Blasting ammo...

Double edged sword

Im kinda with Sevens on this one. Although i have my own ranges, i have been to many with friends. As long as no one is directly bothering myself i could care less how many rounds they shoot or how to do so. We are all there to shoot and enjoy ourselves. Its nice to see all ages emerged in the sport. Times are changing and so are how whats currently "cool". While thats not my prerogative, hey were all having fun.
I guess I didn't answer the whole question either....

I don't care what other shooters do -- as long as it's safe !!

I have no interest in just dumping 100 rds downrange .....but I may run a reload drill 10 times ( draw fire 4 - reload fire 4 - reload fire 4 .... with a par standard time of 11.5 sec....and target is A zone rectangle center chest....).... but my goal is to work on my own focus, grip, technique of grabbing mag, angle of gun, trigger control --- all that little stuff...

I don't care if other shooters are quicker - or better / I shoot against my past results - so I get cleaner more consistent results / but I train and shoot tactical drills because I want the skills to remain competent to carry.... ( and for fun ). Personally, I find bulls eye shooting boring - not that I don't do a little of it ....-- but every week, no.

But everyone should do what they want to --- as long as it is safe.
I enjoy shooting quickly, but usually 3-4 maybe 5 shots per target. If I'm in an indoor range I might get a target with 3 silhouettes or 6 circles or something. Dumping 10-15 rounds might be fun but very impractical if I'm trying to better my defensive handgun skills. I don't believe you should practice "shoot till dead". One to three shots should stop the threat, hopefully.

I'm getting a rifle pretty soon, but I'm not sure of a range a mag dump is even allowe when I'm at the range, as long as they're safe I don't care. Don't mind watching other people shoot their guns as long as it's not at me. Good reason to talk to them and get to see what they're using.
For a while I was going through 300 rounds every week through one gun. I shoot on Monday mornings at the pistol pits at the club I belong to. I practice the plate rack and different drills while keeping time. It sure doesn't take long to shoot a few hundred rounds.
Lately I have been trying to conserve am a bit. I started working on my draw times, shooting one round at a time, but then I found it didn't help my plate rack times as much as I thought it would because with just drawing and shooting one shot a lot more sight pictures are acceptable than when you have to follow up real fast. So now what I do is draw and shoot Two plates. The other part of the time I shoot single shots at 25 and 50 yards.
Now I'm averaging 100 rounds a week.
Yes, big Jim, that is the real question. It's their own business what they do if they're being careful, but a magazine dump may tend to cause loss of control, especially if it's a kid who swiped his daddy's ar. It bugs me to hear it, and it worries me when I see someone doing it and they don't look competent.

A few months ago, there was a group of trainees at my range, doing thousands of rounds in rapid fire. They even had some full auto.

At one point I heard someone yell "look, he hit the hostage!"

I haven't run into too many crazy losers at my local ranges, but they exist.
My smarter half has the right idea.
If someone shows up at the range with the kind of gear popular for pray and spray, she retreats to the car until they show their true colors.
If they're acting like kids in a video game, she stays in the car and reads her book until they run out of ammo and leave.
Sometimes she even drives to a farther parking place.
Nuthin' new to add save for my own way of having fun.

I will usually end my shooting session with a rapid-fire blast, instinct shooting (not aiming) just to see:

1: where I am placing lead at rapid-fire unaimed firing, in the event I need to do so at some point

2: see how the weapon performs under stress, and

3: for the simple fun of mindlessly blowing out a lot of ammo

But this is usually limited to 5-8 rounds, it isnt something I spend a full range seszion doing.

Anyway, ammo mfgs have families too that need to be fed....
There is no blasting at the Wyoming Antelope Club. It wasn't until a few years ago magazine fed rifles could load more than three rounds. That was only members, guest had to single load. Handguns were not restricted, but still no rapid firing.
I can't blast like that.....All I see when someone else does it is nickles, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills hitting the ground instead of empty brass.
You know, when I was a kid and federal wad cutters cost twelve to fifteen a box, all I could think of was all the hours of c.Pac man that range session cost me.

For that matter, that box cost me almost two hours of wages, or whole tank of gas..
I go to the range once a week (sometimes more, never less) and I generally shoot between 250 and 300 rounds each time. 200 of 22lr to stay sharp but save on ammo costs, and 50 to 100 of wherever other gun I am shooting that day

Start to reload and you then can shoot 9mm for the price of 22lr.
But reloading takes time, and unfortunately I have less time than money. I'll reload when the kids are grown.
Start to reload and you then can shoot 9mm for the price of 22lr.

Only if you cast your own bullets along with reloading. Most of the online bullet suppliers I have searched want about $50/500 bullets give or take a few bucks and various shipping charges.
I'm so happy I have my own shooting range...
Here is another reason I can't stand public ranges. There's always some cantankerous curmudgeon taking up range space, firing 1 round per hour, from a rifle seemingly permanently mounted to a lead sled, while criticizing everyone around him.

I get it, you're on a fixed income and need to get out of the house from the little old lady who's driving you nuts in your retirement years... Have you considered taking up Golf?

Some of us, that work a living, like shooting different styles and speeds. We buy ammo in bulk or reload in bulk to allow us to shoot more than 1 box of ammo per day.

As they say, everyone has an opinion, most of them stink... ;)
I'm so happy I have my own shooting range...

I am happy for that as well. Maybe in addition to shooting you could take up counseling or something similar. With your people skills you would be a natural.
Lately, I usually go through about 20-25 rounds with my center fire revolvers per trip, and about 40-50 rounds of 22lr.

I would say about 40-100 rds for my semi-auto rifles.

I burned exactly one 30rd mag from my AR15 when I first took it out earlier this year. Now I take my time to make my shots count and typically only load 10-20 rounds at a time depending on what sort of practice I'm doing. I find that firing 10 rounds of 223 rapid fire will show me my general rapid-fire accuracy and precision just as well as having a 30 rd set fired at the same pace. The only difference is I burn more time loading so that I burn less ammo=$$.

When I was reloading, these numbers were a bit higher though. I think it's time to start that up again.
I have been known to do an ammo dump, usually a mag of 22 and it is when I am out in the desert with no body else around. When I am at the indoor range in town I am trying to make sure I can do better then second place in a gun fight, so it is serious practice.
I'm so happy I have my own shooting range...
Here is another reason I can't stand public ranges. There's always some cantankerous curmudgeon taking up range space, firing 1 round per hour, from a rifle seemingly permanently mounted to a lead sled, while criticizing everyone around him.

I get it, you're on a fixed income and need to get out of the house from the little old lady who's driving you nuts in your retirement years... Have you considered taking up Golf?

Some of us, that work a living, like shooting different styles and speeds. We buy ammo in bulk or reload in bulk to allow us to shoot more than 1 box of ammo per day.

As they say, everyone has an opinion, most of them stink...

You got that right. I'll tell you one thing, those "cantankerous curmudgeons" might not be wasting as much ammo as you, but they sure as hell are putting each one in the black.