BATFE wait time?

i called to ask for the new ATL address or PO box, and I made the comment, so Ill hear from you in 4 months, and he laughed a little and said, longer than that. that was last week, on a CLEO sign off form 4
My local dealer said there are a total of, get this, 12 people who process Form 4's for the entire U.S. Wonder why it takes so long?
We can hire 30 people to do a goverment test on mustard and its medical benifits, but only 12 people who get paid a salery, to do a job that holds everybody up. I bet if they were gettting paid by the number of forms they completed a week they would get it done alot faster! Again just another form of control.:mad: July 7 still waiting.
Which form do I need to fill out. I want to change my 16in M4 barrel to a 10.5in Barrel.

Im pretty sure I need Form 1. But Im not positive.
ive already got it filled out. im stopping by the jail tomorrow to talk to the Sheriff(who happens to be related) to have him fill out the "local leo" section on the back. Get the fingerprint part done then a 2x2 photo and I can mail it off. I just wanted to be sure I had the right form filled out haha
NFA transfer

Did a transfer form Tennessee to Texas and then filled out all appropriate paper work and sent it in. Being a Class III fireatrms owner now, I'd think it would be fairly quick? This was started Nov 24, 2008 and now waiting on the transfer to me since April 14. Anybody experiencing this type slowdown?
I have NO problems and ALL the paperwork it correct. What's the deal?
Yup YHM = long wait time.. I ordered cans back in Marchand I am still waiting.. My last customer approval was submitted back in December and was approved 2 days ago:barf:
Mine are averaging around 6-9 weeks for a Trust. Without the fingerprints & sign-off nonsense it goes alot quicker

What do you throw an extra Benjamin in for the BATFE approval clerk?:D

I do mine through my corporation and the wait time has been 4-6 months
yeah i did 4 sets of paperwork on a trust about 90 days ago. got 2 machine guns paperwork approved in 44 days and 50 days, I am still waiting on the paperwork for the reising (it is a receiver and parts but listed a complete gun since the previous owner took it apart to clean and then he died and his idiot family lost the stock and barrel) and the firecontrol group for another project
Just an update. As of today the wait is now at 162 days. Still nothing. I called a while back and it ha been in pending status since 8/1/09.
Well I just called this morning and my paperwork was approved on 10/9. So it should be just a little bit more for it to be ready for pick-up.
Got the paperwork and my suppressor today.:D

Grand total from the time the paperwork was mailed till i recedived it back was 170 days.

Man I wish it was like it was a couple of years back when things were getting back in only 30 days or so.
Wait time

Sent paperwork in April 14 and got approval Sept 14. Paperwork trickles down s l o w l y. Picked up my AC556 yesterday, Oct 22. ATF kept telling me they were waiting on fingerprints to come back from FBI. Funny thing was that ATF has me on file and have a number of prints they could quickly peek at to KNOW it was me....
L O N G wait, but worth it in the end when I got to fondle my new (looks to be unfired w/box and manual) AC 556.