Been looking for this for 24 years... Ultra-thin Model 400-22 Derringer

Patent granted Dec 25th, 1984. Interesting that the patent office is open and granting patents on christmas day.

jamstutz, check your inbox.
25 years ago, very few people had CCW licenses.
Maybe there wasn't enough potential market to get the design off the ground?

Now that many thousands of people are legally carrying concealed firearms, this gun may find a more welcoming market.
If someone could produce this weapon, and keep the price close to $200, I think it could be successful.
Update--autofull and I have spoken on the phone, and this is what we've found:

Thanks to those of you who provided leads as to phone #'s--unfortunately we have been unable to make contact with anyone so far.

A more in depth Google search on the designer, Jody Numbers, produced this article which indicates that a designer of this name from Tempe, AZ passed away about ten years ago. It appears likely that this is the same individual who invented the 400-22. Any additional leads as to tracking down surviving family members or associates may be refered to autofull or me as we are currently sharing available information.

Thanks to each of you for your interest and assistance.
Seems Mr. Numbers is a pretty cool guy, too bad he's passed away. Some other patents he's been involved with include the design of Mace dispensing containers.

Very pro-self defense individual.

PM Sent with additional contact details.
still working on it

well, i just got off the phone with sam ciammitti, he was a co-patent holder with jody numbers and a nice fellow. after reading the plastic industry article i also feel that he has passed away but sam had no knowledge of that although he had no contact with jody for about 12yrs. soooo, he is going to track down some phone numbers for us to call. relatives and such. i really hope i can get some of these made, maybe a family member inherited his property and designs and is willing to sell or share. from what i have learned from sam, jody is one smart dude that grew up as a plastic mold maker so the write up on him seem,s to be the correct story, as i said, the plot thickens. kevin---autofull--
looks like the end of the line here

well, acording to the arizona contact, mr. numbers has passed away. his search has turned up no one with any further information on the family or heirs of jody numbers. i have talked to sandy chisolm of north american arms on this design and forwarded all the info we collected and he said he was interested in this weapon and would hand it over to his design team, so, unless someone finds a production model or naa builds it, this is the final chapter here. thank you to all who were interested and contributed . kevin.
Many thanks Kevin for all your help. Best to you and to Mrs. "autofull"

Perhaps someday NAA will introduce the 400-22 to America...we can only hope!
Numbers Mod 400

I have one of the original mod 400's. When I got it I was told 3 were started and this was the only one that was completed. It is in the box, with the manual.
We're still hoping that Sandy Chisholm at NAA will put the 400-22 on the production schedule. Looks like that's the only way most of us will ever see one.
Interesting gun. And, I have a penchant for chasing down obscure nearly forgotten items. Has anyone contacted machine shops, gun stores, gun clubs that are local to the original designer? ( Jody Numbers )

He just has to be locally known as the guy making a gun.

There is a ever so slight chance Shot Gun News has some sort of contact info as well.
400-22 Derringer

I put together a 3d CAD model of the gun. The striker mechanism seems a little flimsy, and I notice the original advertisement said something about high strength metal being used, perhaps there was a mechanical problem there.

I can understand why there might be reluctance amongst police to getting such a slim little gun available for manufacture in California. But, its such a cute little guy, that I'd like to see the design reproduced out there. Apparently this is a design that has once been manufacturered by a licensed gun manufacturer in California. If I am wrong, please let me know.

Anyone else interesting in seeing this little guy manufactured?
What we know so far...

We were able to track down the original patent drawings as indicated in prior posts, as well as an obituary for Jody Numbers of Scottsdale AZ, the little gun's designer. He apparently passed away shortly after applying for the patents, and the legal firm assisting in the patent process is no longer in business. No survivors have thus far been located.

I have located one completed model out of three that were reportedly started, but I have been asked by the owner not to divulge his identity or his contact information. He received it from his father, who obtained it from a collector in one of the western states. Last I spoke with him he was unwilling to part with it. Hopefully, if and when he is willing, he will contact me.


  • Numbers Corp Mod 400--Photo 4.jpg
    Numbers Corp Mod 400--Photo 4.jpg
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  • Numbers Corp Mod 400--Photo 3.jpg
    Numbers Corp Mod 400--Photo 3.jpg
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