Beating the SWAT team, Your suggestions?

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I am not advocating police resistance or violence to police officers. Law efforcement officals are professionals here to serve us and to enforce the law and I respect their contributions to society.

But lets imagine you are the defender. I was wondering if you could possibly beat the swat team, meaning somehow you shoot your way out and not get killed or wined up in prison. Your goal is to be alive and free.

I watched the movie, "The Professional" starring some french guy and he manage to shoot his way and disguise himself as the NewYork swat team. He came pretty close.

Have there been such real instances of that?
And what is your suggestions for beating the swat team assuming you have any weapon imaginable. My choice would be MP5K with a 50 round clips and couple of berreta handguns and with a grenades strap to my vest. I would have minimal body armor so i can run away fast. I dont know whether I would go out chow-yun fat style or rambo style or maybe like clint eastwood.

You can take refrences from Waco texas, and the North Hollywood shootout.
Expecting visitors?

If my Jedi mind-trick didn't work, I'd just make sure I had a bigger SWAT team then they did. Maybe some dancing girls to distract 'em. Good luck and stay away from windows.
Realistically, don't do anything to bring a SWAT team down on you. They have all the resources and time they need.
As far as fantasy land goes, I rather liked the movie "Conspiracy Theory" and the way Mel Gibson's character escaped the goon squad by setting his apartment on fire and then escaping through another.
I would either use a Tactical Toilet, a pair of Tactical Socks, or if it got real hairy a Frozen Fish. Since I am far inland from salt water, my choice of frozen fish would be restricted to the fresh water variety. I would of course prefer to use a tuna (big and heavy), but I believe a Walleye would offer a one fin stop if the fin was properly placed.

If the numbers went too far against me, I would of course enlist the aid of several neighborhood cats, both domestic and feral.

After all, it's for the kittens right?

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
If SWAT comes after you, and if you are indeed at that location, change your name to Ben Dover 'cause you've just been had!

A wise warrior chooses his battlefield carefully and that one is not a good choice.

I'd like to think that Plexi-Glass windows would be sorta fun....
Imagine their suprise when the 35mm Flashbang bounces back at 'em ! :D
"Outgoing"...err...."INCOMING !!" ;)
Then there's the Whoopi Goldberg movie - Burglar, where she has the steel re-enforced door with the anti-ram rod attached.
She hides in the hidden closet while it takes ages for the LEO's to get in...LOL
A tunnel leading from a basement would come in handy too. ;)
A Gyro 'Copter on the roof would be the ultimate "IN" thing to have for a hasty exit!

"The Gun from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited August 17, 1999).]

Phillip already mentioned it: time and resources. You would have neither. Unless you've got some kind of death wish, this is a lose/lose scenario if you're trying to defend from a fixed piece of real estate.

Remember, the defender is always, always at a disadvantage.

The only thing to say about this case is the old story of the Chinese against Japan... wherein it was reported to the commander of the Chinese that they were losing 7 soldiers for every one of the enemy... He said good, soon no more Japanese.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
The question is academic as others have pointed out.

None of us are willing to countenance shooting our way out of a SWAT raid. None of us are capable of shooting our way out of a SWAT raid. Should an Evil Power sends and Evil Swat Team after us, none of us intends to be where we're supposed to be.

The input from our Members is heartening. We'll let this thread remain unless you request it's closure.
Looking at it from a military perspective, you're gonna lose unless you have "ideal" conditions, and even then, you can't be everywhere at once.

Let's see: They have practically unlimited resources and time on their side, not to mention that you aren't exactly mobile.

Best bet? Fortify your house so that it's not easy to access. Lexan/ Plexi windows with burglar bars. Steel doors with blocks. Concrete walls. Basically make them tie up so much time getting into your house that you use your best option: an escape route.

Short of the aforementioned helicopter :D, or a really long underground tunnel or some "Conspiracy Theory" escape route, I don't see you getting out either.

I won't go into boobytraps or other things as this isn't an appropriate discussion for them. Shooting back is most likely going to wind up with you dead, and with a good team, you won't even have a chance to shoot.

