Been looking for this for 24 years... Ultra-thin Model 400-22 Derringer


New member
This little derringer-type handgun was advertised in various magazines in the early 80's, but I've never seen one. I collect novelties such as this, and would really like to make one part of my collection...

Any information anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.
I thought I had seen most guns made but that is new to me too. I have a High Standard 22 mag that is about that slim without the stocks. It has the box, papers and bill of sale. I am selling it with 2 holsters and ammo for $295 if you are interested.
I'm not sure that this gun ever made it into production. Note that the small print in the add says "Soon our product will be available...". Anybody actually seen one in person?
Dumb suggestion here, but have you tried Googling the critter or its' manufacturer? Or even using the old contact info from the ad...

Its' looks remind me of that Downsizer pistol, although it's maybe not related at all.
No luck Googling or trying the contact information.

I wrote to the company in 1983 and got a postcard back saying they would let me know as soon as they were available, but a month later I left for Army duty in the MP's in Germany and lost touch.

I have several High Standard derringers, a BJT derringer and a Downsizer WSP-45, and while the Downsizer looks like a close relative, I can't confirm any connection to the original Number Corp or their designer.

I'm thinking that if I am very lucky I may run across someone who has one from an original test run or even a prototype.
Think I saw one...

I was at a gun show here in San Antonio and think I saw your little derringer.

A guy had one in his collection - it looked like what is in the picture anyway. I couldn't remember what it was called, but I did get his card.

I'll get you his information. He said he wanted $500.

bobdavis -- Thanks for the lead...

...Unfortunately it was not a 400-22 that he had at the show. The gentleman did say he would watch for it and let me know if he spotted one.

This may be the firearms equivalent of the 1943 copper penny...
i am still looking for this gun also

i know, very old thread. has anyone found any fresh info on this pistol. back in the 80,s i contacted them to buy one as i was an ffl holder but, i would have had to buy them in lots of five at 90.00 dollars apiece. being smart, ahem, i knew i would never sell the other four. now, i find myself with the big regret. i am like all of you, i have had hundreds of weapons that i wish i had never sold but this piece still has a place in my heart. if i can find out more than i know and maybe obtain the prints, it is possible to have some made. my downsizer in 45 sure appears to have some similar traits to this little pocket piece. any fresh info would be held in high regard. thank you. autofull.:)
still looking

well, i spent three hrs on the us gov,t patent site trying to run down an application on this weapon. mind boggling, i want to build this weapon in a series production and finding the names and prints connected to it would really work. in these days of scanners and cnc machines, which my friends who are also into this design have, i can make this happen. why does this silly little gun interest me, i love the odd and unusual that have a purpose. i own so many silly weapons, downsizer, braverman folding revolver, pen guns, the very first-serial no-2 grendle 380-glock 17-no-23, ahh the list goes on, but i just see a use and need for this guys design. im like you, i have been looking since 83 when i did not do the lot purchase so i am very serious about this project, someone must know something somewhere. the search continues and the plot thickens. wish me luck as i never give up easily. kevin.
Got to admit that this is intriguing. Thought back when this thread first came out that there'd be info or examples surfacing by now.

Maybe the thing to do would be to go at it from the other direction: the people involved. Is there a business association in Scottsdale, AZ that might still have records about the Numbers Corporation? How about records of incorporation or something like that? If you could get names of some of the people involved with the company and track them down...

good thought there, i have the time and a friend in arizona. this sure is being a tough on to crack as i have feelers for info out there to some very good sources. i will keep trying. thanks, kevin.
model 400-22 ultrathin derringer

well, i have been passing on what info i have so far and i have some more fellows checking on the leads. i reall would like to have this project work out as im glad to know im not the only one that likes this weapon design. if i can find one or the prints i will be able to check his design closer to see if any changes should be made to keep the lawyers happy. i am a design engineer with 30yrs of weapon modification improvment history behind me and i have found a manufacturer in oregon that will produce it. lots of cost studies yet and price stuff to do yet but maybe we can make it happen yet. i would like to have at least 100 units made so we can get some into the hands of guys that would like to be able to carry one and not just have to own iy as a collector piece, a 22mag model would be nice also.boy, if i can just find one, well thank you for any support on this project. kevin, autofull
i saw one that looked like it a few years at a gun show, but it was blued, and the add says stainless.

i noticed it because the guy was also selling the derringers that look like a wallet.
have you looked at those kind of companies yet? is looks like something they would carry.
I remember the Sundance derringer. It was a close derivitive of the High Standard derringer and quite a bit larger and thicker than this one, but operated in much the same way.

yep, i have a sundance also as a reference gun. cheap copy of the high standard. i just really appreciate the model 400-22 ultra thin model. it seems very well thought out and has a ergonomic design that needs no external safety due to the trigger design. i would think some police forces might find it interesting also. i know a model had to be submitted to batf before any production could commence so there must be one somewhere. maybe the design is solid the way it is. please excuse my typing as i can only use one hand well due to nerve damage. also my enthusiasm for this product is really at a high level as i did not know anyone even remembered the weapon. it was really a surprise to see it mentioned here. the facility in oregon will produce it if i can do my research so a sample weapon seems impearative at this point. i will not step on anyones toes or claim it is my design, i just want to see it made again. thanks for all the support. kevin.