BATFE wait time?

CDE, check with your dealer.

When I got my last suppressor, the dealer provided me with a contact number and what to ask. I got to know one of the agents...I guess he was the unlucky one to answer the phone!!! It helped a bunch when he realized that I was a retired Fed!! :D

Also, if the dealer did not mark on the form that they could speak with you...they will not!
Thanks Speedloader and n7qvu. I guess I will just sit back and be patient. It will be a long 3 to 4 months. or longer. Thanks for the help regardless.
New to this forum, hello everyone. I like guns etc, etc. :D

Form 4 for a suppressor

Check cashed 03/10/10
Went Pending 04/09/10

Talked to a gentleman today at ATF and was told they are no longer giving out average wait times per his boss's instructions. Too many phone calls asking a perfectly legitimate question so I was told.

Hope to learn a few things while I'm here so thanks in advance.
I believe my dealer mailed everything off in January, and my check has not been cashed yet. This is for a Form 4. This seems ridiculous. Has anyone heard of a wait this long just for the check to clear? My dealer WILL NOT give me my serial number to call in and ask what the deal is.
Doesn't sound right to me, I sent off a form 1 and 4 apr 10 and both checks were cashed weeks ago... Might want to call or have your dealer call and check the status
Dan, somethings not right. Thats the FIRST thing they do is take your money + you payed for your toy and your dealer won't give up the info? :mad:
I've had checks and credit cards into ATF, and they are always charged/deposited the same day they arrive at ATF. Very fast.

Not so fast at refunding $$$.
I charged my FFL on a card, finally got a small refund check in the mail 45 days later.

How are you finding the status of your Form 1's and Form 4's?

I'm just starting the waiting process for a pair of SBR builds.


NFA Item: 2 COLT M4's SBR, HK UMP 45 SBR, V53 SBR
Form Type: Form 1's
Transferee Type: Individual
Forms Sent: 2/16/2010
Forms Recieved: 2/22/2010
Check Cashed: 3/2/2010
Pending Date: 4/?/2010
Approved Date:5/18/2010
Forms Received:5/21/2010
Examiner: Albert L. L Something
Form 4 for a M4-2000 suppressor

Check cashed 03/10/10
Went Pending 04/09/10
Approved 06/10/10
Contacted 06/17/10
ATF Official Nickie Dudash and Rob Howard.
3 months with them... I'll take it :)
Last transfers

Form 4 for Outback II and SWR HEMS II

Paperwork filled out for BOTH on 5/16/2009
CLEO signoff for both on 6/4/2009
Both Form 4's mailed to ATF 6/5/2009
Pestered the ATF guy ALOT!!!
Dealer marked "I Do" on line 9 allowing me to speak with the ATF Agents.
Pending on the Outback July 2009
Pending on the HEMS August 2009
Sign off on both form 4's by ATF official Jason M. "Something"
Outback 9/24/2009 and the Hems II 10/15/2009.
Mailed from ATF THREE WEEKS LATER!!!!!
Dealer got the Outback Paperwork 10/22/2009
Dealer got the HEMS paperwork 11/16/2009.

I am looking to get a 9mm Trident and I don't really know how long it will take this time.

I have had two dealers tell me that it helps if the dealer has a good working relationship with the examiner...who knows though!
My dealer just called and told me that he got the paperwork back on my KEG-12 today. I sent the forms in on March 27, 2010. About 3 months wait time....not TOO awful....
Form 4 for a suppressor mailed 4/10, my dealer called 6/26 and said it was in.

Still waiting on form 1 mailed same day