Bad Info From the Gun Shop Guy?

The lgs employee also has to deal with the gun shop groupies. They read/memorize the latest reviews of certain guns on line, go to the gun shop, and try to match wits with the first salesperson that becomes available. It happens in all retail environments. They have no intention or means to buy anything. They just want to play. Those are the most annoying people to deal with.
They have no intention or means to buy anything. They just want to play. Those are the most annoying people to deal with.
I have fun with them. In many cases, they're just rehashing some one-sentence soundbite they got off the internet. I'll refute them with detailed information and they'll usually sulk off. Puny human! Marvel at the information my superior brain can produce without the aid of Google!

If they're really persistent, I'll place wagers. If I'm right, they owe me something. I've gotten a few small tools, cool books, and ammo that way.

The political ones are even more fun. Joe Biden's involved in a conspiracy with Bigfoot and the reverse vampires to hoard all the .22 ammo? Wow! Tell me more. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm actually really curious as to how a presumably educated adult comes to such ludicrous conclusions.

Why am I so snarky? Because those people get in the way of doing business with actual customers.
worst experience was at wal mart (you dont say? lol)

Was buying ammo and the dude selling it to me went off on how they're gonna pass laws banning excessive ammo purchases with limits per month and how they're gonna have gun powder that expires within a certain time frame. He also went off about some other political stuff and I was scared as hell. I thought there's no way somebody can be that stupid and he had to have been trolling. I don't even think he blinked the whole time he was talking......

Another wal mart incident, buying ammo again. I was buying some tula 223 for my AR and they guy tells me "hey I never seen this type of ammo before. What do you use that in?" I said "M4 assault rifle."

This was his reaction....
I think these "dumb guy behind the counter rants" are meant more for entertainment value than put downs or to show how superior someone's knowledge is. As long as names aren't mentioned the comments aren't really directed at any one. At least that's the way I take it and I don't care what side of the counter the dumb guy is on. Lighten up its just a gun forum.

Sorry, I don't see any entertainment value in the belittling of others. I know some folks do. Almost every time these "dumb guy behind the counter" or "Stupid clerk at Walmart" threads comes up there is a boast about some comment made to the "stupid clerk". The OP in this thread was no exception.

:rolleyes: I asked him what flavor the Kool-Aid was, but I think he was too young for the reference, because he had a very confused look on his face as I walked away to take my business elsewhere. if it's some great achievement in life to be more informed on your personnel hobby than the young kid behind the counter making $8 an hour.
Sorry, I don't see any entertainment value in the belittling of others. I know some folks do. Almost every time these "dumb guy behind the counter" or "Stupid clerk at Walmart" threads comes up there is a boast about some comment made to the "stupid clerk". The OP in this thread was no exception.

Jokes belittling others are made all the time and not just in gun forums. Its a part of humor and harmless if its not directed at someone by name or in person.

If you don't like this sort of humor then quit reading these threads. Its as simple as that, problem solved.

Like I said, lighten up its just a gun forum.
I think these "dumb guy behind the counter rants" are meant more for entertainment value than put downs or to show how superior someone's knowledge is. As long as names aren't mentioned the comments aren't really directed at any one. At least that's the way I take it and I don't care what side of the counter the dumb guy is on. Lighten up its just a gun forum.

Sorry, I don't see any entertainment value in the belittling of others. I know some folks do. Almost every time these "dumb guy behind the counter" or "Stupid clerk at Walmart" threads comes up there is a boast about some comment made to the "stupid clerk". The OP in this thread was no exception.

I agree, buck460XVR. Most of the time, people are just making themselves feel "superior" by belittling others under the guise of "humor". I don't find it "funny" either.
Wow! I had no idea this was going to spark such heated argumentation. I am generally happy to let the conversation evolve and I don't get upset when it veers into something unintended. This time, however, I feel the need to comment on my intentions and clarify some things.

I am actually fairly new at going to the gun shop, and I am certainly no expert on handguns. I purchased my first handgun just a few weeks ago. Most of my experience is with rifles. When I went to a gun shop, as opposed to going to Walmart or a general sporting goods store, I was expecting to find employees who were knowledgeable and helpful, rather than someone who was going to share obviously false information and try to push me into something I don't need or want. When I asked at the end of my original post, "Has anyone else had a similar experience?" I was actually wanting to know if this is a common thing or not, since I have little experience with going to the LGS.

