Blasting ammo...

You got that right. I'll tell you one thing, those "cantankerous curmudgeons" might not be wasting as much ammo as you, but they sure as hell are putting each one in the black.

I would certainly hope so...

I'm guilty of both "styles" of shooting.

Sometimes I shoot slow, 100yd targets with the AR, or one of the other rifles.

Other times, I shoot the handguns, usually deliberate fire, about a shot every second or so...

I seldom do a magazine dump, as I can't hit very consistently that way. If I do that, it is to see how "controllable" my handgun would be if I felt the need to respond to a threat that way.

I would like to think that I would respond to a threat with deliberate, aimed fire, but, not having been in that scenario, I can't say I would, for sure.
Ten shots in a 30 minute relay, however, if a flint gets dull and needs to be changed, or I accidentally forget the powder before ramming the ball down the barrel, I'm really glad we are allowed two consecutive relays to finish the match.

Doing nothing but a "mag-dump" has become all to frequent these days. The attitude appears to be, how quickly can I put rounds down range? Not how can I improve my basic shooting skills?

Do to several serous life's changes, I've not shot in almost a year now. Yet when I did shoot on a regular basis, my normal ammo usage was between 100 - 125 rounds per range session, and my range time was between 60 - 90 minutes. I found this was time and ammo to keep me shooting to a decent level but not so much that it became work.
For one I can't afford the money dropped by these guys, just on the rifle alone, much less the ammo cost. Marriage, house, kids....

I usually shoot 20-50 rounds of 7mm-08AI at a 300 yard target.
Less with the Rem Mag.

With my pistols, usually less than 100 rounds. Most of that practicing drawing from concealed, and getting good first round hit. Usually it's only 1 round at a time, practicing drawing, sometimes I do 2-3 rounds from a draw.
This is done standing, walking, sitting, kneeling, and even laying down at different angles.

Aside from a match that I watched here locally, I'm still waiting to see an AR shoot further than 25 yards...:rolleyes:
In the days before I put a scope rail on my Lee-Enfield, I occasionally did a mag dump with that to see how fast I could put the rounds downrange (cyclic rate is very close to 60/minute). Am crossing my fingers that I get (a) a moose licence this year and (b) manage to shoot a moose, after which I will have the scope rail taken OFF, get my stripper clips out, and see how many I can fire in a minute. Then I will examine the targets while munching on mooseburgers.

The .303 aside, none of my longarms (.223 Savage Axis II; Savage M42 combination gun, Mossberg Maverick O/U) are exactly conducive to rapid expenditure of large volumes of ammunition. Recently, however, I took up pistol shooting, which put me in possession of my first self loading firearm of any kind. Local laws (Canada, please note) mean a mag dump here is ten, but that's probably more than enough for me to be shooting off in a single string.

As for "blasting ammo" - as long as the cases are reusable and I am allowed to scavenge them, I couldn't care less, just so long as the people using it aren't ar**h*les about it and don't end up hurting anyone. (Slightly off topic, scavenge rules at my range are "take what you want from the brass bucket, but only if you reload that calibre", which IMO is fair enough.)
I get what you are saying. Pure mag dumps are the worst!

But, when I'm practicing for IDPA or sd, I'll have 2-5 paper plates out and I will be drawing, shooting fast and frankly keeping all my rounds on a paper plate.

To me, that is the key point. Speed with control is great. Speed with loss of bullet control needs reigned in. At least, it damages equipment ....but it can cause bullets to escape the backstop.

I also train to manipulate my gun at speed, but due so with barrel direction control.

I have seen the spray and pray posers....they most likely need a helping hand. Guns can be dangerous. Go slow, learn how to manipulate and shoot safe, then build speed. I build speed mostly through 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and then full speed manipulation.
Aside from a match that I watched here locally, I'm still waiting to see an AR shoot further than 25 yards...

And aside from the matches I go to, I'm still waiting to see a pistol shoot farther than 5 yards.
But go dove hunting with a bunch of people and you will routinely see 60 to 100 yard shots attempted with a shotgun, no wonder the "average" dove hunter only kills around 5 birds with a box of 25 shells.
There is a cost to this madness. Why go to the range and shoot 1000 rounds plus pistol rounds if is is nothing more than for male excitement? I'm one to shoot maybe 50 rounds, correcting my scope or rear sight until I have practiced my NRA basic rules of accuracy in my intent. Zombies don't come around very often (I'll save my political jargon here), but huge downrange blast loads are immaterial for accuracy after the game. Men like the "Big Bang" sound. Some can even afford the costs of mega-ammo just for their Big Bang.
Sounds like a bunch of people whining when someone else does something differently than they do. Reminds me of a George Carlin bit where he's talking about other drivers on the highway-- if they aren't going just about exactly your speed, they must either be reckless maniacs or clueless, dangerous idiots.

I had a range day yesterday. 623 rounds of center fire across 9mm, .38, .40cal and .45, across 7 handguns, one of which was my EDC. 135 more rounds of rimfire through a 1951 H&R Sportsman top-break. My range session was four hours, cut short due to heat, sunshine and lack of breeze.

