Blasting ammo...

briandg: said:
Dudes with semiautomatic rifles or pistol just burning up ammo as fast as they can empty the magazine's. Awhile back I was at the range and a couple of guys were running thirty round magazines dumping box after box of rounds at silhouette targets and when the rifles went dry, they started the pistols. Hours of shooting, maybe over a thousand rounds, all fired at less than fifty feet, and putting patterns on the targets like a shotgun at 200 feet.

And there is a problem with this? If there are 3 or 4 people shooting on a lane that doesn't seem too unreasonable. I always try & concentrate on hitting my own targets rather than how other people hit theirs, although the people putting on a "crimson trace light show" while they are shooting can drive you nuts!
Depends. Sometimes I bring a .22 pistol and go through 200 rounds in 30 minutes at the 25 yard range.
Sometimes I bring a .41 magnum and go through 100 rounds in an hour at the 25 or 50 yard range,
Sometimes I do drills with a 9mm, and go through 200 rounds in 5 minutes at the 7 yard range. Mag changes, failure drills, reliability testing, double taps, pairs, bill drills, etc.
Sometimes it's about getting comfortable with a new gun, and you gotta follow where it leads.
Don't assume that because someone is 'wasting' ammo, it's because they don't 'know' better. Sometimes it's just trying to achieve a certain objective.
I don't file a flight plan.

Shooting groups is good for diagnostics. Shooting steel is good for practice. But only shooting groups will not always be the best practice for everyone. I get what I need from the range, and I also get what I need from dry fire, and from casual shooting at steel targets at longer ranges out in the country, among other things.
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