Best 9mm ammo for defense

Fmj. Guaranteed to penetrate the skull. Guaranteed to go through heavy clothing and get the 12" penetration the FBI says is adequate. Put in the range time, and your shot placement will make fmj you're round of choice too. When an fmj hits a bone it shatters it and keeps going to make an exit wound requiring surgery. Jhps may get lodged in a rib or fragment when it hits bone, which causes damage and will make major wound. But just keep in mind, the u.s. military carries fmjs for reliability and penetration, that's good for me. Again, range time will make your shot placement so good, that even a 300 lbs crook in a biker jacket and a brain bucket won't have a prayer. Hypothetically speaking of course.

I am not saying FMJ is "ineffective" by any means. There's just a chance of the projectile passing through the body cleanly (a sure shot is not always possible) and that if it does it hits some kid across the hall/street etc...

That’s why IMO Hornady's 9MM 135 gr FlexLock Critical DUTY gives you the best of both worlds in that the HP is filled rendering any potential "clogging" of the bullet's nose with any kind of matter no longer a concern. Yet you still get the FMJ penetration absent the fear of over penetration.

I get what you are saying so I guess if I lived on a farm or wherever collateral damage was not a concern I would feel just fine using old fashion ball ammo.
Great point PT. but proper training will make you subconsciously move to a clear shot or not take the shot even if u got hp mmo as you stated. Dynamic situations will occur so that's why I don't shoot at the ranges much, I go to the field and incorporate movements, weapon manipulation nd taking cover while engaging multi targets.
To sum up almost every 9mm thread on the internet:

Avoid 115gr and anything lighter, especially the standard pressure stuff. Make sure whatever you choose shoots reliably in your gun.

I would add that many people advise to practice with the same bullet weight as you carry. Since almost all of the cheap practice ammo is 115gr, this may be a factor for you. Personally, I don't notice enough of a difference between 127gr & 115 to worry about it, but I haven't really tested 147gr yet.
IMO It's mostly a non issue, as most all SD ammunition is designed to meet the same penetration and expansion standards.

regardless of caliber and bullet weight they should all penetrate a certain distance and expand a certain percentage. These will usually all be laboratory test conditions.

Personally I use my own loaded ammunition for carry/SD, I'll put my ammo up against any name brand any day of the week, I do use all new components for SD ammunition.

For the 9mm I shoot 147 grain Hornaday XTP.
Pretty effective
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You can't rely on statistics because every statistic
is a single event interpreted and compiled by
God knows who.
It's not so much the bullet make up
as where you put it!
Best 9mm ammo?

Remington L9MM1 115 grain JHP. Loadable in all manufactured 9mm auto's. Good ogive, with a small cavity, that provides good penetration. "Old School Load".
I bought a box of Winchester Ranger 85 gr. +P+ Frangible, and don't know anything about it. I can't find a "T" on the box, although there is a "NT" mark on the bullet cartridge. The box is marked "For Law Enforcement USE Only."
I can't find out much about this load. I thought it seemed ideal for not going through the wall and killing the neighbors, in case of self-defense. Does anybody know anything about it? It seems to penetrate 3/8" - 1/2" plywood, but leaves little trace. Haven't shot it through water, as I just don't buy anything anymore in gallon jugs.
Sure do appreciate your thoughts and experiences with this ammo.
Kindest regards,
All handguns are relatively poor "stoppers" regardless of caliber or bullet used. Shot placement and sufficient penetration are paramount, all else is secondary.
Another vote for Critical Duty, IMHO it strikes a good balance between recoil, penetration and expansion. 15" average penetration is right in the middle of the FBI's suggested 12"-18" range.
I'd rather use a bullet w/less expansion that reaches the vitals than a bullet w/more expansion that doesn't.
CorBon 115gr +P jhp for my HD gun. It is a highly regarded SD loading for 9mm. It has some serious velocity for a +P 9mm at 1350fps, and 466ftlbs of energy at the muzzle out of a 4" barrel.
I don't usually answer to old threads, good old 125g GDHP +P from NYPD for this guy every time, not to mention I'm at a quarter a round X about 1500.

I think they went to 40cal.