As a backup: Glock 26 or SW .38spl 2''?

G26 or SW 38spl 2''?

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As a back up, I'd go with the revolver. Glocks aren't made for pockets. If you're a cop and/or don't mind two belt-carried guns, then go with the Glock. Otherwise, for a BUG, go for the Airweight.
My choice would be the j-frame snubbie. Smaller,lighter, easier to carry. And, as a backup, large capacity shouldn't be a major consideration.
i considered a model60 S&W .357 when i bought a glock27 for pocket carry
recoil is pretty hard from a snub .357 even a 21oz one
sights are better on the glock i use night sights
5 rds vs 9 rds or many more with longer mag
i dont like long trigger pulls DA vs SA its a preference

on the plus side 12oz revolver is lighter than a 20oz auto
unless your duty weapon is a glock in the same caliber
i think a light weight revolver would be a better choice for a back up
snub vs G 26

A S&W centennial, for all the reasons given above. Don't believe the 9mm is more effective than 38 sp. Check out the penetration tests on or The BoxO'Truth.

If you really come to having to use the BUG than this means your in a fight to the death, so just having one or the other should put the negotions to rest. I voted for the snub but in logic if you live in a high-risk area then I would opt for the 26.
I am still undecided between the two. I am some what concern about 38's ability when compared to 9mm hydrashocks and the range of ammo available.

I am not particularly concerned about the number of shots since it a back up gun to begin with.
I am still undecided between the two. I am some what concern about 38's ability when compared to 9mm hydrashocks and the range of ammo available.

Don't sell the modern .38 spcl +P JHP short, it's a good SD round. .38s have been killing people for decades. There is an absolute plethora of .38 spcl. ammo out there. For a 2" or less snubbie, use something like the Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel round. Remember, no one wants to get shot with ANYTHING.

A revolver is an excellent backup gun. The major pluses for it are reliability and ease of deployment.

A revolver will go BANG about 99.99% of the time when you pull the trigger. If it doesn't, simply pull the trigger again. As for getting it into action, simply draw, point, and fire. No safeties, no worrying about is there one in the chamber, no wondering if it's in DA or SA, no jams. Also, a revolver with the other loaded JHP rounds showing in the cylinder ends is kinda intimidating.

When practicing, I don't even bother to aim my Taurus 85 any more, I simply point and shoot from "ready". It's actually more accurate that way, and a LOT faster. With practice, you can actually THINK the gun on target.
Having to resort to your BUG most likely means allready very bad situation gone worse:eek::eek:. IMO in that situation I would need all the help I could get, limiting(as best I could) the possibility of anything else going wrong i.e. FTF,FTE,dropped mag. For dependability, would be revolver for me. P.S. Keltyke`s comments on 38 ammo is spot on.
.38 S&W Model 60 pre-lock snub is what I have for that situation; between your choices.

For a BUG situation, primary is gone, out of ammo, jammed, taken, lost or generally out of the picture. Sounds like fight or flight to the extreme at this point.

Revolvers are just plain simple. Point and shoot. If you can't hit it with five shots by the time you are using a BUG, most likely you should be running the opposite direction most of the time.

I would think that the odds for most of use to ever actually use a primary are slim. The odds to need a BUG at that point would be slimmer. And if we did, we would rather have a buddy or two watching our back with SAWs. It can be rather cumbersome trying to carry around the ammo for feeding said machine guns discreetly!

Nothing wrong with the Glock. I have had three and still have and carry my G29 more than any other handgun for CCW.
I chose the Glock

but I really would like to know what it's a back up for? What's your main gun?

A cop buddy of mine carries a Glock 23 as a duty weapon and a Glock 27 as a back up that way if he breaks or loses his 23 he can use his spare mags in the 27
Nemsis beat me to the punch....what is your main gun? Knowing that can help make the decision easier. If you carry a revolver, a BUG in the same caliber will allow you to use the same loose ammo. If you carry an auto, see if you can get a BUG that uses the same mags (G19/G26, 1911/Officer's Model, etc.).

If you're in for the fight of your life, every bit of ammo counts. Make sure you can use all of yours....
When things go south enough to have to rely on a BUG, a revolver cant be beat. Even a snubby trumps a Glock in reliability.
Revolver for backup because of simple design, compact, and reliability. If a backup has to be used, its because the crap has seriously hit the fan, dire straits close up, etc... I like the SW642 for that reason. No hammer to get caught.
some calarification.
Back up for times when the primary weapon is compromised or even for a situation when concealability is primary issue couppled with dead on reliability

My main weapon is different on different occassions. However, it revolves between hk p2000, g19, g21 or kc357.