Ideally, if you have some kind of force after you, mobility, not static defense, is your best bet, because one person can dissappear pretty quickly and easily. Look at Buford Furrow, perfect example. Shoots up a day care, carjacks someone, and still makes it out of town. It wouldn't have been any effort for him to get away clean.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
Shoot your way out?
The only way I can think of to "shoot your way out" would be to have greater numbers of shooters and greater firepower than the SWAT team. Several armed with mini-guns, and 50 caliber machine gun turrets placed at strategic locations.
Of course, once you get out and escape the immediate vicinity, your entire "resistance force" will be hunted down by the National Guard, the Delta Force, the Night Stalkers, ATF, FBI, etc.
If you're just talking "escape" without "shooting your way out," then hidden tunnels are probably best. Aerial departure would work, but you'll be tracked very easily.
i think the best solution would be to have heavy duty airlocks on your doors

kinda like a mudroom foyer with discrete reinforced steel bars...
the front door appears to smash open

then the real door locks behind the squad

have a tv in the room and a small fridge
call your lawyer from the safety of your kevlar den
ask your guests to enjoy your hospitality while you wait the arrival of cnn & your Lawyer.

this idea may have some more practical use in high crime areas...

burglars sneak in but they don't sneak out

the human Havaheart trap!


IN all sincerity, if your life is that far on the edge, and you want ot protect it at all costs...I would set up a remote activated bomb across the street from you, and a "secret" escape route (like in Conspiracy Theory). After the SWAT teams says "hello" detonate the bomb (at your neighbor's expense) and get the hell out of Dodge. Hopefully the SWAT team will be distracted enough for you to relocate and get a new identity.

Gee, that would be a neat action scene for the next Ahhnold movie.

Personally, I think I would wet my pants and pray for a good lawyer.

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
I think this scenario is best addressed by tearing a page out of the ninja training manual.

Alhtough I'm not into nijitsu or martial arts, I do admire the ninja for their ability to infiltrate a heavily guarded fortress, accomplish their mission, and withdraw undetected.

Bottom line, stealth and deception should be your weapons of choice. A disguise, hidden passageway, secret hiding place, etc.

In a standup fight, you'd lose against a superior force of trained men.

- Anthony
Hal & HS …too funny :D :D :D :D

How does a person answer such a question as this one? I hope I'm never up against a SWAT team. I'm sure you've noticed in the movies how it always seems the Bad Guys, or good guys for that matter, can predict the SWAT team's next move. An example of such a case in the movie The Negotiator.

In real life is the SWAT team defeated that often? Atlanta was a good example of how a BG can get away. Hum…maybe some of the tactical trainers who are members of TFL will help us out on this one. I'm sure they are out there reading. ;)
now there!
claymores are un fair

the tv is hardwired for Barney and friends and the audio system has the best of the Carpenters on infinite loop

better make the TV bullet proof


I think the only way to "beat" them, would be through intelligence-type operations. Make them believe you're somewhere you're not, or better yet, several places you're not.

It's really impossible to beat the type of seige warfare they could/should use against a static location. Even if a direct assault is unsuccessful, they just back up and surround you (they will have done this before they risk an assault) and wait. If you counter assault, you expose yourself & you're dead (I think that's called "suicide by cop"). If you wait, they cut off all the power & water, continually disturb your sleep (remember, they can pull a shift change every 8 hours - you can't), and just wait for you to quit or do something stupid (after you start hallucinating from lack of sleep, you'll do anything). A good example of what you're up against would be what our troops did to Noriega.

In medieval times, seiges were down to an art form. They knew a good seige was unbreakable, but a well fortified area was almost impenetrable. When an army laid seige to a city or fort, they would sometimes send an envoy and enter into an agreement - if an army arrived to assist the fortification by a certain date, the seige was lifted, otherwise, the seige was successful and the fortification opened the gates. It cost fewer lives that way.
I'm with Rich,
Don't Be There. They can deploy and surround an empty house... take several Hours to search and inspect it... By the time they are done - you could be anywhere from 60 to 600 miles away. That's a lot of area to search.
If the heat is around to corner - I recomend Brazil...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

...or you could be in a taxi heading for Vegas. They'd never find ya. :)

Sorry, that was bad. :P

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
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