they could. I also knew a sliver german shepard that my uncle had. The dog never showed any abnormal behavior but he attacked my cousin one day when he came home from school for no reason. If any of my dogs ever did something like that , I would kill them myself. Domesticated.....or not, they are still canines and will act like their wild counterparts!:mad:
Guns don't shoot on their own, dogs on the other hand make their own way without human intervention as needed for a handgun. Although folks can dispute WHY one breed of mutt over another is more dangerous, the facts are clear, Pitts and Rotts are the most dangerous dogs in America.

If you spend a bit of time to go down the known list, venture to see how many people killed by dogs are killed by the FAMILY pet. Anyone that has one of these mutts is asking for trouble at some point just based on the qualities bred into these mutts.
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