Judge my numbers or judge my words, have it at, the same way you've been judging everyone you actually see when you go to the range.
Been hot in the buckeye state lately. Where do you shoot in central Ohio, Sevens? I live in SW Ohio and there are a couple decent ranges around here but nothing special. And the only thing keeping me from shooting 1000 rounds per session is time and money. If I go to the range I'm shooting more than a 50 rd box for sure.
Last weekend was 1000 rounds in a competitive shooting class.

Mostly I shoot 100 - 200 per week. Lots of drills, always working technique.
(I'm still sucky). But never just made noise for the joy of it.

Sometimes fast ...Bill drill has a goal of draw, 6 shots in the A zone, under 2 seconds.
I try to shoot a couple of times a month. My favorite range has half price senior and military Tuesdays, so I can shoot for about $8.

I reload, and I keep my rounds in 100 count boxes, so I will usually take a box of whatever I'm shooting that day. I will also often take along my Buckmark and 100 rounds of .22, but I don't always shoot it.

With the semiautos, I will load 10 rounds at a time and shoot for accuracy at 5, 7, 10 and 15 yards. This tells me what my gun will do, and what I'm still capable of doing. I put 20 rounds into each target. For the last target, I'll usually do 2 10 round strings at 5 yards, timed at 2 seconds apart. I never try to fire any faster than that.
I go through 50-100 rounds every other week (usually 60). The ammo I use is $22+ a box. I have a plan before I go on the distances and scenarios to run. This deliberate practice has been enough to maintain and continue to add skill-sets.

I was at the indoor range last weekend, and a pair was quickly shooting a larger caliber pistol then they could accurately handle. Several times they hit the acoustic ceiling tiles, so I stepped out for a while. This was with a target under 15' away. I don't get the ammo dump thing. Volume doesn't = accuracy.
Just my nickle 98 on the matter.

Some folks take shooting sports way to seriously.
Not everyone wants to be a dead eye one hole shooter.
Some folks are in the sport simply for the fun of shooting.
They have no desire to do any more than have fun, burn through some ammo and vent their frustrations of a lifeless target.

These folks are welcome to do whatever they wish with their money and ammo.
As long as they are safe and mindful of others I could care less.
They add to the ranks of gun owners.
They help further our cause and may bring even more new shooters into the fold.

I myself have been known to mag dump a firearm now and then just to see how well I can hold a group in a rapid fire situation; and it’s fun too.
Really? Are you guys buying other people's ammo? Or guns? Last time I checked (and it may not last with the current predicament) but where I live is still a free place. I can choose to go to the range and dump 2-3k rounds through whatever I brought with me that day or I can shoot once and stop. I work hard so I can play hard and if I want to play that day and dump my AR mags as fast as I can or play robo cop and dump my 25 round block mags then it is my $$$. Some people waste(in my mind) their $$$ on stupid stuff(in my mind) but it is their $$$ to spend however they want. I have a brother that spends 10's of thousands of dollars on roping and horses (to me a waste). But for me to drop $5-600 on ammo is my fun. To each his own. As long as they are not being unsafe who cares?!?!?( besides you all)
Now if unsafe that is different issue all together and not what I understood OP discussing. Unsafe is unsafe! It only takes one lethal round to kill
Just my opinion and worth every bit of what you paid for it
I have my own range. I am trying to get back to shooting shape after a 30 year break. 100 + rounds a session is not unreal for me. And I am making progress on being consistent.
I like to shoot fast

I usually go to the range with my son. we don't get to spend much time together anymore. When we get time we make the most of it. A range day for us is usually 6-8 hrs.

i enjoy shooting the 400 yrd gongs with my M1A and irons, and getting groups with my ancient model 70. But Lately I have been favoring rapid firing my AR with the aimpoint. I have got to the point that I have no joy shooting paper.

I like to ring the 100-200 yard steel as fast as I can. between the two of us we can easily go through 500-1000 rds of rifle and 200-300 rds of pistol in a trip. I reload the pistol and after you get enough brass its pretty cheap.

the rifle gets a little expensive. especially thr 7.62 but who cares. We both work our buts off all week and really dont care if we burn 400 bucks of ammo on a rare day together.

Money is east to get. Time with your loved ones can be a little harder to come by.
Normally I take two guns and fire a total of 300 rounds twice a month. Most often 100 of those rounds are rimfire. A bit less in the winter.
Usually 100 rnds per handgun and a couple of boxes of 22 lr for around 300-400 rnds a trip.
I bring more than that but rarely shoot it except for this one time...
I enrolled my wife and daughter in a beginning handgun class and had a few hours to burn at the 15 yd steel target range next to them.
I was bored but had fun with all the different tones from the targets. After several hundred rnds later I figured out how to play Mary had a little lamb on the steel plates. After 4 more magazines I finished the first chorus and got some surprise applause from the class for my musical rendition.
Slightly embarrassed I picked up my much lighter ammo can and moved on down to the 35 yd range.
In retrospect, Yankee Doodle Dandy probably would have been a better selection....