Benefit in providing illegal aliens a drivers license?

Okay, I cannot keep up on ever issue and this is one on which I have found myself in the dark.

What is the perceived benefit of wanting to give illegal aliens a drivers license???

Most on here that know me can attest that I am a pretty liberal guy. I do not consider myself a bigot and I try not to let hatred cloud my thinking but I am also a very "follow the law" kind of guy. I just cannot wrap my head around why this is a god idea.

Can someone either explain to me why it is a good idea or at least why some candidates (I will not say who, but his name rhymes with "Yo'mama") think it is a good idea?
Can someone either explain to me why it is a good idea or at least why some candidates (I will not say who, but his name rhymes with "Yo'mama") think it is a good idea?

Well lets see right off the top of my head, the motor voter law comes to mind, also it endears him to Hispanics, illegal and legal both. It shows he cares and wants them welcomed and included in society.

The original logic behind it was that illegals on our highways would somehow be safer if they had licenses.

Being that in most cases they are illiterate in spanish and english and don't have auto insurance dosen't seem to be a concern.

Which leads me back to believing that the motor voter law was the reason most liberals want illegals to have licences.

Dirt poor illegals are very receptive to the Democrat message of free heath, food stamps, housing assistance, ect and make great new constituents for the Democrat Party.

Oh I almost forgot. 'Whats the benifit to legal citizens?' There is none.
I am completely against illegals having drivers license, but here are some of the reasons I have heard to support the idea.

-We will all be safer on the road. Illegals will have to pass a driving test, so that will make them safer drivers. (I lived in El Paso, you will have to tell that to someone else.)

-We will know who they are and where they live. (assuming they don't use forged documents to get their legal license.;)

-It will help bring them out of the shadows. ( around here they are out in the bright sunlight driving every day with no fear of being caught.)

Dirt poor illegals are very receptive to the Democrat message of free heath, food stamps, housing assistance, ect and make great new constituents for the Democrat Party.

And they don't have to depend on Democratic precinct workers for transportation, they can drive themselves to the voting booths.
I can understand that but that can't possible be the reason they put forward. They cannot come out and say they want to do it so illegals can vote for what is the "legitimate" reasoning they put forth?
The premise typically floated down here and in CA that I keep hearing, is: If they have driver's licenses, then they can get vehicle liability insurance. After all, you can't get insurance without a license.

What kills me, is how they REGISTER their cars in the first place. Most of them come up here and buy vehicles on this side of the border. Somehow, they either pay cash or get financed and get a normal license plate on their vehicle. HOW DO THEY GET A MONTH/YEAR TAG ON THEIR PLATES?

Here in AZ, we have police officers running around neighborhoods looking for snowbirds (retired folks that come to AZ for about half the year to avoid cold weather up north). They examine plates and keep track of how long couples stay in AZ... if it can be documented that they stayed in AZ for more than 6 months but failed to register their vehicles (and get licenses, change state residence, pay state income taxes, etc), they get heavily fined.

If we can do that to snowbirds, we should be able to do that in the barrios of Phoenix. Or start impounding illegally registered or unregistered vehicles.

But back to insurance: the counter-argument to the licenses for illegals movement is that these people don't care about laws in the first place, and they won't get insurance when having the opportunity to get a license. They probably wouldn't get the license in the first place, because it grants them willful anonymity as needed.

Wouldn't you like to just assume the name "Jose Sanchez" or "John Doe" when a large liability lands in your lap that you could duck if you could shed your identity?
Wouldn't you like to just assume the name "Jose Sanchez" or "John Doe" when a large liability lands in your lap that you could duck if you could shed your identity?

Thats exactly what they do. They get a DWI or have a major accident and they head back to Mex or more that likely just stay here, then they get new fake identity papers and get a new drivers license.

Makes me feel safer knowing they have licenses.:rolleyes:
Undocumented and Drivers License

The problem is not the license, it is the fact that since they are living under false/fake documentation, and hence there is no possibility of knowing who they really, really are.

If that is not clear, the rest of the situation - drivers test, vehicle registration, insurance - is based on a lie.
...and what information would they have to provide to get these licenses? Do we just take their word for it regarding their name, address, etc? Do I get the same privilege?
What is the perceived benefit of wanting to give illegal aliens a drivers license???

PBP, if they can get you to asking the wrong questions, it doesn't matter what the answer is. I believe the driver license issue is a ruse being used by the powers that be to keep people focused on the wrong issue.

A Republican who is opposed to giving driver's licenses to illegals sounds good, right? I mean it sounds like he must be opposed to illegal immigration. But this is not necessarily true. If all he does is oppose giving them driver licenses, then he is tacitly allowing illegals to be here in the first place. He isn't trying to solve the illegal immigration problem, and he has gotten people distracted with an irrelevant topic.

So he passes a law that makes it illegal to give an illegal alien a driver license. Guess what... you still have illegal aliens in the country.

My opinion is build a wall, round them up, and send them home. Anything less means you are allowing illegals to be here. And if you are going to do that, then you should require them to pay a license fee and take a test.

I understand that completely. I do not believe that the republicans (especially the neo-cons) want illegals out of the country at all. They want them here even more than the dems...just for different reasons.

I just cannot in anyway wrap my head around how anyone could present this absurd idea as somehow positive.
If we are going to accept illegals being here, then it is only fair that they be required to pay the same license fees and take the same tests as the rest of us to have a driver license. A driver license is a form of tax. You are letting them off if you don't collect it.

Think of sales tax. Should being an illegal alien also make them exempt from paying sales tax?
Oh, that won't be a problem for them. Typically one guy does all the driving for the whole car load. When was the last time you saw a 'guest worker' driving just himself or one other person?

We had a guy across the street get busted one day. He owned the townhouse, but had 10 others living with him.
PBP: As Unregistered suggested, the longer you struggle with getting your mind around an irrelevancy, the longer you are diverted from a real issue.
PBP: As Unregistered suggested, the longer you struggle with getting your mind around an irrelevancy, the longer you are diverted from a real issue.
I am not distracted from the real issue. I am capable of considering more than one topic at a time.

I am just curious as to the reasoning behind such inane statements and how they are able to convince people of such ignorant ideas.
I am just curious as to the reasoning behind such inane statements and how they are able to convince people of such ignorant ideas.
I think your question has already been answered: It's somehow supposed to make our roads safer. The reason you can't wrap your mind around it is because you are smart enough to know it's illogical. The missing piece for you is that there is nothing to wrap your mind around.

Some folks either aren't that smart or don't care because they have an agenda. The good news is that a large majority of Reps and Dems flatly reject this idea, which means a large majority of Reps and Dems are smart enough to know it's illogical.