Australian Gun Laws

'Hoplophobic'..I like that:) I had to look it up in my two thesauruses and dictionaries.
Only clue; my ancient schooldays Concise Oxford lists 'hoplite, n, Heavy-armed (sic) footsoldier of ancient Greece.'
Seems academia has a phobia about 'heavy- or heavily-armed'.
Hoplophobia phobia?:D:D

Let all this bull***t act as a warning to our Yank brothers. Even with Constitutional protection there are no full guarantees.
You will still be 'bearing arms' even with bans on this or that type. And so will the crims. When the Constitution was written, they hadn't even dreamed of semi-autos.

In the words of an old Kingston Trio song (showing my age): "This...could YOU!"

Just as an aside, here in West Oz we have to write a submission of intent/reason when first applying for a high powered hunting firearm license. If the word 'weapon' is used... forget it! Take up golf! I don't have a big problem with it but it shows the paranoia.
I have read or been told, somewhere along the line that the reason JH was so fired up to get rid of the evil guns, was because His lovely wife was unfortunate to have lost her father to a gun related incident (out of respect, I wont go into it) Whatever I read or heard suggested, that Mrs H was the powerhouse (inspiration) behind little Johnny's mamoth effort (at our cost) to rid Oz of these horrendous weapons of death and destruction. I cant say if this is fact or fiction and have nothing to back it up with, and mean no disrespect to anyone. I just see it as a possibility it might have had something to do with what happened. :)

Canberra suffers from endemic hoplophobia....

Hi Foxrr,

It's a word coined by Jeff Cooper to describe those with an irrational fear of weapons.

Certainly little John and Daryl Williams are sufferers, as is Rebecca Peters and Jon Stanhope. In fact the entire Green Party is afflicted, among the many afflictions and affectations of its leader Bob.:eek:

When the Constitution was written, they hadn't even dreamed of semi-autos.

Yeah, well they hadn't dreamed of radio, T.V., computers, aircraft other than balloons and a lot of outer stuff. Freedon and the liberty to enjoy it aren't technology restricted.;)

I have encountered the aversion to the word "weapon" also.

What do they think a rifle is?

"Projectile launcher" comes to mind.

Or perhaps "Thingy with a spiral grooved tube"?

What disturbs me is the SSAA plays along and pretends that there are no "weapons" at any of its ranges. :barf:

Dingoboyx, Janet Howard is a very odd sort, and she certainly suffers from an incurable case of hoplophobia! I wish she'd taken up knitting instead.
Knitting needles should be classed as a lethal weapon, a keen knitter could do alot of damage with one (or 2) of thse..... not to mention the crochet hook :eek: Dont knitting needles get measured by gauge? Scarey! :D

:D Onya F/block
Hoplophobia..for just a split second I thought it might be an aversion to kangaroos (needs help)
or worse, an aversion to beer (needs committal
I have an aversion to kangaroos....

Maybe that would be "macropodiphobia"?

They keep jumping out in front of my 4WD...

Since we got the 'roo bar, the terror has abated.:)

To keep this on topic:

In the NT, before Howard's stupid Australian gun laws,
we carried a rifle and humanely dispatched injured animals
on the roadside.
Have you ever tried to euthanise a broken-pelvis beast
with only a shovel? :eek::barf:
noob, i was away on a break for a bit, read all the posts here and had a huge laugh reding them...wildlife management is a must gun control is not... i hope you didnt take any of my comments as an in the states the anti gun laws are increasingly getting worse also...

my comments on the cammel fart situation come from reading things like this...

just wondering how insane the government there is getting these days....

if you ever come across any local ranch hunting information, im interested...

Sorry jammin1237, havn't read this post in a while. I'll keep my eyes open for ranch information but dont think i'll run into any. Also, you didn't say anything that would insult any Australian, we are all for fart jokes :D

If you ever get the chance to come over here and do some camel hunting give me a pm and i will try and help you with information on clubs and the paperwork.

I'm in the process of getting a new firearm. Here is a copy of the Queensland application for a permit to aquire. See attachment. I must apply for permission before I get approval to purchase.

This is not an exact duplication of the format, but at least you will get a bit of an idea of some of the requirements.

