back up gun or not?


Egor20, yes it was Bianchi and I "think" he had 34 guns on him, check youtube

Thx,I wasn't sure if I was a nutso or not. :D

I always thought the easiest way to kill him, was to push him in a lake. :D
The 6 zombie meth bikers in the bad neighborhood is the wrong way to think about it. It isn't that you are going to shoot 5 and then go to the BUG to shoot the six.

Six guys probably killed you early on.

The risk profile is:

1. You are in a fight. Thus neighborhood doesn't matter. If you are in a good neighborhood or bad, it's the fight.
2. The gun breaks or you are disarmed. That's also independent of neighborhood.

So that's a not useful way to think about it. If it's a bad neighborhood, don't go there.
I can understand why some, especially those who work in LE, would carry a back-up, but its not for me.

I'll echo atlctyslkr's comment here

atlctyslkr said:
My gun is my backup, when I can't get out of the situation any other way.

I have enough stuff to carry with me without adding one more. If it comes down to it, my knife is my back-up. I'm somewhat prepared to use it as such, but it is definately a last-resort.
I didn't read all the posts but it seems to me a good reason for a BUG would be something for your off-hand just in case you couldn't access your primary with your strong hand.

You can think of your own scenario but maybe you are changing a battery or tire and need to use both hands so you have 2 handguns tucked away just in case someone, somehow gets too close and one hand is unavailable for whatever reason.

As a daily occurance not for me.
DiscoRacer,i also carry 2 identical guns.I train specifically for tactics using both of them.

Shafter,i see your point clear.But just think.Anything can happen.A BUG or spare mag.Cant live by statistics,theres always an exception. could very well save your life.

BikerRN,i can tell you that carrying 2 1911s is not uncomfortable at all.I have a spare mag behind each in Galco horizontal pouches,and it works fine.Im about 6'1 and have a 32" waist.
Arizona Shooting

I believe the Arizona shooting reveals the need to be ready to defend one's self and others. If anyone believes that carrying a weapon is important, then a back up gun is as important as well.

Too many people think of a robbery or muggings as the only reasons for self defense. But the random senseless acts of violence prove that a threat can be lurking in places that we would ordinarily view as safe.

A backup gun is important and recommended.
If I were a person with a professional duty to protect others, I would say yes. As just a joe citizen, no back up gun for me.
Me personally I believe the odds of me ever needing to use a pistol outside of my home in a self defense situation is less than 20%
Where did you come up with this number?
Twenty per cent chance in a day? A week? A month? A year? A lifetime?

C'mon, man. :rolleyes:
Do your homework. Most of us will never, ever, have occasion to draw our weapon.

However, that does not mean that you should not be prepared to buck the odds...

Do what you think is right. But make sure that your decisions are based upon sound data.
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Patriot Prepper said:
I believe the Arizona shooting reveals the need to be ready to defend one's self and others. If anyone believes that carrying a weapon is important, then a back up gun is as important as well.

Welcome to the forum!

As a CCL holder I am not required, and possibly not allowed, to use a firearm to defend others. If I am in a position to retreat then that's what I shoould do. I hope you do not think that a CCL gives someone the right or obligation to advance on, and engage a shooter in a public place. An act like that could leave you on the wrong side of the law in a hurry. If an LEO asks for your assistance, fine. Otherwise, seek cover and encourage others to seek cover as well. Defend your position as needed.

That's my advice, and I'm sticking to it. :)
If you carry a gun because you fear for your life, carry 2
If you carry a knife " " " " " " " "
God gave you 4 pockets in your pants for a reason use em all!
It's a percentage game however you look at it. Odds you'll need a BUG in the first place are relatively low. Odds you'll need one in a gunfight, as a civilian, where employment of a BUG is legally defensible, also low.

Some people prefer to protect against the one in a million chance.

The only time I find this discussion kind of comical is when advocates are so silly in their risk assessment that you just have to shake your head and walk away. I've had guys who're seriously out of shape and even if they were in shape have zero combatives abilities tell me that I'm not serious about personal protection since I don't carry a BUG, whereas they're incredibly serious about the same because they've got two guns hidden in their 3XL 511 pants.

In answer to the OP's question, as a patrol officer on the street I carried a BUG and a fixed blade knife concealed on my person at all times. On my own time I carry a pistol, a spare mag, and a folding Benchmade -- and feel well armed for any situation I'd likely encounter or have any business getting involved in off duty.
Small guns like my Seacamp .32 is like carrying a pocket knife! It backs up my .45 some of the time. It is not just about having a second gun, but a backup as the name implies! Your gun jams or is taken from you, you are wounded and lose the use of the arm holding your primary, you need to give your wife a gun to protect herself in a random shooting incident at an eatery, mall, etc...

It is a good idea on some days, and not on others. Cops are not paranoid, and they actually do face people everyday of their career facing who are ACTUALLY out to get them! Imagine getting up everyday, all year, for your whole working career knowing that today could be the day. It NEVER GOES AWAY, as you bury friend after friend! It is not like watching cop shows on TV, and then trying to copy them. In the real world trouble can find you all my itself ... trust me!
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"The only time I find this discussion kind of comical is when advocates are so silly in their risk assessment that you just have to shake your head and walk away. I've had guys who're seriously out of shape and even if they were in shape have zero combatives abilities tell me that I'm not serious about personal protection since I don't carry a BUG, whereas they're incredibly serious about the same because they've got two guns hidden in their 3XL 511 pants."

People that are wearing 3XL pants are actually not people at all! We can, and should ignore them because they are not like us (skinny and there fore better PPL) and so they are stupid and unqualified to have an opinion!
Who let those PPL into your class? What an insult to you!
I am very upset that you had to interface with people below your class! Whoever took those FAT PPLs money and allowed them to speak to you should be disciplined!
How dare they let "Silly" (fat) People into your class!
I feel for you! You have indeed suffered Too much for your cause!
What was that Cause again?

"The Truth Has No Agenda; But It Will Set You Free."
Glenn Beck
I guess my question is, assuming clothing allows, and comfort isn't badly affected, what is the downside to having a BUG?

Defending it. Both during an incident,where it's one more deadly weapon that you need to maintain control over, and after the incident where you might be judged by a jury that includes Mr. ICarryAGunEverydayButAnybodyWhoCarriesTwoIsCrazy.
ATW525 said:
where you might be judged by a jury that includes Mr. ICarryAGunEverydayButAnybodyWhoCarriesTwoIsCrazy.

I don't think you have a thing to worry about from Mr. ICarryAGunEverydayButAnybodyWhoCarriesTwoIsCrazy. It's Mr. or Mrs. WhyOnEarthWasHeCarryingOneGunLetOloneTwo that will be the problem.

I have never carried more than one gun. I don't know why some feel they need to have two guns, 60 extra rounds of ammo, a couple or three knives, a tactical flashlight, and a baton at all times. But if they want to carry all that stuff it's their right and I don't have a problem with it.
As LEO I would carry a BUG, as a civilian I don't think so. My opinion is be confident and competent in your primary weapon, know what action to take in terms of recognizing what the problem is with your primary and how to fix it - quickly.
Also know what action to take in terms of personal safety when a malfunction occurs cover from view/ cover from fire.
Cary enough ammo for a reasonable situation
If I have my G30SF and 2 x 10 round mags, I'm thinking thats enough, if not it's an operator problem or there's too many BG's