Did I get a little flippant with the clerk? Yes, I did, and I probably should have been more forgiving, but when I go to a specialty store, I expect to find employees who know about their products. It never occurred to me that this was an unreasonable expectation. The folks at my local tire shop know a lot about tires. The folks at my local restaurant supply store know a lot about kitchen equipment, and the folks at my local hardware store know a lot about hardware. I go to these places instead of the big chains or Walmart, etc because they can assist me by providing more reliable information to help me make my decisions before I buy. That is what I was expecting from my LGS, and I'm a big enough man to admit that I over reacted when that expectation was subverted. That being said, it was pretty small as far as over reactions go - no scene, no big to-do. Just a glib comment and a peaceful withdrawal from the situation.
BigMikey, I don't think anybody is bothered by your post about a specific expereince. Where the thread was taken afterwards tends to create the impression that what you experienced is typical in any LGS, when in my experience, it is not.
BigMikey76 said:
when I go to a specialty store, I expect to find employees who know about their products.
You have higher expectations than I do. Anytime I make a big purchase, cars, guns, motorcycles, etc I do my research. More times than not, I know more about the product than the salesman. That being said, If the price is right, I'll buy it. I wouldn't let an uneducated comment turn me away.
My ears have a built-in filter for gun-counter jockies. They only hears price - the rest of the comments seem to get filtered out somehow.;)
You have higher expectations than I do. Anytime I make a big purchase, cars, guns, motorcycles, etc I do my research. More times than not, I know more about the product than the salesman. That being said, If the price is right, I'll buy it. I wouldn't let an uneducated comment turn me away.

I'm the same way. I only expect the employee to know the price and how to complete the paperwork. I assume they know nothing about the product.
I only expect the employee to know the price and how to complete the paperwork

For better or worse this is becoming the more common expectation and inevitably the end result. At one time specialty retailers were expected to have expertise in their specific area whether it was guns, bicycles, fountain pens or shoes. However, due to changes in the way we shop this is often not the case. Brick and mortar retailers often struggle against on-line retailers and since labor is often the biggest expense that’s where they cut back.

However, as mentioned earlier, I have no problem with someone who tells me they’re simply not sure about something, but I hate it when someone outright lies to me. I see this thread as simply an opportunity to vent about some bad experiences we’ve had, but by no means an attack on the entire industry.
Unless the person behind the counter says something that makes me think we are on the same page or similar intrest I couldn't tell you anything they said or what they looked like 5 miniutes later . I just need someone to run the register and get me checked out so I can go .
Young or old I pay little attention to what comes from behind the counter at the LGS's . Thats one reason I kind of like the big box retailers they make no attempt to feed you a line and just show you what you ask to look at .

Not every time. I recently had a big box clerk tell me nothing less than a .300 Mag was suitable for hunting antelope. This was after he asked me what I was looking for and I told him a .243 or maybe .270 for my daughter to hunt antelope with. I normally have no problem just nodding my head and moving on but this time I could not stop myself from laughing and asking if he was joking. He was not joking and went on at length about how nothing less than a .300 Mag is suitable for antelope. Those critters must of really toughened up since the last time I hunted them, I am amazed my 30-06 even scratched one!
Those critters must of really toughened up since the last time I hunted them, I am amazed my 30-06 even scratched one!
Here in Georgia, the deer barely get above 200lbs. I'm routinely told by the experts that nothing short of, say, .338 Lapua will do the job on those hardy behemoths :rolleyes:

A couple of years ago, we had a guy asking about deer rifles. We gave him some solid advice, and he went home to think about it. A couple of weeks later, one of the new Winchester 70's arrived at our shop under his name. It was in .458 Win Mag.

Huh. He must have been planning a trip to Africa, right?

Wrong. He talked to his expert buddy who told him that a) gun shop people were dishonest shysters, and b) he needed the most powerful cartridge available. He was none too pleased to find out that there isn't "cheap target ammo" for the 458.
Here in Georgia, the deer barely get above 200lbs. I'm routinely told by the experts that nothing short of, say, .338 Lapua will do the job on those hardy behemoths

A couple of years ago, we had a guy asking about deer rifles. We gave him some solid advice, and he went home to think about it. A couple of weeks later, one of the new Winchester 70's arrived at our shop under his name. It was in .458 Win Mag.

Give it another 50 years and we'll be stripping the 16" 45 caliber naval rifles off the USS North Carolina for white tail. :rolleyes:
From both sides of the counter. Long ago I used to stock variety of handguns, including at the time Norinco 1911s. A customer asked to look at one, and before I handed it to him, told him it was virtually a copy of the GI 1911A1, except for the finish, and as such was very loose compared to others. He told me it was an absolute piece of crap and rode me for stocking them. The next day a fellow I had sold one of those to, told me his was the most accurate of any of his several 1911s!

From the customer side, I've been in a couple of places where the counter guys were giving terrible advice. After listening to them for awhile, I left---never to return to those stores again.
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"cheap target ammo" for the 458

Cheap target ammo??? Unless that is a 25 pound rifle all the target shooting I would want to do is sight it in on paper then look for some thick skinned or extremely dangerous targets to verify zero on.