Beating the SWAT team, Your suggestions?

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While totally off topic, I thought I would add my 2 cents worth. Someone quoted; "Remember, the defender is always, always at a disadvantage." This is not a true statement (if the author wants we can discuss this off line). The defender (in a classic defense/offense scenario) has all the advantages over the attacker except for 2. Those being the attacker can choose the exact time and place of attack. In the case of a home or residence the place of attack would be the point of penetration, such as the front door, front main window, read bedroom window, etc. By "hardening" his home a defender can hold off quite a few bad people. That is why an attacker will normally attack with a ratio of 3 or 5:1.

Now having said the above I will go on record with many of the others here and say that I would NOT recomend going head to head with any SWAT team. In the long run you WILL loose.

Obey the law, be low key, don't display guns and or other shooting paraphanalia that can be seen by someone looking in your windows, and you *should* be OK.



It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.

The "Nuremburg defense" is used quite often on this forum by LE in regards to the multitude of unConstitutional things that a tyranical state allows them to do.
In my experience,(Afghanistan against Soviet regulars, sympathisers, and Spetsnaz) an attacking force can be overcome by overwhelming firepower, preplaced HE spiked with broken glass,nails and feces for the long lasting disease effects. Disguised trenches filled with combustable materials to be ignited at the appropriate time, along with sharpened,feces-treated spikes accompanies the scenario.

This kind of resistance quickly saps the morale of the attacking force. (After all the ATF assault in Waco foundered after losing only four agents)

A safehouse (usually caves to preclude both aircraft and tank attack) has to be prepared with a combination of the above in addition to preplanned diversionary actions, (bringing half a mountain side down on top of the attackers) and a secure escape plan, preferably backed up by outside support forces.
Good intlligence also goes a long way.
The Afghans are a poor, but extremely resouceful people, especially when it comes to defending their God and homeland.
Of course they never had to worry about "going to jail", the options were prevail or die. This serves as great motivation.

On the other extreme, the ultimate resistant place would be a missle silo, so that only a direct nuclear hit would take it out.
I am a law abiding citizen. I have malice toward none. However, I can read and comprehend the English language. I have read the Bill of Rights and do not need it interpreted by the Supreme Court (please point me to the place in the Constitution that empowers the Supreme Court to do this).
If I am served a search warrant I will comply with it peacefully at once. If I am surrounded in my house and told to surrender I will do so at once. We can let the attorneys hash it out. If my house is entered forcefully there will be two ways to go: kill me or die. Mistake? You realize it and apologize at once? Sorry, too late. Same two ways to go.

You can follow the Fourth and Fifth Amendments as they read or suffer the consequences. The consequences? Death or life as a jack booted thug. I'd prefer death myself.

My personal situation is such that I do not have the weight some give to wife and children.

"Is peace so sweet or life so dear as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery...?"

They are oft overlooked but at least a couple of hundred thousand Germans died in during the Nazi era for refusing to be good Gestapo police and SS troops. They were not executed cleanly-not one. I'm with them. **** orders, **** the career, and **** the retirement. If my career leads me on such a path it is time to dig ditches if that is all the honest work I can find.
Wow! Spartacus, nicely put.

This thread is long, slow to load, presumably yearns to be active.
Time for Part 2!
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